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Written By Loramus

July 23, 2023, 9:34 p.m.(3/21/1020 AR)

Spider, spider, spinning in your web
Spider, spider, waiting for my dread
Spider, spider, lurking in the dark
Spider, spider, haunting us in Arx.

Where are you, little spider?

Written By Loramus

July 23, 2023, 9:32 p.m.(3/21/1020 AR)

Secrets. Secrets everywhere around me. I started writing these journals because a priest told me it was an act of divinity. I thought he was just trying to separate me from my coin. And then I realized anyone could read them. Which, at first, wasn't that big of a deal. After all, who wants to read the thoughts of a Lowers rat like me?

Today, I realized it doesn't really matter, not at all. Secrets. Secrets everywhere. I can't write them, because everyone can read them. Even the gods, the priests tell me. So who can I write to about secrets? Do I just keep those to myself? Keep them inside me, hidden in the dark like a thief in an alley waiting to rob, rape, and murder?

Written By Loramus

July 18, 2023, 10:10 a.m.(3/10/1020 AR)

Can you believe it? A priest came up to me and starting yelling at me. /YELLING!/ He was going on and on about how I wasn't honoring the gods, wasn't taking my religious duty seriously, and that anything I write in this journal is sacred.

He's watching me write, right now. With his judgy eyes and sour frown.

I don't get these holy folks. Don't the gods understand that we're people, and maybe when we grow up in the Lowers, fending for ourselves, we see things different? Whenever I ask how writing with ink in a journal somehow honors the gods, I get a glare from the priest. Guess I need to start asking and start writing. And...there he goes, frowning at me again.

Written By Loramus

July 16, 2023, 9:32 p.m.(3/7/1020 AR)

I still dunno why all the silks write stuff down. I'm trying to see their perspective. Really, I am. But this still feels like a big waste of silver. Ink and such are expensive.

Still, it's.....I dunno. Not relaxing, but interesting, writing down what I'm thinking. We ran into this old crone this week, who was lacing elffoot into her watered down ale. I appreciate a money-making opportunity same ss the next person, but come on. Why do people do things that hurt so many others without even thinking?

Written By Loramus

July 13, 2023, 3 p.m.(3/1/1020 AR)

I never tried this silk-y journal thing before. Always figured it was a waste of ink and coin. But something's tugging at my thoughts, telling me to scribble this or that. Not sure why. Maybe it has something to do with that noble's eyes. Scary git. Gah! I am rambling along, not sure what the point of this even is!

Here's a thought, I guess. People, all of us, not just Lowers folk, are doomed. People try to get over on each other. Beddin' someone's wife or husband, taking their coin, their things, whatever. Maybe the silks do it different, but in the end, everyone...takes. And that's why we're doomed. We all take, but none of us listen to anyone else. Not like I listen anyhow. We got no big picture., for all people.

That's what we need to fix. Get people talking, to each other, amongst themselves. TO themselves. And then they all gotta listen.

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