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Written By Dariel

March 12, 2021, 5:05 a.m.(2/6/1015 AR)

I've put off writing this for a while since the loss of Astarrea burned quite so hard inside of me.

My sister, the Marquessa, is gone. Uncles gone. Cousins gone. Astarrea, a second home, is all gone. It was not so long ago that I was there on stage in Prince Niklas' play. My brother is away, my other sister also, so I'm left here alone with these thoughts. I have donated all I can to the Physicians for relief for it is all I have to give.

Written By Dariel

July 5, 2020, 4:12 a.m.(8/7/1013 AR)

Touring the Mourning Isles with Prince Niklas' play was quite the ride. The play itself was, well let's go with less than subtle. Not that I think it matters. Touring the isles did mean I had to take a ship between locations. This was my least favourite part. Even more than the assassination attempt on the cast.

Villains are enjoyably to play, especially when I give them a depth. Though hopefully that doesn't make them exactly likeable.

Written By Dariel

April 1, 2020, 8:29 a.m.(1/13/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

Today I got a message. The sort of message you should never get. The sort of message which means there can never be more messages.

I remember being in the Grotto not all that long after I arrived in the city when I first met Cady. Lady Arcadia Leary as she then was at the time. I want to say she bombed the pool I was in at the time, but I suspect that may be the embellishment of memory. Somehow, we became friends despite the glitter bombs and the stealing of my tea every time she appeared in the Bold after me. A fact that still surprises me.

Lady Cady became Countess Cady when she married into a house in the far north. She embraced the northerness and loved it in a way that Cady would do. Utterly. I remember when she got married receiving messages saying she had to grow up and become a countess. That she had to be serious about things now and not be that old Cady. Sadly she soon realised that wasn't true. She could be both the serious, responsible one for her new home and still enjoy the same things. She helped her new home and saw it elevated to become a Marquessa. She had two lovely children. She always remained the same Cady at heart to me though.

I know some people saw Cady's playful side as childish, but those people are wrong. You had a thirst for adventure. While I did not share it, I always always had admired how it was so much a part of you. I don't know I've ever met someone more true to themselves than you.

Goodbye my friend.

Written By Dariel

Dec. 15, 2019, 4:29 p.m.(5/18/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaia

Many congratulations to my cousin on her wedding! No congratulations on being attacked during it. Do you have to upstage everyone's wedding by having an attack during your own? Goodness me.

I'm happy you're not seriously hurt though. Get well soon, cousin!

Written By Dariel

Dec. 1, 2019, 5:37 p.m.(4/19/1012 AR)

Good bye snow. I do not miss you. Nor the fact I never found my winter wardrobe. I suspect one of the Bisland house staff burnt it in a fit of pique. I have no proof though.

Written By Dariel

Oct. 20, 2019, 4:44 a.m.(1/18/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Domonico

I am lost for words at what has happened, my friend.

Written By Dariel

Oct. 16, 2019, 2:11 p.m.(1/10/1012 AR)

I don't like this white stuff at all. At all.

Written By Dariel

Oct. 6, 2019, 4:01 p.m.(12/19/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

Don't panic. Remember the hammocks.

What party would this be? Not our party? If it is then I'm helping. If it isn't then can I help?

Written By Dariel

Oct. 6, 2019, 3:59 p.m.(12/19/1011 AR)

My new assistant is quite capable. As an assistant. Don't ask him to play the lute. I'm not saying that for any other reason than you'll regret it if you do.

No watermelons yet thankfully.

Written By Dariel

Sept. 29, 2019, 4:20 p.m.(12/5/1011 AR)

It seems like everyone believes I should worry about things. Yet I do not. What good is worry. What could I change?

I find I miss Marcel. I hope he's doing okay in Pridehall.

Written By Dariel

Sept. 22, 2019, 2:51 a.m.(11/17/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

I have recollections of being woken up at 3am and being marched to Menagerie by Brenlin. Did this happen or was it a dream? If it's true I hope I at least made sense at least. There was something about steelsilk, I seem to remember.

If it happened please send him with coffee next time.

Written By Dariel

Sept. 22, 2019, 2:45 a.m.(11/17/1011 AR)

The brunch with my Melaeris relatives was good. I was expecting it to be small. Perhaps just Llewella and Amir but there were a number of others who turned up. A nice group of friendly people, so I suppose you can't ask for much more. I am glad to have more of the other side of my family in Arx.

Written By Dariel

Sept. 17, 2019, 6:27 a.m.(11/7/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

I suppose we need to hammock more often then to celebrate this verbification! It's good to relax in one with some good company, Floofykins.

Are you feeling any less lost today or is there more pacing that I need to be notified about?

Written By Dariel

Sept. 15, 2019, 2:20 p.m.(11/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Amir

I finally met my Melaeris cousin. I knew he'd been here a while so it was good to catch up. Looks like there will be a Melaeris family dinner that I will want to attend!

He gave me some inspiration for a story to tell too. If my talents and organisational skills are up to it.

Written By Dariel

Sept. 15, 2019, 1:36 p.m.(11/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

Don't fret over the dinner! If I can handle your family I'm sure you'll be able to handle mine. Besides, they're totally impressed with you being Voice and Sword.

It's not even planned for a date yet!

Written By Dariel

Sept. 12, 2019, 10:05 a.m.(10/26/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Martino

I feel your cassock and shoes might disagree about the non-surprise that surprised you!

Written By Dariel

Sept. 11, 2019, 4:33 a.m.(10/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

Congratulations! I was beginning to think your stubbornness might mean she was never born. Still a surprise to us all, most of all Lord Martino I suspect.

May she take after her mother in all the best ways.

Written By Dariel

Sept. 8, 2019, 6:40 a.m.(10/17/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Arcadia

I blame this hangover entirely on you. Your loud shouting and your off key singing drove me back to drink during one hangover and it made the subsequent one so much more worse.

I'm looking at the notes you sent me and I still find myself lost for words on the Marcel watermelon situation. I know I was drunk but I'm sure I didn't ask him to do that.

Written By Dariel

Sept. 7, 2019, 2:21 p.m.(10/16/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Miranda

Rest up, Floofykins. Don't forget how much I care for you. I will be here and I will probably be there as well. Don't let them wind you up too much. Make sure Brenlin doesn't get too big for his boots. if needs be remind him of a platter.

I hope that you've ventured out of your rooms by now. Got some air. Stretched your legs. That sort of things

Written By Dariel

Sept. 1, 2019, 3:15 p.m.(10/4/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Amir

I have another cousin is in Arx! One on on the Melaeris side and one of the few first cousins. I shall have to meet up with him soon.

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