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Written By Beaumont

Dec. 28, 2018, 11:56 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Saoirse

If I hadn't told you, how ever would you have known?

Also don't act like the siren song sung by those tomes didn't call to you. I was there, I saw your face.

Written By Beaumont

Sept. 21, 2018, 3:13 p.m.(8/22/1009 AR)

This city would probably be a lot more enjoyable if people would just relax and stop taking every little joke or insult to heart as though it's the worst thing that's ever been said by anybody ever.

More duels, less angst.

Written By Beaumont

May 15, 2018, 2:34 p.m.(10/1/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Jordan

I can't tell you how much I hate arguing theology in the Whites, but here's my opinion on that much at least.

I'm not saying fighting doesn't honor Gloria. I'm saying the insistence that a duel to see whether groups of people should have to register their intent to be in a public space or not be considered as sober and serious as a Rite of Gloria, or as vital a matter as honor duels between Swords on the matters that make or break a House is a patent absurdity. And to try to force everything to be that important demeans the true importance of those sacred traditions.

Lighten up, people.

Written By Beaumont

May 15, 2018, 11:42 a.m.(10/1/1008 AR)

I loathe putting pen to paper. Who has time for it? In any case though, I'm going to weigh in on the matter, as Peerless of the Champions Guild. We are called on to settle any number of things as Champions, all the way up to the point where Swords are involved. A duel involving Swords is a matter of House Honor, or sometimes Fealty Honor, and these are Serious Business indeed.

Some duels are like that too, where feelings are well and truly bruised, and a duel is called to prevent hard feelings from becoming something more implacable. Those too we take very seriously, and even if there's a show - and there's always a show with the Champions Guild - it's more serious than not.

And then there are times when duels are fought over the smallest of incidents. Who gets to host the next tea party. Whose armor looks better in the sunlight. Which color is preferable. There is a certain light-heartedness to this. Bickering between friends or frenemies turns to a duel and it's meant as a spectacle. In those cases, taking everything so seriously as though it is a Rite to Gloria is not just ridiculous, but an insult to the Goddess.

What, scholar?

No, I meant what I said. Calling a full Rite to Gloria or a Sword duel on something as minor as "should you have to post an announcement prior to bringing a group to a bar" is an insult to the Goddess. It turns what it truly a matter of taste into an honor duel and it cheapens the feeling of honor. Do you think Gloria truly cares whether people announce large group attendance at a bar or not? Likely not.

We serve a purpose, here in the Champions Guild. We are by turns serious and lighthearted as the situation warrants. If you didn't like the show, you didn't like the show. But don't act like we've affronted the Goddess or honor with the showmanship of it. We are duelists. We are showmen. We are entertainers.

Are you not entertained?

Written By Beaumont

Dec. 11, 2017, 7:23 p.m.(10/4/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Valencia

A beautiful princess willing to help me throw a Champions party. She knows all the ins and outs of hosting a good shindig, and she's willing to handle the little details I don't have the time to deal with. I'm looking forward to a partnership with her - this fight is going to be great. She's pretty easy on the eyes too, so that's no real hardship.

Written By Beaumont

July 23, 2017, 11:15 p.m.(11/21/1006 AR)

Every day that passes since what tragedy struck has been both a blessing and a curse. Our family has become emboldened, entrenched, and empowered. We suffered, yes, but we have come from the fire with a new resilience. I am proud of my siblings and my cousins, I am proud of the man they call High Lord.

Moreso, I am proud of all the houses that have become bustling enterprises under the Valardin banner. The Wyrmguards, the Telmars, he Keatons, the Blackrams, and even the random strays whom been given protection under the Dragon's wing.

I believe our future will be tested but it will not falter.

Written By Beaumont

June 4, 2017, 11:23 p.m.(8/4/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Isabeau

Isabeau thinks it is funny to give me gifts then not give me the means to open said gifts. Locks are for children, not adults. I will pay her back tenfold.

Written By Beaumont

May 7, 2017, 11:16 p.m.(6/4/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Freja

I like this one.

She's fiery and witty and... she likes to chomp. She said she'd remove my hand when I sent her a message last.

This will prove interesting, methinks.

Written By Beaumont

May 7, 2017, 11:15 p.m.(6/4/1006 AR)

Despite the academic answer provided, I am unconvinced that spider webbing is not spider spunk but I really hope that I'm wrong. I should probably start taking away foreign objects from Sophie when she finds them on the floor. Ugh, just another thing to add on my "to do" list when it comes to the family.

Written By Beaumont

May 7, 2017, 11:13 p.m.(6/4/1006 AR)

I have the best sisters a man could ever ask for: Sophie, annoyingly adorable, and Isabeau, annoyingly attentive.

And how could I forget Ansel? I think he grew his hair out to try to sneak in. I'll give him an honorable mention.

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