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Written By Eamon

May 5, 2018, 5:10 p.m.(9/9/1008 AR)

Yes, for all of the handful of you who have heard of me, it's true. I've managed to be convinced to stay on dry land for longer than a week and have taken up residence in the estate of Darkwater Reach for the foreseeable future. Lady Carita has already seen fit to hand the duties of our warfare ministry over to me, a daunting task, to be certain, but one which I look forward to tackling.

In my short time here in Arx on this trip, it has become apparent to me what the perception of my House is already. So I will make one thing clear, early on.

There is not a person from Darkwater Reach who has not experienced loss on the grandest scale imaginable. But we are raised tough - beyond tough. We carry our heads high. We will take back what we've lost from those who are preying on our moment of weakness and make them regret ever having crossed us.

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