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Written By Breidaia

Feb. 16, 2020, 2:58 p.m.(10.256884507275132/8.385532407407409/1012.7714070422729 AR)

I find I am getting restless the more time I am on land, and the less time I am at sea. Hopefully soon that will change with I assist the Crovanes.

Written By Breidaia

Feb. 16, 2020, 2:57 p.m.(10.256827050264551/8.382314814814816/1012.7714022541887 AR)

I read a posting at the Society of Explorers, regarding what was spoken of at the recent assembly, and the offer that was put forward by Prism. Everyone deserves the chance to be free, to have a choice. I firmly believe this, heart and soul. I plan to send her my promise to work toward making sure that others get that chance.

Written By Breidaia

Feb. 9, 2020, 5:57 p.m.(9.662488839285714/24.099375000000002/1012.7218740699404 AR)

I have signed up to assist house Crovane with transporting refugees back to Stormwall and their lands. It will be nice to be back aboard a ship again and sailing upon the seas. I am hopeful that any troubles we encounter at sea are those that we can easily manage, and find our way out of.

Written By Breidaia

Jan. 30, 2020, 2:59 a.m.(8.904015376984127/30.624861111111112/1012.658667948082 AR)

Relationship Note on Tarik

If you are going to make it grand, might I suggest adding in some daring adventure and perhaps some sailing. To help round out such a grand camping extravaganza. A bit land, a bit of sea, or river if that is your preference.

Written By Breidaia

Jan. 25, 2020, 3:20 p.m.(8.584083994708994/19.708703703703705/1012.632006999559 AR)

Relationship Note on Mikani

The Lady Mikani Crovane, has graciously taken me own as one of her proteges, I am honored and hope that I will prove my worth to her.

Written By Breidaia

Oct. 20, 2019, 1:26 p.m.(1/18/1012 AR)

I am looking forward to helping the Ravenseye with surveying and exploring their land, to assist the County with finding new possible production and trade.

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