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Written By Jacali

Sept. 2, 2018, 10:49 a.m.(7/5/1009 AR)

One more custom fragrance unleashed upon the world. Ol' Jac'll have the entire bloody city smellin' of roses soon enough, a welcome change from the rampant bullshite stinkin' up the streets, I'd say.

Written By Jacali

Sept. 1, 2018, 11:53 p.m.(7/4/1009 AR)

Workin' on waggin' this tongue of mine, I am. Gettin' better every day, sure as sure. Were so skilled before, it was, not sure how the world at large'll handle it now. S'their problem, mind. Not mine.

Written By Jacali

Aug. 26, 2018, 8:43 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

... Went to buy a bow, I did, didn't even know there were so many damned options, I didn't. Went to some outta the way place, thought I might give a strugglin' smith the chance I weren't never handed, and to my surprise the bloody scamp had everythin' all worked out! Produced some damned fine quality, he did... couldn't decide on a material, though! I'll be back, mind... and with greater numbers. ... of silver. I'll bring more money, that is, what I meant. ... if I could just remember his name...

Written By Jacali

Aug. 24, 2018, 2:41 p.m.(6/15/1009 AR)

So many folk're dyin' at sea these days ... valiently or otherwise. Had my share of folks comin' in lookin' to have a drink and talk 'bout them what was lost. S'posin' I might offer them some comfort, dunno why, dunno how, but if'n it's helpin', power to 'em, ey? Need to get me some places to sit in here, I wager, that folk might be able to have a sit'n'sip atimes.

Written By Jacali

Aug. 24, 2018, 2:37 p.m.(6/15/1009 AR)

Met another brewer, I did. Dunno quite how to feel, I don't. Will say one thing, mind -- he appreciates the craft much more'n those what've been samplin' my exquisites as of late. Admit he caught me a bit unawares, he did, caught me fair with my knickers low. I'll be ready next time, fit square t'handle them sneaky words he speaks, aye. Maybe.

Written By Jacali

Aug. 19, 2018, 11:09 p.m.(6/6/1009 AR)

Been thinkin', me. Been thinkin' I might should get Vandred somethin' nice to wear. I mean, iff'n I'm gunna have him representin' me, if him's gunna be standin' 'round in the background when I'm presentin' my goods, he might as well be lookin' the part of someone deservin' of drownin' in my mighty shadow. ... n'some boots. Some nice boots. Where'm I gunna find some bloody boots....

Written By Jacali

Aug. 19, 2018, 11:03 p.m.(6/5/1009 AR)

Been sellin' a fair bit of left over brews, I have, makin' me some friends in the process. Always nice to have friends, it is, I suppose, maybe. It's alright. ... On second thought, might well want to be left to my thoughts, I might. I do! Pah. Folk sendin' me messages'n what have you like they know me. They don't know me, them. Don't know ol' Jac's problems, them lot, they don't.

Written By Jacali

Aug. 19, 2018, 11:01 p.m.(6/5/1009 AR)

That gala. Goodness, that gala. Aren't never seen so many damned people, I haven't, and aren't one of them got anythin' interestin' t'say. Swear it were like bein' invited somewhere t'watch people you dunno talk about shit you don't wanna know. That said, it did look lovely, it did, and the coin weren't so bad. ... got a nice quill, too, I did, now I don't have to use my hatpins. ... but... I like my hatpins, me... I do... do indeed.

Written By Jacali

Aug. 11, 2018, 10:12 a.m.(5/17/1009 AR)

Finished that final brew, me, I did. Right under the wire, just at it, toes might'a been wigglin' on the other side of it, just might've been. Knew I'd do it, mind, knew it all along. Never let it be said ol' Jac don't deliver when her friends're dependin' on her.

Written By Jacali

Aug. 5, 2018, 6:07 p.m.(5/1/1009 AR)

Thinkin' I might should learn how to fight some time soon, I really should, should at that... what with all them ne'er-do-wells what come into the shop'n threaten me all the time. Wouldn't even know where to start, me, wouldn't even know how to begin. Mayhaps I might just learn how t'get outta the way first, ey? Let 'em tucker themselves out like the rambunctious wee shites that they are.

Written By Jacali

Aug. 1, 2018, 9:25 p.m.(4/21/1009 AR)

Wore a bloody tiara today, I did. Felt wrong. Felt bloody heavy, it did. Not sure how I felt about it. All tolt true, mind, iff'n I'm bein' right honest... wouldn't mind havin' sommit like that. Some day. Y'know, when I'm Queen of This World and the Next, that is.

Written By Jacali

July 25, 2018, 3:43 p.m.(4/6/1009 AR)

She wanted somethin' with roses, she did. No specifics. No details. Not a sausage. S'pose now that I got what I needed done all away and delivered, I might well try my hand at the wishes of a Princess at that. After all, aren't never made nothin' so specifically pink, and never knowin' what kinda coin can be made when you're willin' to roll up your sleeves and root in the garden. S'pose it's time I well and truly stopped and smelled 'em, ey? Aye, s'pose it is.

Written By Jacali

July 24, 2018, 7:44 p.m.(4/5/1009 AR)

Can't tell you what all was goin' on outside the clinic, I can't. All's what I know is they had need of my expertise in alchemical notion, they did. Wager I'll get the tale from Asher, I just might -- owe him a drink in any case, on account of him findin' me my hatpin. ... Or, rather, locatin' the man what did.

Written By Jacali

July 20, 2018, 5:13 p.m.(3/23/1009 AR)

Can't get any rest, me. Every time I think I'm nearin' the end of the rush, someone else happens in and orders the bloody menu. For once, mind, just this once I did have some unexpected assistance from a keen young fellow by the name of Jovarn -- sells well, him, think I might well hire him on. Seems he might be crawlin' outta the gutters, him, might just lend him a hand gettin' onto the curb. I'm a kind and fair mistress, me, I am, aren't none can say otherwise. Not after this, anyway.

Written By Jacali

July 17, 2018, 8:57 a.m.(3/16/1009 AR)

I have acceted the Marquis Orvyn Harthall's offer of patronage -- might think us a strange pairin', one might at that, but he were lookin' for someone passionate about what they do, and you aren't gunna find nobody more passionate than ol' Jac. He's alright, I s'pose. Doesn't try to touch the merchandise, him. A gentleman in his own right, at least in that way. Coin to spare. Why, he even gave me a little friend to help me with my deliveries and messages and all what have you, he did. Chub Chub has fast become my most favourite of things, more dependable than people, and talks less. Means more time for me to fill the silence. Ah, what a good little lister, him. Good little listener.

Written By Jacali

July 17, 2018, 8:50 a.m.(3/16/1009 AR)

Been uneventful, really, hasn't it? Aside from tales of ploughin' princesses, the odd threat from hither and tither, s'been quiet. Got some new frangrances I'm meant to concoct, mind. Sadly 'Right Bastard's already taken, so I've to come up with something else what'll suit the sorta man that's gunna be wearin' it. A struggle, that is. Guess his coin's still good, mind, least there's that, ey?

Written By Jacali

July 12, 2018, 11:01 a.m.(3/6/1009 AR)

I'm very in demand, me. Not that I'm surprised, bein' so splendid and all. Got some thinkin' to do, mind, just who's representin' me, just who's best for my interests. Whilst I'm givin' a ponder, s'pose I might start workin' on this third draught. Definitely peach, somethin' radiant, somethin' sweet... but every tale's got themself a darkness, ey? Aye... somethin' heated, somethin' ugly... I'll figure it out, me. Always do at that. Have to find me a carpenter, too. Lords above, aren't never gunna have a second to my oneself ever again.

Written By Jacali

July 9, 2018, 10:07 a.m.(2/28/1009 AR)

The Greenmarch Mistress strikes again, she does. Always a pleasure, always a thrill, always ends with me locked in the back room makin' sure I provide just the very most exquisite. Meant to make history, me, my name'll go in the pages as the one what makes the most exquisite of things. Aye. 'Bout time there's some recognition for the Mother of Moonshines, ey? The Harbinger of Hooch, the Rallyin' Ringleader of Rotgut. That's me, by ra way, ol' Jac. Queen of... er... Queen of... Keggers! I'll write that one down, me. S'a good one. Can't say just what it is, though, can't say, me. All secrets and sideways glances, ey? Ey?? They'll see soon enough.

Written By Jacali

July 6, 2018, 3:09 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

A reminder to my most splendiferous self: Make somethin' outta that coffee 'hingy, gotta be somethin' to it, make 'em all right spin on it I will. Somethin' murky, somethin' spiced, somethin' creamy and decadent, not so unlike aforementioned sumptuous oneself. Go down a treat, that would, debaucherous in the dark of it, bewitchin' as it can be, aye, just sweet enough with a pinch of the wicked. What to call it, ey? That's the question, that is. Somethin' filthy, knowin' me right as I do, somethin' downright awffy. Creamy Knickers 'r sommit. I'll think of it, me, will at that.

Written By Jacali

July 6, 2018, 2:54 p.m.(2/22/1009 AR)

Been gettin' a bit of a name for myself, I have, on account of that Greenmarch lass. Been run ragged, me, right ragged on the business it's drawn. Not that I'm complainin', mind, not that at all, atall. Told 'em I'd make it on me own, I did, and that's what I'm doin', right said, all said and done, all tolt as it's been in true. In fact, I've a new brew in mind inspired just by her exuberant self -- somethin' hot and sweet, somethin' dark and playful. Should send her a note, shouldn't I? Think I might just!

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