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Written By Jeremiah

Feb. 19, 2017, 11:20 p.m.(12/15/1005 AR)

[Written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand.]

Things I should see done(if you read this, ask me and chide me):
Purchase a dog.
Purchase a cat.
Purchase some leather armor.
Meet with Valery.
Attempt to contact the High Council once more about the Common Council.
Schedule a new Commoners' Court Assembly with Julea soon.
Attempt to meet with the new Regent.

Written By Jeremiah

Feb. 19, 2017, 11:15 p.m.(12/15/1005 AR)

We grieve for the dead, and when we do, our grief takes three forms. First, we publicly grieve--we grieve for the woman as she was, visible to all. We grieve for the man that walked the streets, the things he said and did in full view of all--we do this together. This is the most obvious way we grieve--it is the only form of grief that is not lonely.

The rest are worse--but truer.

We grieve for the one we lost, the one none other knew--we grieve for the private jokes that none else can remember but us. We grieve a selfish grief--we grieve the loss of nights and memories. But in this at least we can speak--we can tell these tells, share them, hold them, write them down--remember.

The last grief is the worst--it is the grief of the death of how the lost viewed us. The grief of who we were to them--a piece of us dies with them, unable to reclaimed this side of death. We grieve for ourselves, and for what we one day will be. It is something that must be done alone, unshared. I wish it were not so.

Written By Jeremiah

Feb. 12, 2017, 11:15 p.m.(12/1/1005 AR)

I should like to take a moment to give thanks to Gods and Spirits alike for those that attended our wedding celebration--it was sparse, short, and sweet. Those that I neglected to invite should forgive me. I have been here but a short time--been alive but a short time. I am glad for the arrival of winter, for now the weather feels like home. Before now, Arx had managed to provide everything else.

Now, if only I could properly schedule that meeting with Archlector Avary. That part's all my fault.

Written By Jeremiah

Feb. 1, 2017, 12:58 a.m.(10/24/1005 AR)

[This entry is written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand. It is titled 'A Defense: On The Sin Of Being Circular.']

I was accused of being circular--I had it explained to me. I asked for someone's opinion twice, not having liked the first answer, I'm told(I do not know how or even if this happened, but this is not a defense of that): this is the definition of being circular. By this demerit, I am told I am unfit for my position--perhaps even by one whose opinion would threaten such. It is a humbling thought, at first, but...

I will remain circular--if given an opinion I do not believe is best for Arvum, the Crown, and the Compact, I will speak again. I will batter down any barrier between myself and the betterment of our nation. I will seek to convince--if you are unyielding, I will move on. I hope you will not remain offended by my persistence(two did-- Duke Leo Fidante accepted me for what I was, however, and I respected him all the more for it.), but I will not be any less persistent.

I will remain circular--if presented with an obstacle that I am told I cannot climb over, I will seek a way around it. If it cannot be crossed, may I go under--ever forward. Relentlessly energetic, relentlessly seeking the better tomorrow.

I will remain circular--I will proudly be as I am. I am what is termed circular--I will encircle. I will besiege, I will battle, I will charge--I will give ground where I must. But one defeat is not enough for me--one 'no', one slammed door? There is a -window-. There is ever opportunity. There are some of us in this life who have had to -live- by this creed. I will ever do my best to represent those who have.

I will turn a demerit into a merit, I will remain who I am--young. Eager. Ready, willing, and able to use my talents, such as they are--with a position or without. I remain Crownsworn, Compactsworn, Arvumsworn. I remain circular, proudly--I would term it persistent, but I will bear the badge of circular unashamed.

Written By Jeremiah

Feb. 1, 2017, 12:42 a.m.(10/24/1005 AR)

[This entry is written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand.]

I do understand I write quite a lot, at times--fifteen, twenty, thirty pages--so be it.

[A note in the margins reads: I Was Once Accused Of Fifty Pages--Thank You Aleksei, But I Have Yet To Go So Far.]

But two pages? Two pages is too much to be read? Certain things are complicated for some where they are not for others--the process by which a farmer lays hand on his meat it simple. He butchers the hog. But a man in the city goes to the butcher, who bought it from a merchant, who bought it off a farmer. The process is more complicated.

The process by which Lords and Ladies of the Lycene drink ice-chilled wine is an entirely different process--ice from mountains or further north, packed into shipping containers covered in sawdust, shipped south or to the cities hurriedly, sold at a premium--but a man in Whitehold does not wonder why ice in a drink is difficult for the Lycene to get his hands on(I would daresay he barely wonders about the Lycenes at all, or ice--one is too distant, the other too everpresent).

So it is that some things which are simple for the nobility are more complicated for those who are not--one may not simply say 'Why does the common man not address the High Council,' I would hope(if one does, they say it simply--and I mean that). I was told most innocently recently that I should carouse with those I wish to convince--imagine telling that to the poorest man in the Lower Boroughs(I have been so poor). Those are the ones the Common Council was meant to represent. -I- may be able to afford such, at times(from my other work, not this)--it is an excess I am unused to. It is an excess some are unable to. It is an excess.

Simply wine and dine the Lords and Ladies, the Princes and Princesses--simply address the High Council. Why make it so damn complicated, Jeremiah?

It put me in a fit of pique, and not my politest mood--the less said about the rest, the better, save that I am ashamed that I find myself willing to rise insult to insult, blow to blow--in some ways I am unfit, it is true. I accept that--when sacrifices are asked of the Common Council, I have sworn and will swear again--if it leads to improvements on the Common Council, I will help lay my position on the line first. I will be the first to go. I will craft something of worth and remove myself from the picture if only it means something of worth can be made.

But the Gods and Spirits put me in this position, and I am a patriot--I am Crownsworn, a title once borne with the highest honor. I will die and live(the higher sacrifice) by that honor and by that service. The Sentinel, the rest of the Gods, the Spirits--they demand nothing less of men.

But--truly? Two pages were too much to read? Why make it so complicated? The lack of perspective floors me--I am left utterly disarmed. Two pages are too much to read, yet judgments are easy to make beforehand. I stand ashamed, but others should as well.

[A footnote reads: I still stand by my statement--I see no blockage, save in letters unreturned and ignored--Gods and Spirits help the common man, and the poorest of us. Gods and Spirits help me. Come to think of it, Gods and Spirits help us all. Two pages is too much.]

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 29, 2017, 5:41 p.m.(10/17/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Bethany

[This entry is written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand.]

My partner has become an adventurer--a swashbuckling Scholar looking dashing with a rapier. She defeats Lords in combat already--Gods and Spirits help you all if she ever becomes as skilled with her Quill as she is with her Quill, with her Wit as she is with her wit--your end will be brief, and Brevity its name--

But if ever she does, whatever she does, it will be for, from, by, and through quill, wit, and brevity that I love her.

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 21, 2017, 1:03 a.m.(9/19/1005 AR)

[This letter is written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand.]
Hangovers--the sign that I have lost a battle with alcohol. I know my limits--normally. But some days you drink knowing you will regret it later.

I barely regret it later. It was the sole hangover in all my history I can ever recall finding worth it. I hated that morning light--it should never have come. But it did--I despised it. It hurt. But I loved it--a new day. A hopeful day.

I do not often put so much...fluff. Into anything I write. Consider it a measure of my pleasure in the new day that I have. I am ready to face all the tomorrows, good and bad.

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 18, 2017, 8:16 p.m.(9/13/1005 AR)

An Accompanying Short Few Paragraphs Regarding The Common Council and Suitability: As before, my words are my own. For those both interested in the Common Council and unwilling to read through my pages and pages, I have produced something shorter.

Simply: The Common Council must be organized by three Maxims. If the positions themselves are not appropriately representative? The Common Council will be worthless. If those holding the positions are not appropriately capable? The Common Council will be worthless. If the Common Council itself has neither rights nor powers? It will be worthless.

I write of Suitability most recently. The Council's members must be representative of specific people and organizations, for multiple reasons. It will be readily apparent if they are not--a silk-clad, jangling merchant had best not represent the Lower Burough. It will be obvious if the position is ill-suited.

The positions suggested are the Councilors of: the Lower Buroughs, the Upper Buroughs, the Lycene, the Oathlanders, the Northerners, the Crownlanders, the Islanders, and the Prodigals, as well as three permanent positions for the Faith, the Iron Guard, and the Crafter's Guild, filled by appropriate representatives(I have suggested the Archlector of Sentinel, the Lord Commander, and the Guildmaster). Yes, they already have a voice, each of these--but not a specific one.

The next two papers will be within the coming weeks, and will be upon the problems of Powers(and Rights) and Capability.

Jeremiah Arvani

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 18, 2017, 8:15 p.m.(9/13/1005 AR)

['On The Subject Of The Common Council: Suitability.' This paper is some fifteen pages--concise, readable, and educatory. It is written with a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand. It begins with a (short) history of the previous Low Council, the proposed Common Council, and historical temporary Councils formed by previous Monarchs. It then turns to an explanation of the unique problems in forming a commoner-exclusive Council.]

'Today--today, I discuss the first of our problems--my words are my own, and only my own. Let me begin with two quotes:

'Any Council that is restricted to the commons of your society will be, by its very nature, a placebo. Something that you think has efficacy, but does not. Without some inherent way to interact with the higher levels of your government, it will be nothing more than a place your complaints go to die.'
Elsewhere, the Common Council has been compared to 'a Great Lord walking into a forge or a masonry and seeking to advise the artisan on their craft.'
Skepticism is indeed warranted. I myself share it. I stand in opposition to the potential uselessness of this organ of the government, and will do all in my power and ability to form something stronger and better. If I do not or cannot--I will resign. I will find another battle if I am found unfit for this one.

From these two quotes come three problems--I will pick them apart and engage them, one-by-one. If the positions themselves are not appropriately representative? The Common Council will be worthless. If those holding the positions are not appropriately capable? The Common Council will be worthless. If the Common Council itself has neither rights nor powers? It will be worthless. These are the three problems I wrestle with as regards the Common Council.

Let us discuss then suitability: a High Lord walking into a forge. To put many commoners in a position of authority would be to do likewise--we are groomed neither for command nor a great education in many cases. These are not jobs your average baker is meant for. How, then, do we find councilors of skill, ability, relevance, and will?

[The paper takes some time to explain both representation and sortition--elections and random lots as a means of drawing willing participants. Both are dismissed rather quickly.]

While various philosophers have suggested either as a means of solving political problems, neither fits here--no. As the Common Councilors already selected were appointed, I suspect that most Councilors should be appointed--for their expertise. I will leave it to the Crown to determine an individual Councilor's capability--save that they should.

Crownlanders, Oathlanders, Northerners, Lycenes, and Islanders--also, potentially Prodigals. These core groups ought to be represented among the Common Council--for problems far afield and those representing commoners inside Arx itself, and representing those of their wards, as well. Additionally, the Buroughs(Lower and Upper, I would suggest) should be represented. These should be the permanent seats to the Council--plus three. The Iron Guard, the Faith, and the Crafters' Guild are all well-represented, and have a voice--but I believe they should be represented on the Common Council. Eleven seats to be filled(a high number, yet four are already filled, essentially. I believe the Archlector of the Sentinel should represent the Faith--making five. This leaves six seats to be filled(one for each of Arvum's regions/Arx's major wards, and additionally a representative from the Upper Buroughs--making Julea Sanguine and myself Councilors from the Lower Buroughs and Prodigals respectively).

Is this too many? Perhaps. But I return to my Maxim--if the positions are not appropriately representative, then the Common Council will be useless. These positions are appropriately representative--perhaps we can remove the Great Houses/regional wards. But it is better to begin grand and trim back, I believe.

I do not think it wise to budge or move from having each Councilor representative of a region/social group--this is one of the outward tests of competence. It will be readily evident when a man misrepresentative of the Lower Buroughs--whatever his capability--is appointed of the position. Likewise with any other area. Misuse and misappointment in the Common Council should be obvious, and being more than simply a Councilor--being, instead, a Councilor tied to a specific duty and purpose?

This is essential.

More will be done--more will be said. But that is all for now.

[It ends signed 'Jeremiah Arvani,' and nothing more.]

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 17, 2017, 4:40 p.m.(9/9/1005 AR)

I will say again(I was advised to say again in shorter terms): seek not division. Those that battle division with division and fight fire with fire will find the House itself destroyed. Those that try to create division in the Compact are striving(unintentionally or otherwise) to end it in this time of great strife. Do not seek division. If others speak of you in slanderous terms: counter their terms. Answer them. Do not create new forms of division.

If you are named anathema? Hold to your truth. Weather it, but do not lash out as if you are a wounded animal. Maybe you are wounded--maybe you wish to lash out. That is reasonable to -wish-, but not reasonable to -act- upon. Do not tear down pillars and not expect the roof to collapse upon you. This division is what our foes seek; make allies, not enemies. Turn enemies into allies through your patient perseverance rather than creating enemies of allies out of momentary anguish and hurt. Mend what is broken.

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 17, 2017, 2:30 p.m.(9/9/1005 AR)

[A lengthy, thirty-page paper entered into the Journals under the title of 'Balance Between Faith and Compact.' It is written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand. Some of the text follows:

""While within a demense, one must obey all laws set by the demense's lord. This is the fidelity between Limerance and Gild."-The Third Law of Limerance.

This is one shield and defense some have taken to using against the Faith's division of the realm(I warned myself against this division, and others--I still do. It was poorly chosen). The other is to attack the man himself--poor arguments in many cases, and ones worth considering(but without evidence) in others. Both attempts are wrong--but I am a servant of the Compact and the Law. Gods and Spirits compel me to write on this first misuse.

Scholars, patriots, priests, and Kings wiser than me have considered the Law of Limerance against the what some have phrased as imperatives(of various sorts)--morality, according to them, is determined by beliefs which you may reasonable expect all to follow. I do not argue against the Third Law of Limerance--it is the core of the Compact. I argue against a defense which wishes to make the Faith toothless and powerless while hiding behind it.

The laws of any domain are made by men--to be within another's demesne is to follow and obey laws of Men. To say that it is always, totally, and completely moral to obey the laws of any demesne purely because of the this Article of Faith? It is foolish. We accept the laws of other powers--they are equal within the Compact, legally. We do not accept that they are equal morally, nor before the Faith.

I introduce one Baron Josiah Alvar--a modest landholder in the Crownlands(he does not exist--bear with me). He has three laws: those that enter into his domain and use their left hand to eat or drink are to be put to death. Any who enter into his land without his leave are to be made thralls. Any who enter into his demesne riding a horse are to give that horse to the first horseless man they come across."

The paper examines these laws at length--is it moral to expect ALL to obey any immoral law(or absurd) any man may come up with? No--to obey any domain's laws, whatever they are, may not be universally applied, for any of those laws -may- not be universally applied. "Some may. The issue at hand is the Teind--it may be moral, depending upon the execution." "Though it is a threat to the unity of the Compact," it is written, "one must stand by the laws of the heart and Faith, disobedient of temporal laws--quietly, civilly--in support of higher laws. To do otherwise--to argue otherwise--is to try and declaw and make toothless the Faith."

"Let me postface this with the confession: I have taken no grand public stand on the Teind. I would not think to criticize those that have chosen either loudly and publicly without doing so myself. I remain critically undecided. What, then, do I say to those defending themselves from charges of heresy, apostasy, and division from the Faith?

Bear the weight. Were I to proudly accept the Teind, I would proudly accept that it is Blood Magic--anathema to the Faith. This excommunication has been a long time coming. Petition Archlectors and Legates for change--do not divide us further with attempts to tear down Institutions. Beg for their molding and transformation. Stand for what you did and bear the wounds you must on behalf of it. If it is moral, if it is right, history will stand by it. Do not move." It is signed, at the end, Jeremiah Arvani.]

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 15, 2017, 8:50 p.m.(9/4/1005 AR)

I don't often like to speak of my past--some parts of it are terrible, but mostly it is because I am busy with my future--it has been so for the last thirteen years. Since my arrival in Arx...much has turned around. Much has changed for me.

Of the past, though? I have starved, I have been poor, I have been the least able. I have been ill I have lost I have gone without. Above all, I have survived, taken what I am given, and thrived with it.

Of the present...I am still a Prodigal--as I always will be. I am not an overly rich man. I hold ideals which I put above everything else--I am dangerously opinionated, usually unsubtle, and often too quick to take any action. Rash, heated, and at my worst hateful. I have behaviors and habits which are not worthy of praise. But I hold positions, skills, and serve those who may enact true change. I will not bury my coinage, fearing the future--I will spend it all in the hope that I may see sevenfold repayment. Coin, prestige, and position? What I earn I will use--not in the service of more of each. Gods and Spirits may provide those(I hope they will), but in the service of betterment.

Of the future...we can never know. But if the present is a seed, then the future will be my soil. I will survive and thrive whatever comes.It stands as a measure of my change that this is not in the Black Journals--when I first came, certainly such Reflections would be. But--let it be public. Few enough read what I write--let it be public. And if, in the future, I do not stand by these ideals and promises, and you wish me to? Say so. Point it to me. Pride and ambition are mine, yes--humble me if you need to and wish better of me.

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 13, 2017, 2:48 a.m.(8/23/1005 AR)

[This entry is written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand.]
The Commoners Court Meeting of 8/22/1005 AR:

Called together by Julea Sanguine, who gave a her recollection of and concerns as regards the news of the Assembly of Peers.

Jeremiah(myself) spoke announcing appointments to the Common Council--Jeremiah and Julea Sanguine both.

Larissa Whisper spoke expressing concerns regarding the loyalty of and potential acts of treason committed by one Lady Dawn Grayson. Also expressed concerns as to representation on the Common Council.

Discussion of Larissa's words happened for some time until Captain Audric stepped up, delivering an explanation of the Nox'Alfar treaty.

Concerns were raised by many as to the marriages and weapons that the Nox'Alfar will require and pass out by the terms of their treaty. Of particular note was a suggestion by Aureth Grayhope that a Tournament dedicated to Gild be set up to determine worthy bearers and wielders of the blades and/or who should be married into the Nox'Alfar.

Archlector Avary warns of false Seraphs.

Castor Voducce remarks on Knights of Solace patrols of the Lower Buroughs, wishes a return of Iron Guard.

Silas Mercier speaks on Iron Guard recruiting.

Meeting adjourns peaceably.

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 11, 2017, 2:23 p.m.(8/19/1005 AR)

[This entry is written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand. It is titled The Crisis Before Us, and is an easy-to-read explanation of the political situation of the Compact as of the August 1005AR Assembly of Peers. The introduction begins: 'BEFORE us stands a Crisis and Conflict the likes of which once forged what we know as the Compact itself, nothing less than a WAR OF SHADOWS. What we prepare to face is the heat of the forge: the East and North know this well. We may let it refine us or destroy us, and either choice rests solely on our shoulders. A cold cruel winter Redrain and its vassals have ever readied themselves to face; a violent sudden raging storm Thrax and its vassals turn into to sail against. What we prepare to face is also the long contest of intrigue, patience, and tests: the South and West well know these. We will be tempted by many vices--we may look to Valardin to guide us in remaining stalwart and true. We will be tested as well in ways subtle and unseen--House Velenosa and her vassals have trained to see them on their mother's milk. We may let it corrupt us and throw us down, and our actions will lead us to or away from those disasters. House Grayson and her vassals put the unity of the Compact above all, ready to lay their very lives down in sacrifice--the Assembly of Peers alone showed two instances of this.. We are forearmed in the bonds the Compact has binded us by and shielded us with. If we trust and teach eachother, we will perserve. If we do not...we may lay the blame of our final fate at the feet of none other.

This war that will grow in seeming scope and danger...yet do not be fooled. The war is at its most dangerous stages even -now-, the war is being fully prosecuted -now-...' It continues, at times flowery and praising, and at times scathing of supposed, potential entities unwilling or unable to do their part...none named, simply suggested that they might exist. 'For now, it is excuseable of Houses, organizations, and individuals--great and small, Great and Small--to not be fully mobilized against the danger to come. Yet--as time marches onwards?--the inevitable weight of the coming conflict will make each day of delay, inaction, and unwillingness to bear unlikely and unwanted burdens cost lives.'

A history of the Reckoning and the Sylv'Alfar war both follow--dramatic and generalized, but compelling. Parallels are drawn between these times and now:'...and from this Conflict, at the height of our disasters, was forged one woman, one Queen, she who began the Age of Queens, the Elvenbane--she who made the Elfbone Throne and an Elfbone Crown; Queen Alarice. These are the times which take good women and make great women--these are the times in which the week and short-sighted fall to their vices, and drag others down with them...'

'That we are at war has been made abundantly clear; as the fool may only speak to prove himself a fool, so too may one deny the conflict before us with only one result. All are free to earn that title and badge...' This portion is given almost scant attention: while it is addressed with charisma and ease, it is argued the lightest of any position: it is assumed. Inbetween the lines, it is shown that arguing for the existence of the conflict is behind the Compact; only the tardy remain unconvinced.

This implication continues to the next section--if the war is begun already, then the battleground too must be abundantly clear, shouldn't it? 'The battleground has been chosen; the Compact will take to the field to meet it. Of this we may all be confident, even without evidence--yet Nightgolds and Igniseris and others are already leading the charge, boldly, proudly. Great Houses turn their ears to the conflict--the ponderous weight of the duty and sacrifice ahead of us is daunting, yet Graysons do not balk from it--they march forward ready.'

And here is the full weight of the paper: the Abandoned. The orchestration of Nox'Alfar agents to destroy tribes through the Compact, particularly in the Gray Forest regarding tribes that have been operating the Teind. The destruction of other tribes within Arvum's borders, the corruption of yet more--battle-mad berserkers, men turned to beasts, Lords and Ladies of great Houses and decent commoners turned mad, corrupted.

'These all seem tools of open war, yet they once were not our enemies--these all seem tools of espionage, yet they once were not our enemies. They are tools of division, and as the days ahead greet us: avoid division. Avoid those who would divide the Compact, those who would shatter what must remain indivisible. This is the Shadow War that awaits us, that awaits all Humanity, in Arvum and Out: we must unite, put down ancient wars and grudges, and take battle to the enemy's tools and resources with sword and blood, pen and ink, tongue and tears and sweat. We owe our families, our loves, our parents, our children, our brothers and sisters nothing less. The sacrifice before us is simple, it is obvious--but it is not easy.

It will require sacrifice of prejudice but not suspicion. It will require sacrifice of surety but not conviction.It will require sacrifice of hope of gain but not willingness to pay the price.
It will require sacrifice of all that we have and what remains when we believe nothing is less--it will require bone-deep sacrifice. Now is the time that we must step forward to offer ourselves in these ways, one and all.'

The thirty-page entry--sourced, cross-referenced, and well-edited--ends here, signed simply Jeremiah Arvani.]

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 8, 2017, 10:43 p.m.(8/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

[This entry is written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand.]

I sat to write of Sigurd, and yet everything I thought of came out as written of Lady Khanne Halfshav; I will write on Sigurd another time.

Lady Khanne Halfshav is the North--she is no -less- or -more- Northern than any other Halfshav, I imagine, nor her liegelords, nor her House's vassals(to be more or less Northern would not be Northern enough). I was raised, partially-but-mostly, in Whitehold. Halfshav territory. But it is not until speaking to many Lords of the North regarding a personal project that I earned her ire. There is a fullness in her ire, a resoluteness, that is entirely Northern--and yet there was one evening where I had yet to earn this(perhaps fully-deserved ire); there, as an acquaintance, a stranger, she was vibrant and lively.

Imagine then what an ally she would be--every time I sell my position to the North, I invite her along--it is in the hopes that I may convince her still. The North is as House Redrain is--as House Halfshav is, as Khanne is. Hard to win over, but loyal beyond death, if so.

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 8, 2017, 10:39 p.m.(8/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

[This entry is written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand.]

Aleksei is the sort of man every one ought to aspire to be--he does not take himself seriously, but he takes his work, words, and friends seriously. He separates the gravity of what he is capable of and ought to do--the gravity of the times--from the lightness that is a man here for a short time with a very small part to play--and I would describe even a King so. We play a small part, one of millions.

Some of us are more important than others, but the section of the play we see--for we cannot even see behind-the-scenes, much less others' roles--is small. Whether Aleksei sees that or inherently knows it? He lives it.

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 8, 2017, 10:36 p.m.(8/11/1005 AR)

[This entry is written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand.]

I have locked myself away for days--I was tempted not to approach the Archives, for fear I might attempt to get this work out of me--early, unrefined, unfinished. It drains me...but I must step forward and write of something--anything--else. But what?

Relationships--I hear this is the thing to do, so I suppose I shall.

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 8, 2017, 10:36 p.m.(8/11/1005 AR)

[This entry is written in a precise, flowing, almost delicate hand...and scratched out, mostly. There was a particularly large inkblot, but otherwise it has the same starting sentence as the next entry.'

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 1, 2017, 8:06 p.m.(7/18/1005 AR)

Ah--that was unexpected. Pleasing, but unexpected. A Princess of the ruling House--and a Minister--putting my paper in her journals? Pleasing. Unexpected, but pleasing.

I am exceedingly grateful and content in that; an accomplishment. Thank you, Princess-and-Minister Lark Grayson.

Written By Jeremiah

Jan. 1, 2017, 3:01 a.m.(7/16/1005 AR)

Debts I owe:

To Alarie, for generosity in good works.

To Aleksei, for drinks and advice.

To Bethany, for endless letters, and everything else.

To Fortunato, for friendship and introductions.

To Joscelin and Lazarus, for both accepting me and giving me my first place, position, and tasks in Arx.

To Molly, for timely deliveries.

To Orazio, for consideration, advice, and correction.

To all else, better left unsaid, unkindly forgotten, or otherwise unmentioned.

To Samantha, for employment, patronage, and inspiration.

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

Leave blank if this journal is not a relationship

Mark if this is a private, black journal entry