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Written By Jackson

Feb. 12, 2017, 11:46 p.m.(12/1/1005 AR)

Went up to the north. Found some weird shit, burned some weird shit, and then proceeded to forget where we found said weird shit.

Weird shit is weird. Not sure what to make of that.

Also, Salazar is in charge of the house now. Wonder what that makes me. Probably going to have to do more shit for him, I wager. Not like that's bad or anything.

Got a sword I was going to give to Mal, but she's up and left Arx again just as soon as getting here. That's not really what I expected. Maybe I'll send it to Nilanza, might get it there. Or I could just give it to someone else. But shit, not like I got a whole lot of friends here in the city at the moment.

Good week, bad week, and a whole bunch of inbetween. So, pretty much like any other week, all told. All of it evens out.

Written By Jackson

Feb. 5, 2017, 1:16 p.m.(11/9/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Salazar

Forgot that life is never really boring with you, taking me on the most interesting adventures. Though next time we do something like that, I could do without the copious amounts of fire.

Written By Jackson

Jan. 16, 2017, 10:46 p.m.(9/7/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Aleksei

Lucky bastard.

Written By Jackson

Jan. 15, 2017, 4:41 p.m.(9/3/1005 AR)

Leave it to Sal to get me kitted out after my last trip took my leather for a shredding. And sheared winds, does this leather fit me. Guess this is just going to chalk another one up to the fact that yet again, I find myself owing the boss man.

It's a hole I figure I'm never going to dig myself out of. Then again, with a friend like him, that's not all bad.

Still getting used all this tit's up news about the city in the years I've been away. Part of me thinks I should've stayed in Lycene, but then again, seeing the family was good. Ma still makes those damn pastries I'm pretty certain I'll get fat off of if I don't stay away enough.

Good times, all around, and with any luck, I'll find myself more work.

Written By Jackson

Jan. 14, 2017, 3:08 a.m.(8/26/1005 AR)

Haven't been back to Arx in some time. Almost years. And what's the first shit I hear about when I drop anchor? That's some gods-be-damned elves about. Real ones. No myths or tales or any shit like that.

So of course I had to check that shit out, just to see what's up. Yeah, that throne is either a slap in the face to Arx or they have some really hilarious sense of humor. I'm thinking both.

Either way, I got one of them to drink with me. I guess I can cross off 'drinking with an elf' off my bucket list.

Still don't know if I'm some kind of elf-Prince now or something. But hey Prince of Alcohol isn't all that bad of title. I'll wear it.

Clearly, someone has to.

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