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Written By Cordelia

Jan. 18, 2017, 11:10 p.m.(9/13/1005 AR)

Dear Diary,

    I don't know what to say. I'm sitting here in the newly renovated Grimhall Longhouse, with more concerns than I have mental power to consider. Like pieces on a board, any action one way will more than likely have consequences elsewhere in the future. I'm glad Uncle Harald has come to Arx. I don't think I could handle all this on my own without going completely insane from the stress of it. I know I should be doing more, but anxiety and grief stills my hand. Already, friends have died in the face of all this uproar. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was supposed to adventure across Arvum and beyond, maybe end up forced into some betrothal somewhere down the line, and then grow old while guiding my children to their own greatness. Maybe with a bit of extra adventure thrown in here and there for good measure. Instead, I'm being confronted by things and ideas that the whole of the Compact has regarded as impossible or unreal for centuries. I just don't know. I wished for excitement in my life, and now I've got more than I can reasonably handle. I need Father. I need the Sword of Grimhall. I need help.

Written By Cordelia

Jan. 18, 2017, 11:09 p.m.(9/13/1005 AR)

Dear Diary,

    As I'm sure Father will learn anyway, I recently got into a sort of conflict with Prince Abbas, Reaver of Thrax. Clearly, I'm fated to make enemies of my childhood idols. So, back to the conflict. Asking Abbas for a favor, one thing lead to another, and he challenged me to a duel between longships. Muleheaded as I am, I not only accepted, but decided to oh so wisely decline my own champion. Long story short, I of course lost. Silver lining? Apparently some people believe I'm not only valorous, but I've got 'mettle.' Shockingly, one of these peoples happens to be a man of Thrax. I would have never thought I'd hear someone like him praise me for fighting. Perhaps there's still hope for Thrax yet.

Written By Cordelia

Jan. 18, 2017, 11:09 p.m.(9/13/1005 AR)

Dear Diary,

    So you know how I sometimes let my emotions and impulses get the better of me? Well. I'm sure Donella hates me now. While out touring the market, I found her trying on clothes at...oh where was it now? Anyway, the place doesn't matter. What matters is I may have spoken poorly to some Grayson Prince or other in her presence, and I've been so busy lately with Voice matters and everything else that I haven't had a chance to speak with her. I feel like there's now a sort of divide between us, and it's all my fault.

Written By Cordelia

Jan. 8, 2017, 10:28 p.m.(8/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Max

(Footnote attached to a diary entry)

Owner of the Black Mountain Trading Company and the Count of Darkwater, I feel more and more like Max and I are becoming true friends. At first, he seemed like just another Thraxian navigated by his little figurehead, but it would seem he's got a slightly more thoughtful spare on his shoulders. Even better? He actually called my unfortunate skirmish with the Reaver Prince as valorous and a 'smashing success.' If only Father could have been there to hear him say that.

Written By Cordelia

Jan. 8, 2017, 10:09 p.m.(8/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Leo

(Footnote attached to a diary entry)

(Duke?) Leo and I met on the basis of trade, and we've diligently continued as allies these many months. I'm surprised and delighted to have heard the good news about his marriage, even if I myself will diligently resist such matters for as long as possible. Beyond this, I would be happy to one day grow our relationship from business to friendship.

Written By Cordelia

Jan. 8, 2017, 10:01 p.m.(8/11/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Harald

(Footnote attached to a diary entry)

Uncle Harald was one of the few adults that felt truly on my side when I was younger. I could always count on him to give me wise advice, and he even let me get away with a few minor mishaps. It's a blessing to have his counsel in Arx, not least of which because he also won't replace me as Voice.

Written By Cordelia

Dec. 30, 2016, 10:27 p.m.(7/12/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Margot

(Footnote attached to a diary entry)

Ugh, Margot. How Donrai not only decided to let her live, but make her a diplomat is way beyond my ken. She's going to put a dagger in someone's back one of these days, and I just can't stand her. She thinks she's so clever with words. Ugh. Besides, what's wrong with pants? They're so much less of a hassle than skirts, they don't tear nearly as easily, you don't have to worry if they get a little dirty, they don't ride up when you spin upside-down, and they're just way more useful to wear in a fight. Plus, it's not like I don't have any dresses. I have so many dresses. Note: Buy more dresses.

Written By Cordelia

Dec. 30, 2016, 10:09 p.m.(7/12/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Aislin

(Footnote attached to a diary entry)

The brave leader of an entire Society dedicated to nothing but exploration. If I knew of her glorious guild when I was younger, I'm certain I would have idolized her like I idolize Donella. But as it stands, I'm just happy to be counted among her acquaintances, if not future friends? In short: must talk more with her.

Written By Cordelia

Dec. 30, 2016, 10:04 p.m.(7/12/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Nadia

(Footnote attached to a diary entry)

Nadia's amazing! She's not only a Duchess with a heart of gold - Nightgold? - but a warrior, possibly even as talented as myself. Bonus points? She's also got a heart of mischief. We're sisters in spirit if not by blood, and I'm lucky to have met her.

Written By Cordelia

Dec. 7, 2016, 11:13 p.m.(4/27/1005 AR)

Dear oh dear Diary,

    Will you forgive me for leaving you to gather dust for so long? I've purchased new ink to honor our reunion, and I have much to tell. After that insufferable intersection, I did indeed go cool down at the Vellichorian Academy, where I met the Archscholar Aldwin Aurum himself. He let me talk and talk, and I told him all about my first love: exploration. To uncover the mysteries of our world and color in unknown lands; such defines my dreams. Well, I best not get off track! I've got a lot to catch you up on, and only a single bottle of ink in arm's reach. I discovered a most extraordinary locale, situated right in the middle of Arx. I speak of The Grotto, and its many heated pools. Gods above, are they a blessing during the heart of winter. I tried to visit as often as I could, which admittedly wasn't nearly as frequent as I'd like. Still, as they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. I've been getting in touch with other nobles in the city, and its such a relief to realize so many of them are so welcoming. I had my worries, but I think I can officially put said worries to rest. In fact, in recognition of just such a concern resolved, I was awarded a medal by the Lady Regent Dawn Baseborn herself. Oh, by the way, Dawn's now the Regent of the entire Compact! It's an honor just to have met her. Speaking of meetings, I...

(The script appears to halt abruptly, but the parchment was properly packaged and delivered to the Archives nevertheless)

Written By Cordelia

Oct. 20, 2016, 4:57 p.m.(11/23/1004 AR)

Dear Diary,

    What an insufferable ass! Sorry, not you, dear diary. Captain Abbas. The so-called Reaver Prince of Thrax. I mean, what in the deepest corridors of the Abyss was I thinking, to idolize him? I heard he fought in countless battles, but all I've seen so far is someone too deep in their spiced rum to notice the opportunities for greater fame and fortune. The pig outright announced he'd rather stare at my chest than go exploring the treacherous seas. The gray in his beard isn't the touch of a demon or a ghost, or even some dread sickness. It's just gray dye, I'm certain of it. He's nothing but a farce. A farce!

    Anyway, sorry again for yelling at you. I just needed to vent. I think I'll go explore the city as scheduled. Maybe a good book at the Vellichorian Academy will help me relax.

Written By Cordelia

Oct. 20, 2016, 12:18 a.m.(11/20/1004 AR)

Dear Diary,

    Wow! It's been ages since I've last tossed an entry into here. And...great. Now I feel old. Old enough to get married, apparently. It may have just been the destination, or the goal, but this is the first time I've left Grihem's Point and actually felt miserable for it. At least Father isn't sending me to some backwater village to wed a pig farmer. Or something. Ugh. I'll have to remember that while I try enjoying the capital of the entire Compact. Arx! The so-called melting pot of Arvum, and I'm expected to audience with suitors instead of exploring the culture and history we've managed to scrape together after demons burned everything down. But never fear, dear diary! I know precisely how to sneak away from my jailers for a fun night or twenty across town. I even dare you to try and keep me in my room. Yes, you, Cailin! I know you read these things!

    So. Anyway. I bumped into the heir of Thrax. He seems nice. Nothing like what I've been told. I was so sure I'd meet a doppelganger of Father. Or Uncle. Eww. He's oh so humble, and sweet, and predictably handsome. Plus, he can apparently fight, and he promised to spar with me sometime. Can't wait. What else...ummm...did I mention I'm supposed to see Salazar Argento? Yep, bachelor the first. So yeah...I'll tell you more about that later. For now, I sleep!

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