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Written By Liliana

June 23, 2020, 10:02 a.m.(7/11/1013 AR)

Oh, Alban .. what am I going to do about you?

Written By Liliana

June 23, 2020, 10:02 a.m.(7/11/1013 AR)

There's nothing quite like a warm welcome upon one's return to Arx. Now to catch up with all those I've neglected to write to while I was away.

Written By Liliana

June 3, 2018, 6:23 p.m.(11/27/1008 AR)

I may have to rethink my opinion of Lord Farshaw. He is every bit the gentleman who is patient, kind, altruistic and forgiving. Truly a valuable friend for any to have.

Written By Liliana

May 10, 2018, 12:31 a.m.(9/18/1008 AR)

September is too quickly coming to a close. I went to the botanical gardens tonight to enjoy the flowers while they still cling to their greens. I met Lord Farshaw there. It was a pleasant conversation .. most of the time. He is too forward for my tastes.

Written By Liliana

May 2, 2018, 12:44 a.m.(8/28/1008 AR)

Another quiet evening in my chambers writing missives to the various Ladies in need of someone to shop on their behalf. Oh .. and a conversation with the Marquis that brought back terrible memories. I hope I never hear the words 'Happy Birthday!' again. Ever.

Written By Liliana

April 29, 2018, 5:56 p.m.(8/22/1008 AR)

Turns out my request for tea somehow changed into a tour of the Velenosa grounds in the company of one a Grayson prince. Talk shifted from weaponry lessons to something more conversational. I still find it hard to talk about my past, and likely will for a while, but it gets easier with each retelling. I suspect the same could be say of drinking. I have a feeling I'll be doing more of that should I decide to continue my lessons.

Written By Liliana

April 27, 2018, 1:12 a.m.(8/17/1008 AR)

I met with one of the Valardin princesses. She's not much older than I, but very kind. Her words painted pictures of the beauty of the desert in my mind, and I find I'd like to see it someday. She gifted me a few vials of perfume. One reminds me so much of my mother. Vanilla was her favourite scent. This one also has flowers in it. The other vial is sweet and fragrant. I'm not very skilled at explaining scents, but I love it too. It's so comforting to know that not all the kindness is gone from the world. I think I might like Arx after all.

Written By Liliana

April 22, 2018, 11:48 p.m.(8/8/1008 AR)

The Marquis has suggested that I arm myself, so today I dared to step foot outside the keep for the first time since arriving. I can scarce believe how big, and busy the city is. We, and I say we since the Marquis has been kind enough to grant me access to the guards at the keep, made our way to The Storied Blade. I was fortunate to meet a kind Knight who gave me suggestions on how to pick a dagger, and even provided me with a list of potential tutors in the art of daggerplay. With a list in hand, it's only a matter of time before I can negotiate lessons.

Written By Liliana

April 22, 2018, 11:44 p.m.(8/8/1008 AR)

Slowly, far too slowly, am I recovering from my 'trip'. I wasn't sure if I would make the Harthall dinner this week, let alone enjoy the company for my weakness. Fortunate for me, I did both, actually. I met a few more cousins and heard of more around Arx. I hope to run into them soon.

Written By Liliana

April 15, 2018, 1:34 p.m.(7/21/1008 AR)


Never have I seen such a big city. I don't remember my way through it, or even from the docks to where the Harthall carriage was waiting. My head is still a little foggy. I recall voices outside .. so many, too many. It's so loud here. I hear that'll pass too like the fluttering in my belly at the thought of food. Thankfully the curtains were drawn so even the little bit of torchlight were blotted out. Fire is a painful memory.

Written By Liliana

April 15, 2018, 1:29 p.m.(7/21/1008 AR)

Seems like only four days have passed since I was back home. Only four. Logically, it has to have been more then that. The boat here takes far longer. My only memory of that trip, though, is being tossed about like a ball of yarn between the paws of a kitten. My stomach is still a little weak, but they say that'll cure itself in a couple of days.

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