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Written By Fredrik

Oct. 2, 2018, 4:46 p.m.(9/16/1009 AR)

I decide to take my rest after a recent bout of ill humors, and come back to the Whites and discover...Well, it appears to be a bunch of wills (including my daughters and Alexandre's), as well as several flung remarks about commoners, nobility, titles, insults about titles, and a tale of a sheep.

Arx is never boring, I will give it that.

Also Rosalie and Helia, take note that your titles are NOT courtesies, and I still expect you to carry them out diligently, including the parts where you come back alive, damnit. I lost all of my family once, I do not think I could survive another round.

Written By Fredrik

Sept. 29, 2018, 10:09 p.m.(9/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Caspian

Well there goes my succession plan....

(Just kidding, of course. Until such time as Zara and I produce a child, my lands are left to my niece Rosalie to manage)

Written By Fredrik

Sept. 29, 2018, 8:15 p.m.(9/10/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

properly done where it won't demean you, howling in outrage can be quite cathartic, in short doses.

Written By Fredrik

Sept. 29, 2018, 8:04 p.m.(9/10/1009 AR)

I admit to my own rampant confusion in this matter of the new Marquessa. Not outrage, for I know the house is relatively new and things are more fluid, but the fact that a commoner was elevated above several living, breathing members of the Marquis' bloodline is odd, to say the least. I do hope that more will come out to explain this, as it does rail against the traditions of the Compact.

Again, not condemnation, but merely a confusion and hope that more comes forth.

Written By Fredrik

Sept. 14, 2018, 12:50 p.m.(8/8/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Coraline

They will produce a brood (is it called a brood) of little pheonixes that will probably burn my villa down at some point!

And I couldn't be happier about it, really, I adore children as a rule, and children of my favorite niece most of all.

Written By Fredrik

Sept. 12, 2018, 5:08 p.m.(8/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Victus

Wildly unpleasant, in my experience, competing with my martially-minded siblings. The only solace I took was stumping them with figures or history, since they had the brains of turnips.

I do miss it though, I truly do, and would give almost anything to have my brothers and sister back. Even the younger one, and he was a bit of a twit.

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 28, 2018, 7:43 p.m.(6/24/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Soren

I will /not/ comment on this situation much, because it is not my fealty, not my fight, and it's already been overdiscussed with any points I could make, save your own.

Namely, that Princess Marian did actually call for a rite to Gloria, the Duke simply did not accept. It was not until later, after that lack of response, that Lady Monique, on behalf of her sister, issued a challenge. This is, from what I've seen, about as close to conditions needed for an actual, Swords-used Honor Duel as has been seen in recent years, but given the coming storm, I understand the loathing to risk losing an extremely valuable Sword in such a bout.

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 26, 2018, 6:53 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Dycard

If you pay them a bit extra to assemble the bed after it is in the room? The answer is "as big as you like, long as it's smaller than the room"

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 23, 2018, 6:37 p.m.(6/13/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Faruq

Without getting too deep into it, I would point out that while following orders is, most certainly, something soldiers do? It cannot be all of what a soldier is. After all, a thrall follows orders. Slaves follow orders. Even trained animals can follow orders if one uses the right methods. This is not to disparage any group, but there must be /more/ to a soldier than simply that. Is it the willingness with which they follow even dangerous or harmful orders? Support no matter the consequences?

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 21, 2018, 6:20 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)

To whom it may concern,

I have not forgotten my duties to those that aided me in my ascension, truly I have not. I have already pledged my aid to the Grimhalls in their next construction project, and happily so. I imagine that other things will come up that or my niece Rosalie or my daughter Helia can help with, and I will happily direct them to it, to attack with their usual gusto. We repay our debts, with interest, let it be known.

However, I will also admit that our energies will, for the most part, be directed toward my new home. While a lovely island, and one I am proud to call my own, it is in shambles, compared to the state of most Compact Counties, and that needs to change. In that regard, there are currently three projects that we are gathering support for.

A dockyard/port expansion - If we are to trade and grow and prosper, we need to be able to actually trade with the Compact, and receive their ships and cargo, as well as export it. I will be leading this effort, due to my own experience in construction and as a merchant of many years standing.

A greenhouse complex - This is a two-fold construction, as it both will help to feed our people in goods that normally do not prosper in the cold northern climates, and also to cut down on the need to import goods from afar. It will show the people our goodwill, and Lady Rosalie will be attacking this project.

Rebuilding our merchant navy - If we are to trade, we need ships to do it with. Military ships will come in time, of course, but for now, we need ships to carry food, medical supplies, constructions equipment, and other essentials to and from our island. Our island is rich in iron and other metals, as well as timber and our deep-sea fishing. We need to build ships to use this. My daughter Helia will be the heading influence on this.

Any and /all/ aid is appreciated on this, in whatever form you can muster. Feel free to send messengers or meet in person to discuss details.

Rise Above. Always, Rise Above.

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 21, 2018, 1:31 p.m.(6/9/1009 AR)

I also want to say that of course there are several others, including princess sabella, lady iseulet, lady carita, who were extremely supportive, along with all the Thraxian high family I spoke to, who have pledged their continued support.

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 20, 2018, 6:47 p.m.(6/7/1009 AR)

I am a Count. This word resounds in my mind as I stand, looking at a map of Arvum and seeing a dot labelled 'RedKeep'. At knowing that, through hard work, planning, and the efforts of untold people, I have achieved a dream almost twenty years in the making, to reclaim that which my family lost. No longer will I feel the burning weight of centuries of ancestors on my shoulders. No longer will I fear my passing, my work incomplete. I. Have. Done. It.

Gods, the relief is enough to make a man weep for joy, and I will not say I did not. My children, should I have more besides my adopted daughter Helia, and their own children, and for centuries down each generation? Will live better lives. Will rule over people made better and stronger through our guidance. But I did not do it alone, of course. The people who have helped me include:

My niece Rosalie RedTyde
My daughter Helia
Grandmaster Caspian Wild (the door is still open to you, my friend, should you wish it)
Miss Bashira Ru-taul
Marquis Hadrian Mazetti (my deepest condolences for your loss, and appreciation of you. I know I still owe you, and have not forgotten)
Sir Jordan Ober (may your dream come true, and may I be able to help in it)
Duchess Margot Tyde (My dear niece, together we shall build up our people into something truly magnificant. I cannot thank you enough)
Lady Tabitha Whitehawk (I really need to commission some art for the new Villa from you)
Lady Arcelia Navegant
Marquis Ford Kennex (your assistance in this was unexpected and most welcome, and I am glad we can forge a new alliance from the ashes of the old)
Lady Vanora and Lord Valdemar Grimhall (May Thraxians stand forever together, and may your new Academy shine bright as a star in the heavens)
Lord Dycard and Baroness Skye Blackshore
Archeron Tyde
Violet Sandreef-Marjawn (Your chapter house construction can begin as soon as you are prepared, Commendant, with my blessing, as agreed)
Countess Mia Riven
Lord Aethen and Lord Constantine Kennex
Princess Gwenna Redrain
Baroness Ember Redreef

All of these people provided moral or economic or military or (most importantly at this juncture) diplomatic support, and my appreciation for them is beyond what any words could express. You are all the wind beneath my wings, and so I will make a proclamation soon, with the aim of expanding my family (I hope) and showing how we intent to start this new county.

For this is just the first step. My journey is /not/ over. We were a March once, and we will be again, if I have anything to say on it. It may take years, or longer, but I will see us rise from the ashes.

Rise Above. Always, Rise Above.

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 20, 2018, 6:30 p.m.(6/7/1009 AR)

I do not seek to be flippant about the losses of two dear friends of many in this city, and thus the following is not ignoring that, but simply acknowledging that I knew them only very politely and not well at that. I hear that their ends were noble and for an excellent cause, and am certain that their souls rest easy with Death now, until the turning of the Wheel brings them back. Now, to my other business..

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 17, 2018, 4:30 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

Well, if we had hopes of those incident passing without escalation, hearing word that The Archduchess has withdrawn all economic ties to House Saraceni puts that to rest. As I said, consequences do occur, but I am certain this will all be resolved soon and amicably for all.

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 17, 2018, 3:15 p.m.(6/1/1009 AR)

As I am not Lycene, I make no overt judgements, merely an observation as a former member of a March and soon to be count (gods willing).

If one of my vassals barred me from entering their lands without explanation after a very public declaration, I would take it as an act that is in the very least one that requires investigation and, barring a good response, an aggressive one. A vassal may never tell their liege where they may or may not go, certainly not without cause. It is, through the chain of fealty, the lieges responsibility and to have it cast aside and then attempt to ridicule the liege in a public fashion? I have made many mistakes in my life, some recent (even here in the Whites), but that seems a very overt statement to toss into public.

Now of course, I do not see the full picture, and for all I know, the Lady Prisila might have more than her fair reasons and this is all a misunderstanding or nobody's fault. But I can understand it garnering a strong reaction.

As I said, not a condemnation, just an observation of what I have seen of the situation, which is little compared to the whole, most likely. I wish all involved the best of luck.

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 12, 2018, 8:45 p.m.(5/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Tabitha

scars are, as an old mercenary once told me, just proof you were stronger than the thing or person that wanted to kill you.

Or just signs of foolish decisions that turned out alright in the end.

Written By Fredrik

Aug. 10, 2018, 9:40 p.m.(5/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Helia

I am often proud of my daughter, and today is no exception. Helia, you continue to astound me with your skill and ability, and now you have won a duel! All praise to Princess Sorrel as well, of course, I hear she was very much gracious and magnificent in her own right, and Helia told me she is now 'her biggest fan', so apparently it went well!

My family is small, but each is a bright, shining star, and I could not be happier.

Written By Fredrik

July 24, 2018, 10:17 p.m.(4/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Helia

My daughter.

I pulled you from the rubble of your parent's house when you were barely able to walk, earning scars I carry proudly to this day from the flames of your adoption. Ever since then, you have been a constant joy to me. When you were so little, chasing the ship's cat with a wooden sword, to your teenage years, trying (and succeeding) in charming every sailing lass, and sometimes lad, that crossed our path. To, finally, seeing you grown up, a sword in your hand, laying low people many years your senior with a laugh and a smile.

You were a struggle at times, so very different from myself, but I have /always/ been proud to call you daughter, no matter your last name. And I always will be. Together, I will make a life for us that you should have had from the start.

Written By Fredrik

July 24, 2018, 9:27 p.m.(4/5/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Rosalie

My niece is so like me, in so many ways, despite a separate upbringing nearly from the time she was born, with only a portrait of myself (and the rest of the family) for company while growing up surrounded by others. She is smart, that goes without saying, and...Well, I will not sound my own horn, but I see so much of myself in her, already doing so well and tempered by her experiences already. I see her and see a young me.

She will not have to live as I did. I forbid it. She has suffered too much, seen too much already. I will build a life for her, a rich life full of family and love and life, and I will ensure a future for her, no matter the cost. She will live the life she deserves.

This, I swear.

Written By Fredrik

July 24, 2018, 5:09 a.m.(4/3/1009 AR)

Rosalie RedTyde -My Niece
Helia Andrasko - My Daughter, no matter her name

My family has been making waves already in the city, and while it is a small family, gathered from the winds, I could not be more proud to call them mine.

The paperwork is finalized, the plan set in motion. Soon, my county will be reclaimed, and my title, if not the original, on the way there. Gods, it is finally happening, and I am filled with emotions I can scarcely describe.

Soon I will turn my focus toward the scholars as well, for I have neglected that for too long, I think.

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