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Written By Lena

July 31, 2020, 12:09 a.m.(10/3/1013 AR)

I went to the finale ball of the Festival of Death. Big mistake. Took one step in, snared a coin, spun on my heel and bolted. Way too many people. Been too long alone, I think.

Good looking coin, though.

Written By Lena

Aug. 29, 2017, 12:31 a.m.(2/10/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Doll

I found a toy boat today. ‘The Enrapturator’ it was called. A beautiful little thing, with thinnest of thread stretching out magnificent black sails over tiny lacquered wooden planks. I also found a Doll at the Murder. A much less refined beauty, with a deep scar on her cheek and a tongue sharp enough to have caused it. I’ve been thinking about this evening, and whether the two ‘toys’ I found were more similar than they were distinct. Once I brushed the dirt of the Lower Boroughs from the ship, I found the beauty of a glimmering purple figurehead at the head of the vessel. What would I find if I brushed the dirt from her, I wonder? Such a feat surely seems impossible.

Written By Lena

Aug. 24, 2017, 11:50 p.m.(2/2/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Garza

Garza told me stories of the Siege at the Murder last night. He spoke of the Valorous Few and their struggles outside the walls of Arx and amidst the Bringer armies. It sounded horrific...and like splendid material to use in my next piece. Like clay soon to become pottery.

Written By Lena

Aug. 24, 2017, 11:49 p.m.(2/2/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Agnarr

Agnarr helped carry a chest home for me this evening. He's a brute for asking a woman for payment, but all he requested was a whiskey in the end. I think I'll send him a bottle of Corsetina wine instead...polish up his rough edges with a bit of class. He'll probably hate it. But more importantly, now I have a place to store my scripts in progress. Couldn't risk having my wondrous creations slaughtered by some charlatan on stage. Could you imagine?

Written By Lena

Aug. 24, 2017, 1:17 a.m.(1/28/1007 AR)

Garza told me stories of the Siege at the Murder last night. He spoke of the Valorous Few and their struggles outside the walls of Arx and amidst the Bringer armies. It sounded horrific...and like splendid material to use in my next piece. Like clay soon to become pottery.

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