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Written By Jophiel

Aug. 1, 2021, 8:48 p.m.(12/11/1015 AR)

The upcoming Heart in Hand meeting would be a great activity to consolidate what we wish to do going forward. I do feel that we should increase our efforts in improving the lives of the less fortunate, by providing simple education, like agriculture to meet their basic needs. We should look for farmers who are willing to share their crafts, as well as nobles who might be interested in sharing part of their land. For the nobles, the repayment of rent on the land should suffice, assuming we can negotiate a suitable amount. As for the farmers, perhaps we could come up with some incentives for them to share their knowledge?

Written By Jophiel

Aug. 1, 2021, 3:44 a.m.(12/10/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Catriona

I have learnt something important today. Princess Catriona and I were talking about protection from magic, and she shared with me some advice. I am extremely thankful for her willingness to share this advice, and will aim to work on it. Perhaps Duke Michael might also benefit from this. I must talk to him soon.

Written By Jophiel

Aug. 1, 2021, 3:36 a.m.(12/10/1015 AR)

The unfortunate events at the Whisper House shows a stark reminder that danger prevails even in places we feel safe in. It was a horrible expereince, watching the injured enter the hospital. Thankfully Lady Mabelle, Lady Medeia and Sir Merek were present to tend to the injured. Nonetheless, I think I should continue brining my dagger around with me from now on. Better safe than sorry.

Written By Jophiel

July 25, 2021, 7:53 a.m.(11/24/1015 AR)

After speaking to Lady Mabelle and Duke Cristoph, I seemed to have found a very interesting concept. To date, I have worked with the less privileged, providing both physical and economical assistances. Yet, with every assistance I provide, I cannot help but wonder, what is the significance of these actions. They seem barely a drop in the desert - useful, but not very lasting.

To that end, Lady Mabelle and Duke Cristoph have raised fairly valid points on the development of the poor - the act of teaching skills. Why not share the skills in agriculture, provide rented lands to help them find a footing in this unkind world. As they develop and grow, will they not help to provide the same kindness back to the land, the people and the dukedom that provided the assistance in the first place.

I guess more thinking and discussing will be required for this.

Written By Jophiel

July 19, 2021, 2:45 a.m.(11/12/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

It has been some time since I last set foot back in Bisland Manor - it almost feels like a breath of fresh air. The years of helping others have been fulfilling. Seeing the joys and relief as the continued humanitarian efforts helped to patch the broken almost warms my heart. Yet this warmth still fails to distract me from the uncertainty.

It has been years now, since I have distracted myself with the concept of charity, trying to hide myself from learning more. But with every smile, every thanks I hear highlights the growing unease in my heart. It eats me, wanting to know, yet fearing this knowledge. And here lies my conflict. If I cannot figure out the truth, am I truly helping others with all my heart? Yet if I do learn the truth, can I still continue the good I am doing?

But enough is enough. Maybe by solving this knot in my heart, can I find closure.

Written By Jophiel

Sept. 19, 2018, 8:04 a.m.(8/17/1009 AR)

When I was young, I used to tell my mother that I would see life in shades of color. I didn't understand the knack I had at the time to read expressions, but perhaps color was the best way to explain it. If someone was jealous, they would look a little green. Anger was red, melancholy was blue. I was a teenager when I discovered the purple of lust and the gold of purity. Gold is a rare one to find - but as I have grown, I have found that the colors all run together more and more.

No more is there a single color. Life is now a kaleidoscope of color and design - greens come in all shades, as does reds and blue. And purple? I should remember that purple is indeed made of red and blue and as they come together - perhaps the gold may be tarnished, but when you are the one causing the tarnish, there should be guilt.

But it is more than that. Life cannot simply be pushed through a prism and made to work. It cannot be divided up and sorted, as one would sort candies from a jar. It is that though that colored my thoughts on the faith. It's impossible to just divide your soul into thirteen little perfect compartments. They will combine. They will mix and mingle. There is no one thing that embodies 'perfection'. There's pieces that will be missing. It's on us to find the proper colors, or multitude of shattered pieces of stained glass that make up our own lives.

I perhaps meant to go in a different direction with my writings, but instead I find myself.. curious, as to what color I am about to discover. Is it one - or will I finally find the combination that will make the most appealing to those I'm made of myself.

Written By Jophiel

Aug. 31, 2018, 5:54 a.m.(7/1/1009 AR)

I have been allowed to attend the diplomatic mission for the Lodge. While I still have a ways to go to be an effective diplomat, I can assist those that are with being able to read some of the more subtle emotional and body language cues.

To this end, I am working on the following:

* Avoidance - As I have been told this mission may be dangerous, I have decided to learn to avoid being hit. It has been a rather bruising failure so far.
* Dagger Training - While I have very little skill with a blade, I have been told I should carry one. I suppose I should learn that the pointy end goes towards the enemy.
* Armor - Currently in the hands of Baroness Enyo, I hope it is prepared before the mission. The designs she showed me are quite stunning and she has said she wants to surprise me with a helm.
* Gifts - I believe that bringing some gifts from Arx to present to show all sides of our citizenship. I have started with a jug of Raspberry Mead made by Mistress Petal Pinrose. If others have suggestions, I am willing to field them.
* Language - This one is optional. Though knowing a language is almost as important as reading facial changes, I may not have time more than to learn a few basic phrases.

Written By Jophiel

Aug. 28, 2018, 9 p.m.(6/24/1009 AR)

I have had a few adventures since arriving in Arx. It has been interesting - not only to see friends and family, but to meet others. I have secured a new set of clothing. Unfortunately, cousin Zoey could not assist with making me a second one. I will have to see about finding someone to tailor me some leather and silk. I went to buy a gift the other day and met the Guildmistress of the Crafter's Guild. She was quick to strike a bargain and even allowed (in fact seemed gleeful) that I haggled the price down.

Tonight, I go to dance lessons. I am escorting Lady Laveers with me. Hopefully I will make more contacts and get a chance to practice my skills.

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