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Written By Enid

Feb. 26, 2019, 12:29 p.m.(8/22/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Danvir

I've had the honor of watching Danvir's ascension into adulthood since he was a boy. When he came to me for counsel regarding departing from Stormheart and joining his family already in Arx I never spoke of my hesitance. I never told him I worried the great city of the Compact might change him in ways contrary to his chosen path. I never told him I feared he might lose his way or that the distance from his homelands at such a young age might cause a schism between who he is and who he will become. I am glad I kept my personal opinions silent.

In reconnecting with Danvir upon my arrival to the city his words quickly revealed how wrong I had been. He is as ever diligent to his people. He understands his role as a member of House Ravenseye and he has not lost sight of our traditions. My dear little firelight has blossomed into a brilliant torch that stands as an icon of his house and his people. I see more clearly now why he felt so compelled to come to this place. His drive to find his personal truth could have only gone so far if he had limited himself to the familiarity of home. I am so proud.

Written By Enid

Feb. 25, 2019, 12:36 p.m.(8/20/1010 AR)

It was a long trek from the gates to the Redrain District and I found myself lost several times, but thankfully despite hesitance from some of the locals (which I assume is based in my differing garbs and accented speech) a few very kind and helpful locals pointed me the right way and also noted that on some streets there are signs to help narrow down one's location in the city. It was those signs that helped me find my way to this place. The Great Archive. A vast collection of information housed and guarded. Again I have found myself overwhelmed. The... I think they are priests, maybe? I should have asked for clarification. In any case, the guardians that watch over the mountain of tomes were kind and willing to explain the purpose of this place in more detail than I had understood previously. They were even charitable enough to create my own pair of journals and help me get started. They call it a White Journal and a Black Journal. I am still not entirely clear on the purpose of the Black Journal, but in time I'm sure I will better understand.

Many of our stories are passed only via spoken word, art or song. The collective of our people maintain our history and heritage through these facets (as I've seen recently mentioned by my dear Lord Cadern) via a strong bond and duty to its memory. We are possessive of it and like these sentinels of the Faith of the Pantheon protecting this amassed structure of knowledge, we too have guarded who we are though in a different capacity.

I suppose fear is a large portion of the reason. A history of strife between the tribal communities and the amassed collective that is the Compact gives many pause even after these many years of bending the knee. That fear appears to go both ways, exemplified by those who were not so kind and helpful as the few I met thus far when coming to Arx. Utterances of the word "barbarian" were heard in my peripheral from time to time as I made my way through the city. I'm fairly certain "backwater cannibal" was another scathing comment left in my passing. At first thought, my reaction is to let them think what they will. Let those opinions stand and let that fear fester. Perhaps they will leave me and others like me alone? Alienation isn't why I have come to this bastion of progress, though. I have come to learn and cloistering myself behind the safety of negative stereotypes isn't going to help that.

How cathartic this is. To write all these thoughts out on a page knowing that they will be preserved, that perhaps another like me who has or will struggle like I do may take solace in knowing that someone out there maybe from long past or even in the present feels as I feel and for a moment we may hold a connection through our shared stories.

It really is quite a beautiful idea. I will ask these wardens of knowledge if they have any recommendations on journals that I may share a commonality with.

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

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