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Written By Gabriella

Sept. 9, 2020, 9:51 p.m.(12/28/1013 AR)

A question twofold as we enter the twilight days of this year, for those who happen upon the idle musings of a simple knight:

What is the single most important quality of the best of rulers?

And what, then, is the single most damning quality of the worst of tyrants?

Written By Gabriella

May 10, 2020, 10:06 p.m.(4/8/1013 AR)

I have been of a mind to read, of late, and perhaps expand my tastes beyond my usual fare. The libraries of the Setarcan estate are grand, but there is only so much to be gained sampling from a singular spot.

Perhaps it is time I go book hunting. With luck I may yet find something to pique my curiosity.

Written By Gabriella

March 6, 2020, 6:55 p.m.(11/18/1012 AR)

To those who may find themselves on the front lines in the near future:

If one is operating under some preconception as to what triumphs await them in this crusade to come, allow me to perhaps temper your expectations, as one who has faced the forces of Skal'daja not so long ago.

If you believe you will be vanquishing a vanguard of sinister slavers, you will find yourself sorely mistaken. You face a kingdom of chains. Those chains are used towards a variety of ends. Warfare is but one of them.

If you are expecting glory for the Gods, expect only to be cutting down soldiers to the very last man, for they had the choice of surrender stripped from them in ways no doubt methodical and insidious and cruel.

If you fight to free the chained, do so, for there are few practices more vile than slavery. But remember whose blood it is you will likely be spilling in the process.

Masters do not send other masters to fight their wars for them. Least of all on the front lines.

Written By Gabriella

March 1, 2020, 12:10 p.m.(11/7/1012 AR)

I've nothing against the city life. Arx is a beautiful place, as is my home; and only a few who know the comforts luxury can afford one of a certain station would completely spurn it when they have experienced it.

But much of my life has been taken in the elements, and that is where my heart truly rests. I feel most at home at a campfire. On the hunt. Living off the beaten road, off the auspices of nature. It is dangerous, of course. It always will be. There will ever be heavy risks.

But the prize, I feel, is worth it.

Entrenched in silk, it is what I often miss most dearly.

Written By Gabriella

Feb. 26, 2020, 11:08 p.m.(10/28/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Sydney

In what way can I describe this?

Perhaps I can say only this: to attempt to put words to what I am feeling now would only make it lesser for trying to capture it.

So I shall simply savor it.

Written By Gabriella

Jan. 19, 2020, 4:19 p.m.(8.158635499338624/9.883587962962963/1012.5965529582783 AR)

Relationship Note on Katryn

In perusing these Whites to pass the time I have noticed that, apparently, I have run a poor woman aground with my eyes.

I am unsure whether to be deeply flattered or woefully apologetic. Perhaps a mix of both will have to suffice.

Well met, Dame Katryn. It was a heart-stirring poem. It is good to see you are no less spirited drunk than you are sober.

Written By Gabriella

Jan. 19, 2020, 1:33 p.m.(8.150480737433863/9.426921296296296/1012.5958733947862 AR)

Relationship Note on Josephine

I did not know the Guildmaster of the Crafters Guild. But even for someone who had lived such a reclusive life until recently, word of her reputation had reached me long before I found myself in Arx. Even without meeting her, the purity of her craft was clear. I envy those who had opportunity to meet her. Opportunity to be her friend.

The wheel gains a great soul. Mourn her death -- but do not forget to celebrate her life.

Written By Gabriella

Jan. 2, 2020, 7:30 p.m.(6/27/1012 AR)

My dreams have been particularly unpleasant of late. It is, actually, somewhat interesting, if perhaps in the morbid way one feels when they brush up against the fact of their imminent mortality.

Especially fascinating, as stray entries in these very Whites seem to indicate I am not alone in this.

Written By Gabriella

Dec. 30, 2019, 12:31 p.m.(6/20/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Cadenza

I am not overly certain of much from last night. I believe everyone performed admirably. I am reasonably certain no lives nor limbs were lost. There may have been talk of dodging arrows, but I am - albeit slightly less so - generally certain no arrows were actually loosed.

But I am unconditionally certain I triumphed in our drinking contest, admiral.

I may not know the reason one would try to coax piss from a snake, but I know that much, at least.

Written By Gabriella

Dec. 15, 2019, 10:30 p.m.(5/19/1012 AR)

My first Assembly of Peers has been a most educational experience. Though the political theater is far from my favorite battlefield to engage in, it is interesting to see the way the many and varied denizens of Arx choose to partake in the dance and otherwise voice their concerns -- especially in how they are so different, and yet so fundamentally similar, to the particular dance steps the politicians of Setarco so enjoy. I am grateful for the opportunity.

My most heartfelt congratulations to both House Mazetti and House Stahlben on their elevations. It is always good to see the deserving rise to prominence.

Written By Gabriella

Dec. 8, 2019, 10:24 p.m.(5/5/1012 AR)

My feelings on the fallen House Argento are, and I suppose perhaps always will be, a complicated thing. My mother is of their get, which means their blood flows through me, too. Yet they stole my father from me, and in so piteous a way it makes that very blood I share with them boil to think of it even now. There is a part of me that will never forgive them for it. Any of them.

But you make my cousin happy, and for that, you have my sincerest congratulations, and warmest welcomes, Valentina Pravus.

Written By Gabriella

Dec. 8, 2019, 10:23 p.m.(5/5/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucrezia

Let it be known that there is no more pernicious a sister in this land than mine. I will not forgive nor forget, Lucrezia. Nor you either, Amaranth.

I was extremely fond of these clothes. To have them drowned in wine is a pathetic end indeed.

Written By Gabriella

Nov. 24, 2019, 4:11 p.m.(4/4/1012 AR)

The change to spring, at least, brings with it some heartening news: my comrades return from the Chains conquering heroes. I truly could not be more proud of them and their accomplishments; I but wish I could have been there, to aid them in their push to free the world of yet more slavers and their filthy fetters. Regardless, this is a strong and exemplary step forward -- for Pravus, for Grimhall, and for all of Arvum.

To all those who braved the unknown in the name of the Compact, you have my undying respect.

Written By Gabriella

Nov. 23, 2019, 6:06 p.m.(4/3/1012 AR)

Winter has surrendered itself to the change of seasons. I watched the snow melt the other day, turning into so much frosted slush. I had never seen such a sight before. My cousins will surely celebrate.

I already miss it.

Written By Gabriella

Nov. 10, 2019, 4:15 a.m.(3/3/1012 AR)

If there is one thing I cannot abide, it is lapsing into listlessness when there are those in need of help. There is no reason for idleness when there is still so much that can be done for the sake of the people.

As much as I love my homeland, it is good to be back in Arx. A change of locale does wonders for to reinvigorate the mind and heart. I want to help the people here; perhaps it is time I begin looking into the best avenues to do just that.

Written By Gabriella

Nov. 2, 2019, 5:35 a.m.(2/16/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Tyche

It is a great relief to be reunited with Gluttony. My father's sword -- every time I see it, I am reminded of all he managed to do with his life, and the ignoble way his life was taken from him. It has a strong legacy to it, and legacy comes with expectation. But I've no intention of living up to that legacy.

I will exceed it. Magnificently.

I have the Countess Tyche to thank for this joyous reunion, marred only slightly by the most minor of blunders. It will serve as a very memorable day, though perhaps not for the reasons one might have hoped. Nonetheless, the bond holds true indeed.

It will be my pleasure to serve as your sword.

Despite your most adamant attempts to scuff it on your floors.

Written By Gabriella

Oct. 25, 2019, 6:24 p.m.(2/1/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

There are none are more worthy of my blade.

Written By Gabriella

Oct. 25, 2019, 8:33 a.m.(1/28/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Lucrezia

It feels like an age since last we spoke, but my sister is tempestuous as I remember. The seas fit you well, Lucrezia. But I am glad to see you out of its embrace, even if just for a time. You are a centering, and much needed, presence.

Written By Gabriella

Oct. 18, 2019, 7:29 p.m.(1/15/1012 AR)

This is the first winter I will have experienced outside of the balmy embrace of Setarco. It is quite the seachange from that which I am used to: the cold is relentless. Different. Uncomfortable. The cold has a way of shivering its way down to my bones in a manner even the most merciless summers could scarce compare to. Snow is truly beautiful, and unbearably cruel.

I believe I rather like it. We do not grow if we do not reach beyond our comfort zones. I take this winter as a challenge, and one I shall gladly rise to. It is unfortunate that I must already depart so soon, but needs must.

I hear the weather conditions of the Northlands are much more the worse. I hope one day to see for myself.

Written By Gabriella

June 3, 2019, 11:04 p.m.(3/20/1011 AR)

It's oddly fulfilling, going out among the people and offering to solve their problems. It's like a game. I never know what I'll be aksed to do, what my investigations wwill uncover, or who I might meet. All sorts of exciting possibilities. And I like helping people... I'm not a diplomat or great beauty like my cousins, nor a genius like my brother. But I have my place here, in Arx. I'll do my part.

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