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Written By Ann

Feb. 18, 2024, 2:10 p.m.(10/6/1021 AR)

Living the life of the sea is different than that of the land. But much of it is the same. As long as I have my family with me? All is good.

Written By Ann

Jan. 30, 2024, 1:06 a.m.(8/23/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Titus

I screamed when I heard the news. But that is neither here or there. You were always about stories and I want to tell you the story of you as I see it. I don't know if those that have passed on get to see what is written about them but I am going to do it anyways.

The second day I came back to Arx I was encouraged to come to a story telling of yours. The details are sketchy at best. But I remember really being affected because I had understood loss such as in the story you were telling. I had lost my three brothers. Lost the husband that put me in grief for ten years or more. Your story sparked something in me. Told me that I needed to move on and live because that is what they would want from me.

Another time that we had interaction was in the Stacks. One of my favorite places to be. In fact, I have fallen asleep there many times. But we had a chance meeting and I got to tell you how much you had influenced me and that I would never forget.

When we had our....Matti would know the real word but when we had our remembrance for his fallen brother in law. You were there telling another story. And you won a sword from us with bells. You seemed so proud to have gotten that and it made my heart so happy for your response.

When I went looking for you to tell you that Matti and I were going to try and defend Riva and gave you a scarf to remember us by. You told me you'd never take it off. That is when you were telling me to be brave that we would see each other again and if not in the shining lands. You let me cry and didn't shame me for my emotions.

I was so delighted to see you today on our little field trip and checking in with you. Only hours later to hear you were gone.

I will miss you, Titus. I remember thinking he's my friend I am going to call him Titus. You seemed to not mind. So Titus, you have a place in my heart, in my memories, a valid part of my story. I will see you in the Shining Lands. Just not yet.

To the Last, my friend you are not forgotten.

Written By Ann

Jan. 23, 2024, 2:06 a.m.(8/9/1021 AR)

We are alive.

It looked a little sketchy for a little bit. I mourn for those that we did lose. But I am not going to lie. I am thankful to the spirits that the Rivenshari are alive. Onwards to Arx. The Eater may think we will give up easy. But I think we have proven we are not going to just lay here and be taken.

Stay strong fellow fighters. Know what you fight for.




Written By Ann

Jan. 18, 2024, 3:06 a.m.(7/27/1021 AR)

28 minutes.
28 minutes.

Not like there isn't anything else to worry about as of late.

Written By Ann

Jan. 15, 2024, 6:50 p.m.(7/23/1021 AR)

To any who survive this reckoning and know of my children. Tell them their Mama tried her best and loved them all her life.

To the Last.

Choice will always matter.

Written By Ann

Jan. 13, 2024, 6:37 a.m.(7/18/1021 AR)

I am not afraid of the future as long as I have my Mattheu by my side.

To my Northern family my heart and spirit are with you.

I lift my glass of whiskey to you all.

To the last.

Choice is what we will always have.

Written By Ann

Jan. 12, 2024, 2:32 p.m.(7/16/1021 AR)

Scholar, I am taking the time to be creative in these troubling times. There may be some truth in this story. One can take it as they will.

Once upon a time, in the majestic kingdom of Farhaven, there lived a royal family whose story was destined to be etched in the annals of history. King Aldric and Queen Seraphina were blessed with four children – Ann, Valerian, Torrus, and Iona. Their family was completed by the youngest, Angus. Each child brought a unique charm and spirit to the grand halls of the castle.

Farhaven, nestled in the northern reaches of the kingdom, was a land of icy beauty and regal traditions. The children grew up amidst the towering snow-capped mountains and vast forests that surrounded the castle. They shared tales of heroes and legends, played in the courtyard, and learned the ways of their people.

As the years passed, the kingdom faced challenges. The cold winters were harsh, and whispers of distant lands filled with warmth and unknown wonders reached Farhaven. The royal family, bound by duty, remained steadfast, guiding their people through thick and thin.

Ann, however, harbored a desire for exploration and a thirst for knowledge beyond the northern realms. Her heart yearned to see the world beyond the icy borders of Farhaven. Her brothers and sister supported her dreams, understanding that destiny often called each soul in a different direction.

One day, a messenger arrived with news of an opportunity for Ann to travel to Riva, a distant land with a rich tapestry of cultures and landscapes. The decision weighed heavy on her heart, torn between her love for Farhaven and the beckoning call of the unknown.

In a grand farewell, the royal family gathered to bid Ann goodbye. Valerian, Torrus, Angus, and Iona stood by her side, their eyes reflecting a mix of pride and sadness. The people of Farhaven gathered to witness the departure of their beloved princess.

As Ann embarked on her journey to Riva, leaving the snowy landscapes of Farhaven behind, she carried with her the memories of her childhood, the lessons learned, and the love of her family. The horizon held the promise of adventure, discovery, and the unknown. And though Farhaven might not be seen in her lifetime, the spirit of the northern kingdom would forever reside in her heart, guiding her through the uncharted waters that lay ahead.

Written By Ann

Jan. 5, 2024, 6:47 p.m.(7/3/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Mattheu

As I sit down to write, my heart is filled with warmth and gratitude for the incredible journey I've shared with Mattheu. Our love story began like a gentle melody, slowly building into a symphony that continues to play in the background of our lives.

Mattheu entered my life like a burst of sunshine, bringing laughter and joy with him wherever he went. His kindness and gentle spirit immediately drew me in, and as our friendship deepened, I found myself falling in love with the wonderful person he is. From the early days of stolen glances to the sweet moments of shared dreams, our love story has unfolded in the most beautiful way.

Our journey together took an exciting turn when we welcomed our first child into the world. Yes, Matti has been a good father to the three I brought in our relationship but to see him with Danior that was a profound and transformative experience for me. Mattheu embraced fatherhood with a tenderness that melted my heart, and watching him bond with our little one was a sight to behold.

Our four children bring so much joy and laughter into our lives. Each one is a unique melody, creating a harmonious blend of personalities that make our family complete. Mattheu's role as a father is nothing short of extraordinary. He's not just a provider; he's the steady rock, the playful companion, and the wise guide our children look up to.

From the bedtime stories he reads to the way he patiently helps with questions, Mattheu's love for our children knows no bounds. I am endlessly grateful for the beautiful family we've built together, a testament to the love that continues to grow with each passing day.

As I reflect on the journey we've shared, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the love and companionship Mattheu brings into my life. Our love story is a tapestry woven with moments of laughter, shared dreams, and unwavering support. I look forward to the many chapters still unwritten, knowing that with Mattheu by my side, our love will continue to flourish and inspire for a lifetime.

I can only imagine that the Lovers of Riva shine upon us and the choices we are making in how we live our life.

Written By Ann

Jan. 5, 2024, 6:39 p.m.(7/3/1021 AR)

It is interesting to go down your personal history and find things you had forgotten about. It is as if a new light has been shed on them. Food for thought in how much a person can change and not even be aware of it.

Written By Ann

Dec. 24, 2023, 12:11 a.m.(6/5/1021 AR)

I thought of you three during the battle.
We won.
But all I can think of is what’s next?

Written By Ann

Dec. 23, 2023, 5:01 a.m.(6/4/1021 AR)

I remember the silent war and of course Stormwall. But this time it’s different. There’s more at stake. I’m fighting for freedom. For choice. For my family. For their future. Spirits bless us and be kind. Let us not forget the sacrifices already made. To the last!

Written By Ann

Dec. 12, 2023, 4:55 p.m.(5/11/1021 AR)

The other night when we were talking to the girls about how they should look after their baby brother it made me go down memory lane and how much fun I had growing up with my brothers. I don't talk about them often but they are never far from my thoughts. All the fun we had horseback riding and climbing up mountains as I would dare them to see how fast they could climb and I'd contemplate out loud if they were goats or not. Because isn't that what an older sibling does? Egg their younger siblings to do more than they ever could? I was always proud of them and what they achieved.

But how I miss you Valerian, Torrus and Angus. I freely give your names to the wind. Perhaps the wind will carry your names to the side of the wheel you are in and whatever life you have there.

Your big sister misses you. Maybe she will see you in her dreams.

Written By Ann

Dec. 8, 2023, 3:14 p.m.(5/2/1021 AR)

I was reminded the other night I have choices to make. Sometimes, the ability to have a choice makes me freeze and feel overwhelmed. What if I just spin and point and say, "Okay, I will do that." I'd probably still not be satisfied. Ugh.

Written By Ann

Nov. 30, 2023, 8:08 p.m.(4/15/1021 AR)

I wonder what getting back to normal looks like? I highly doubt it is any time soon. I am not sure how I feel about that. Time will tell, I guess.

Written By Ann

Nov. 18, 2023, 10:44 p.m.(3/19/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Darren

I see you, cousin mine. Thank you for showing up and letting me see your lightness. Even if it was ever brief. I haven't forgotten.

Written By Ann

Nov. 17, 2023, 2:22 a.m.(3/15/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Mattheu

It is always nice to go spend some time with my love and pretend we are not the people we are for just a little bit. I have missed that. We need to do these kind of things more often. Especially with the way our world is right now? We need to remember the important things. Such as love and who it is you wish to spend it with. I am glad I have my person. He makes me so happy. I know, I know, the court may say otherwise but it is nice to have this and will fight for whoever wishes to take it from me.

Jaenelle did a most excellent job with her Feast of Senses. I can't wait to see what will happen next year. She has not disappointed in all the times I have gone thus far.

Written By Ann

Nov. 10, 2023, 2:11 p.m.(3/2/1021 AR)

It was nice to have a small break from doing Inquisitor duties. But with recent events it seems myself, Rawkin and Louve will be called to House of Questions to take in some reports. I don't think that is the best spot to bring a baby in. It is a good thing that Mattheu does such a good job taking care of him. I will have to admit I will be counting the time till I can come home and be with the family. But as always, duty first. When the Crown calls? I answer.

Written By Ann

Nov. 7, 2023, 2:59 p.m.(2/24/1021 AR)

I woke up from a pleasant slumber to cookies dipped in chocolate. Awe, dear husband what a sweet gesture. Only to hear arguing from Mattheu and Amelia and then criers talking about cookies and people in need? Oh my what has been started? Maybe I need more sleep.

Oh but there are more cookies to be had! Look a whole container to! Thank you to the kind House Acheron. This also reminds me I should bring the children to the soup kitchen so they can do their part. Mmm. Yes, I think I shall.

My favorite nephew did make me giggle in his proclamation, Scholar. Don't tell him that I did that. I'll deny it. Okay, more cookies and more sleep and then soup kitchen.

Written By Ann

Oct. 15, 2023, 6:09 p.m.(1/7/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Cillian

Cillian Blackwood was a hunter and a protector he had a love of butterflies and a love of people. He also had a love of whiskey and a love for winter. Two things that we had in common. He stood for freedom and for choice. He died free from what held him prisoner from this side of the wheel. He died going the way he said he would have wanted to. Protecting those he loved and cared for. Thank the spirits that Helena is gone but I will miss my friend who always was willing to run into battle no matter the cost.

Goofy with his poems but you knew if you got one from him it was because he loved you and thought of you. Never forgotten. Always remembered.

I am proud that he was part of Redrain and now an honored Rivenshari. I will say to him to the last . I will also remember the sigil we once shared bears and drops of red. He was a friend and part of my chosen family. I am still in disbelief that he is gone his death should be honored if anyone speaks ill of him he will have to answer to me. Consider this a warning I know how to use my words.

Written By Ann

Sept. 23, 2023, 3:25 p.m.(8/5/1020 AR)

A Summer Serenade was most excellent. I was moved to tears in a couple of the pieces. I really did enjoy the sets that Master Sira had put together. Oh and the musicians. The musicians, excellent in their craft. But really this concert would not have happened if it was not for the imagination of Lord Mattheu Rivenshari.

For those of you that had missed out perhaps you will find time in your busy schedules to attend the next one. My warmest thank yous to those that came out and enjoyed the reception after. It was a good night to honor the performers and the composer. It also was something nice to listen and attend to with the onset of war coming. We all need a balance and sometimes being lost in a night of music is what one needs in my opinion, Scholar.

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