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Written By Dulcinea

April 17, 2017, 12:46 p.m.(4/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

Dear Me,

I believe Lord Artorius "Artie" Malvici has earned forgiveness for so horribly mistreating me. He was most apologetic and hangdog at the "Fight Night."

There's little I appreciate more than abject groveling.

Besides, if we are no longer friends, I cannot call him "Artie", and that would be tragic.

Love and Vindication,


Written By Dulcinea

April 17, 2017, 12:34 p.m.(4/16/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Percephon

Dear Me,

Someone doesn't love me any longer.

I shan't mention names, but it rhymes with Dercephon.

I am very sad.

Love and Neglect,


Written By Dulcinea

April 17, 2017, 12:33 p.m.(4/16/1006 AR)

Dear Me,

Sir Silas's "Fight Night" was delightful. Who knew being beaten black and blue and bleeding copiously could be such fun? I mean, aside from killing bringers. And other things.

My goodness. Perhaps I'm bloodthirsty!

I wonder if this requires I rethink my spring wardrobe. Certainly ribbons don't say, "I shall spill your steaming entrails."

...I'm not entirely sure a tailor would understand.

I simply must see Josie. She knows everything.

Love and Savagery,


Written By Dulcinea

April 13, 2017, 5:58 p.m.(4/8/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Artorius

Dear Me,

I hope Lord Artorius falls and breaks his nose.

Because I'm selfish.

Love and Narcissism,


Written By Dulcinea

April 12, 2017, 11:29 p.m.(4/6/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Donella

Dear Me,

Princess Donella is simply marvelous.

That is all.

Let There be Shimmying,


Written By Dulcinea

April 12, 2017, 5:42 p.m.(4/6/1006 AR)

Dear... not me. Other people.

Dear Other People,

A question recently posed: "What can change the nature of a man?"

Answer: "An arrow through the eye."



Love and Occam's Razor,


Written By Dulcinea

April 12, 2017, 5:33 p.m.(4/6/1006 AR)

Dear Me,

He came home.

Just as he promised.

For just a little while, all is right with the world.

Love and Gifts from the Sea,


Written By Dulcinea

April 12, 2017, 5:30 p.m.(4/6/1006 AR)

Dear Me,

Apparently, more than one woman wants to marry my brother.

I am told LOTS of women want to marry my brother.

The ladies of Arx should know, before they get any big ideas about being Duchess Telmar, that they will be strictly and stringently judged. They shall be pretty but not TOO pretty, charming but not TOO charming, and clever but not TOO clever. They shall behave themselves, bear children, and be entirely uninteresting.

Or there may be a hunting accident.

In the library.


These things happen.

Love and Vigilance,


Written By Dulcinea

April 12, 2017, 5:02 p.m.(4/6/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Tobias

Dear Me,

It seems Tobi has come back to us after six years Gods-know-where and is the 'Lord General' of a mercenary company.

How nice.

I could not be more hurt, vexed, or confused and I don't care who knows it.

IF YOU ARE READING THIS, TOBI, I AM VERY ANGRY AT YOU. (Just in case I'm being too subtle.)

Ansel's head is quite safe, now, and may be for all the rest of time.

From now on, all the things get thrown at Tobi.

Love and Comfort to Me,


Written By Dulcinea

April 11, 2017, 4:44 p.m.(4/4/1006 AR)

Dear Me,

Every time I try to understand how it is Thraxian thralls can earn their freedom, but our serfs spend their lives laboring on a plot of land they will never own, I get a terrible headache. What an awful conundrum.

I need brandy and a bath.

Frown Lines are Forever,


Written By Dulcinea

April 1, 2017, 12:49 p.m.(3/12/1006 AR)

Dear Me,

I do not want to write maudlin poetry and so I shant.

Deal with it.

In utter opposition,


Written By Dulcinea

April 1, 2017, 12:03 p.m.(3/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

Dear Me,

I mentioned, when I rhapsodised about Esoka, a man-at-arms who boldly seized the moment to become our commander. His name is Calaudrin, and it should surely be sung.

Without him, we would have lost the gate, without question. The archers would have fallen into chaos. T'was his idea to light the arrows aflame, which panicked and weakend the enemy.

Also, he stepped in a bucket of pitch and burned his leg.

T'was only a moment, but a moment of such comedy and self-deprecation in the face of such awesome responsibility and peril, still marshalling the forces without missing a beat. He was such a storybook hero then, not shining and flawless but fearless and real.

I admit, if I were not already a little in love, I'd probably follow him like a puppy, longing for just another moment of that dry wit and authenticity. He is a joy of a person. Oh ye lovelorn, take note.

I do believe he's single.

Love and Puppy Love,


Written By Dulcinea

April 1, 2017, 11:48 a.m.(3/12/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Esoka

Dear Me,

Esoka! What a brilliant, brave name for a force of nature! She's beautiful and her arms are magnificent, the arms of a woman whose blade is an extension of her every movement. I'd love arms like that, graceful lines of muscle from shoulder to wrist.

She leapt from the ramparts when we defended the Seawatch Gate. I would never have had the courage or even the notion to attempt such a mad and marvelous thing without seeing her soar. The next thing I knew, I was following her through the air, loosing arrows at a bringer on my way down.

Between the two of us, we slew the beast. The gate held. I felt such kinship and delight to have a comrade-in-arms. I am sure I shall remember her the rest of my days.

Of course, we would never have had the chance without the brilliant command of a man-at-arms who stepped up to marshal the archers -- and the brave archers, themselves. They demolished a horde of shavs, allowing Esoka and I our chance at the bringer.

By the grace and blessing of Gloria, we lost no men in the action.

I have been told that until I see a battlefield of a thousand slain, I shall never know the true nature of war. I have no doubt this is true. However, if there were ever any conflict in my heart between remaining safe home and placing myself on the lines... it is now gone.

As long as there are people to defend, I shall, no matter what cost.

Ansel shall be so very cross.

Love and Victory,


Written By Dulcinea

March 31, 2017, 11:08 p.m.(3/10/1006 AR)

Dear Me,

A belated letter! I've been so very neglectful, but everything has happened so fast.

I dove off a rampart and helped kill a bringer. And some shavs. Normally the shavs part would be worth the entire price of admission, but the BRINGER! (It was on fire!) My companions in action were delightful in every respect. They each deserve their own entry and shall have it.

I went to dinner with the Grimhalls. Lord Harald called me "Falling Arrow." I nearly died of joy.

I had a snit about my family not involving me in something? I think that's been documented.

Oh, and Lord Artorius very kindly continues to wear my favor on behalf of All Who Fight. Now that "All" is also ME, perhaps it helped in the whole rampart diving business? Who can say?

If only I could find more attractive armor and less people died, I'd be entirely behind this siege business.

Love and Flaming Pitch,


Written By Dulcinea

March 29, 2017, 8:40 p.m.(3/6/1006 AR)

Dear Me,

Riddle me this: When is a meeting of family members not a family meeting?

No idea? Good. Me neither.

I am so very put out.

Love and Other Rubbish,


Written By Dulcinea

March 28, 2017, 3:13 p.m.(3/4/1006 AR)

Dear Me,

Today, I have decided to be especially pretty.

I need to believe he lost something, too, and it's making his heart hurt so it's difficult to breathe.

Logic dictates, if I truly cared for him, I would wish him nothing but joy.

Perhaps that comes in time.

For now, I am a terrible person.



Written By Dulcinea

March 27, 2017, 11:02 p.m.(3/2/1006 AR)

Dear Me,

Now Percy and I can drink together and cry.



Written By Dulcinea

March 26, 2017, 5:29 p.m.(2/28/1006 AR)

Dear Me,

It's only a matter of hours, now. We can see them from the watchtowers.

Please, Gloria, let my arrows fly true.

Help me protect the ones I love.

Watching and Waiting,


Written By Dulcinea

March 25, 2017, 1:29 a.m.(2/25/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Valencia

Dear Me,

I met such a lovely person, this evening! Additionally, she's a princess.

I want to be a princess. Or a duchess. It seems in poor taste to wear a tiara, otherwise.

Of course this means I must marry up, up, up.

What an awful lot of effort.

Oh, but the princess! Silk and jewels and all in red -- boots to the thigh and silk stockings above. Dark and alluring and so /kind./ Honestly, the way she was dressed was absolutely scandalous -- but she /was/ born Velenosa. The Lycene are so daring. She said she's a Redrain -- that must have been an interesting transition. She does seem impervious to the cold.

She's very kind.

Oh, it's late. I'm so very tired. I've done a lot of shopping.

Speaking of that, I need to find Ansel and mend things.

Or throw more things at him. I'm not sure.

Love to Me,


Written By Dulcinea

March 22, 2017, 10:37 p.m.(2/20/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Calliope

Dear Me,

What a charming lady! Full marks. Would tea with again.

With Fond Thoughts,


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