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Written By Giorgio

July 31, 2022, 10:03 p.m.(2/13/1018 AR)

I've never considered myself much of a fighter, let alone a soldier. And yet I found myself aboard a ship in the Mourning Isles alongside my brother, Caspian, and Lord Titus Vaevici. All of us made it through to tell the tale, to sleep safe once again in our own beds. And yet... I still hear the yells and screams of rage, the song of steel on steel or worse, steel on flesh. I see a trident pinning a friend to the mast of our ship.

Every night I relive flashes of that battle in my dreams and cannot help but wonder each morning with the sun rise if this is the sort of vision that haunts every soldier fighting for causes they view as just, no matter which side of the battle they are on...

Written By Giorgio

May 15, 2022, 10:01 p.m.(8/25/1017 AR)

It is my hope that opening the Strength of the Mountain tournament to our friends and allies across the Compact that it might strengthen the ties that bind us together. That it will help to create stronger bridges between the domains of the Saffron Chain to those all across the lands of the Lyceum, Crownlands, Oathlands, and the far north. Join with us in this test of might and prowess! If not to prove yourself as a warrior, then to win that three million silver pledged as a prize!

Written By Giorgio

April 17, 2022, 10 p.m.(6/25/1017 AR)

Word has reached me from my Marquessa that Savio has wrecked another of our boats. Is anyone surprised?

Written By Giorgio

April 15, 2021, 1:56 p.m.(4/19/1015 AR)

Giorgio Pontelaeus, Merchant Prince of Tremorus, is in search of a Whisper with experience in teaching uppity Princes the value of their own station within the world and Compact, and the image that pettiness imparts to one's image and reputation.

Prince Aindre Grayson does not seem to realize the truth of what luxury he was born into, and he does a disservice to the Grayson House as a whole by participating in such petty, shameful displays as his most recent classified.

Giorgio is willing to pay someone patient enough to teach him the most elementary of etiquette lessons and simple manners that one would think a noble of his station would have learned as a young boy. Price is negotiable.

.... These are the things one CONSIDERS posting a classified about, but then realizes is simply too petty to be worth one's time. Be better. Those displays don't contribute to the benefit of the Compact at all.

Written By Giorgio

Nov. 22, 2020, 8:47 p.m.(6/9/1014 AR)

When I had first arrived in the city, I advertised having in my possession a small supply of Calderan Bloodstones.

I still have quite a few of the stones left. If you find yourself wishing for a piece of jewelry or clothing adorned with this rare stone from the Saffron Chain, send a message to Giorgio Pontelaeus.

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