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Written By Cristoph

Sept. 26, 2022, 8:18 a.m.(6/14/1018 AR)

It's reassuring to see the Iron Guard out in full force, safeguarding the people of this city.

I'm certain no one would want to experience another dangerous attack in the city like when heretics burned down the cathedral or that attack on the Whisper House.

Written By Cristoph

Aug. 21, 2022, 1:57 p.m.(3/27/1018 AR)

To House Valardin, I have sworn oaths as their vassal. I pay my taxes, I respond swiftly when the High Lord calls for assistance, and I volunteer freely of my time to help them in their endeavors. In return, House Valardin assists in matters of security, they are generous with their assistance, and they support our ducal house in all of our endeavors. It's a deep relationship, built over generations of trust and loyalty.

To my own vassals, I have sworn oaths as their liege. I do not tread on their rights. I offer assistance before it is asked for, I respect when that assistance is declined. I give freely of my time to their endeavors. In return, they're swift to reply when we need assistance, they support their liege house outside of what is strictly necessary, it's a deep relationship, built over generations of trust and loyalty.

House Laurent has cultivated a strong relationship with the Faith of the Pantheon as a whole, and in particular with the Templars of Gloria and the Knights of Solace. It's no surprise to me now that the Faith would open their arms to help us when we struggle.

Just as it is no surprise to me that our liege and our vassals have opened their arms.

We have done as Limerance has wanted. In turn, we're rewarded with a rich support network that would not wish to see us falter. And because of it, we won't.

So I beg you, please stop sending myself and my voices silver. We don't need it. We understand that you want to help, but it's unnecessary. Further silver sent to our doorsteps will be sent on to the Templars of Gloria, the Knights of Solace, or the Mercies of Lagoma. But I would truly appreciate it if you would save me the paperwork of having to do it myself.

Written By Cristoph

Aug. 14, 2022, 8:36 a.m.(3/12/1018 AR)

With the destruction of our capital city, I find myself in awe of the resiliency of Artshall's people. Our craftsmen and workers will stay on in temporary shelters near what remains of the keep, and we'll begin the process of clearing debris immediately. I plan to spend much, if not all, of my time here.

Other civilians have relocated to other locations within the duchy while the re-building efforts commence. Some others are still very frightened, and we've made arrangements with our vassals house to keep them on until a time when they feel comfortable returning.

I'm fortunate to have the strength not just of Artshall behind me, but all of those who support us.

Written By Cristoph

May 4, 2022, 12:55 p.m.(8/2/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Jael

I finally willed myself to sort your things in the estate in Arx.

I took that painting, you know the one. I took it and I put it in the main hall with all the other art.

Some people light candles when they're waiting for someone to come home. But I suspect a good bit of sibling aggravation does just as fine a job.

Written By Cristoph

April 12, 2022, 10:57 p.m.(6/15/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Mabelle

Gods, someone took all the cakes and cookies? That is a travesty! We'll need to set more guards upon the kitchen. What kind of people would do such a thing? I am truly aghast.

Written By Cristoph

March 17, 2022, 10:58 p.m.(4/19/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Alantir

You're going to at least have to take me out to dinner first before you can ask those kinds of questions. Honestly, nobility these days.

Written By Cristoph

March 16, 2022, 11:57 a.m.(4/16/1017 AR)

I've personally found that no one cares so much what's happening in my private life, so long as I don't go around loudly bombarding them with information about it.

And my life is far simpler that way.

Written By Cristoph

Jan. 9, 2022, 10:59 a.m.(11/24/1016 AR)

I've been making an effort to be more engaging across the social affairs of the society, I admit that sometimes I find my energy lacking. Maybe more accurately my energy is just pulled so sharply into other things that I forget to make the time. And it is important, to go out and be seen. It's necessary for connections, and sometimes just reminding everyone you're not there.

I'm afraid that my showing at a recent dance lesson put on by Princess Keely as shown just how rusty my dancing skills have become. Sadly, I fumbled so often that I'm afraid Lady Greenmarch will only be able to put a paltry sum of silver toward the charity of choice. In that vein, I think that I'll go ahead and forward a donation toward the Templars on my own accord. I am very fond of Carnifex Preston and all of the hard work he does for the Faith and the well being of all the faithful.

And if there was ever any doubt (which I sincerely can't imagine), let it be known that High Lord Liara is an exceptionally dance partner. Even if it turns out that a certain duke has two left feet.

And no, the secrets of the Honeybee Quadrangle cannot be revealed outside of a spring night in Artshall, Deva. These are the rules, I don't make them up. I just follow them.

Written By Cristoph

Dec. 27, 2021, 11:12 a.m.(10/26/1016 AR)

I will not speak of Beesborough in the past tense, even if much of it has fallen to tragedy. While people have enjoyed a good natured laugh over the name, Beesborough is a large and well protected village and a staple of Artshall that has contributed well to the success of the duchy it is beholden to. Unfortunately we've received word that 'peaceful' Abandoned marched on the holding and slaughtered as many as they could get their hands on. Goods and valuables were destroyed rather than taken. It was an act of provocation, it was a move against the stability of the region and the civilization that it represents.

House Laurent didn't grow into the power it has because of our soft hearts. We grew into it because of our dedication to see to the safety and security of the Compact. The Abandoned that dared lift a finger against Artshall will feel the full weight of our military arm slam against them. There will be justice served and lessons learned.

Written By Cristoph

Oct. 4, 2021, 1:10 p.m.(4/26/1016 AR)

Justice, revenge. I've sometimes struggled separating the two apart. But at the end of my own journey, I don't think the pursuit of either brought peace. Just more questions that will take a lifetime to answer and hands that are stained with blood.

Written By Cristoph

July 31, 2021, 11:56 p.m.(12/9/1015 AR)

My birthday is tomorrow and I expect it to be exceptionally dull this year.

Not that I planned anything exciting on any of the prior years.

Quite a lot of silver linings to be thankful for at least.

Written By Cristoph

July 18, 2021, 10:02 a.m.(11/10/1015 AR)

There are times when I think that the entire world has been painted over gray, that there will never be another point of hope in the endless trudge toward... what? I'm not certain. But then I find bright moments of light, be they quiet times with close friends, a meeting of minds trying to puzzle out a solution, or the touch of someone beloved.

There is respite out there, and more, I think. If we're willing to keep looking for it. I am.

Written By Cristoph

June 27, 2021, 8:14 a.m.(9/24/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Jael

I wish that you could be here to see it. He really did have two heads.


Written By Cristoph

June 19, 2021, 8:12 a.m.(9/8/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Ryhalt

It's happened to me a time or two. I'll never judge you.

Written By Cristoph

June 13, 2021, 11:02 a.m.(8/24/1015 AR)

If anyone was curious, a shovel is a rather poor replacement for a paddle.

Written By Cristoph

June 8, 2021, 6:31 p.m.(8/15/1015 AR)

You're right. At this point, might as well just make it thirteen.

Written By Cristoph

June 6, 2021, 3:38 p.m.(8/11/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Tyche

I know, I know. You said that six was the limit, but I'll make it seven.

Written By Cristoph

May 30, 2021, 10:59 p.m.(7/25/1015 AR)

I feel as if I barely left my office this entire week, except for a few brief and fleeting moments.

Ah yes, and the entire day that I kept forcing Alis to listen to me recite my historical findings.

Written By Cristoph

May 17, 2021, 7:20 a.m.(6/26/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Jael

You've left.

I wish that before you'd gone I had taken the time to adequately express what you mean to me. But I was consumed with other things as I so often am and now we're in separate places. I don't know if there's another person alive whose rage and grief would so closely resemble my own that it would be like looking in a mirror, save for some minor and inconsequential differences.

I understand why you had to leave, even if your departure weighs on my heart. But in your wake, I promise you the following:

I will care for your children like they were my own. I'll tell them stories about a master of horses, who could outride nearly anyone else in the Oathlands. I'll tell them about the fearless general of our armies. I'll tell them about how you could shoot out an enemy's eye from an incredible distance away. That you were there to shore up common sense when my own failed me. That you were often annoyed with me and would sigh, sometimes roll your eyes. That you love this family with such ferocity that you made a choice no mother should ever have to make.

I promise to keep what remains of our family intact.

I won't tell them about the bear and the tree or Norwood. You can tell them that when you return.

Until then, good luck. I love you.

Written By Cristoph

May 10, 2021, 3:49 p.m.(6/13/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Deva

Swimming. Lessons.

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