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Written By Allegra

Oct. 24, 2021, 3:16 p.m.(6/10/1016 AR)

I have returned to the city. It would appear it does not matter where I reside or for how long; there is always something to be done, always something to be rectified. While my time away was needed, it is good to be back in Arx.

Written By Allegra

Oct. 24, 2021, 3:16 p.m.(6/10/1016 AR)

I have returned to the city. It would appear it does not matter where I reside or for how long; there is always something to be done, always something to be rectified. While my time away was needed, it is good to be back in Arx.

Written By Allegra

Oct. 24, 2021, 3:16 p.m.(6/10/1016 AR)

I have returned to the city. It would appear it does not matter where I reside or for how long; there is always something to be done, always something to be rectified. While my time away was needed, it is good to be back in Arx.

Written By Allegra

June 15, 2021, 4:27 p.m.(9/1/1015 AR)

Woke up the other morning at my desk in my office...again. There was ink on my cheek. My hair looked as untamed as a storm at sea. And I couldn't tell if the water stain on the missive I had been writing was actually water...or drool. I /really/ need to make sure I sleep in my bed. Missives can wait.

Written By Allegra

Feb. 6, 2021, 3:20 p.m.(11/20/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Orland

1. What are you afraid of?

This answer is as clear to me as a winter's night sky. The thing I fear most is not loneliness, suffering or even death; two of which I had long endured and the latter I have shaken hands with and stared into its eyes. No, what I fear most is not living up to the expectations I have set upon myself and that others have come to expect. I would without a second thought endure more years of captivity to make sure I never knew the feeling of letting someone down.

2. What are your opinions of honor?

The honoring of thyself allows one to have honor for others. Fore if you do not honor thyself first, you are unclear of what honor is. Hold steadfast to your beliefs and understand that until proven otherwise by words or actions, you are no better than anyone else and your respect should be given.

3. What path do you see for yourself?

I find myself in a forest with many paths diverging, all of them winding into the deep undergrowth, their destinations unclear. They are all labeled with various titles such as family, professional ambition and things of that nature. My only hope is that in the end they all converge so that I will have all that I seek in my life. It is this hope that will start me walking...the hope that in the end I will fine myself finally content and my soul at peace.

4. What advice would you give to one who really needs it?

Hope is simply patience with the lamp lit, thus hope is never truly lost, but it is up to you to decide if you will follow it. As dim as the light may be, everything has a crack in which the light will find a way through to pierce the darkness. No matter how dark it grows, keep your eyes fixated on the light and keep walking until the light is so bright you must shield your eyes.


Written By Allegra

Jan. 3, 2021, 2:34 p.m.(9/8/1014 AR)

I wonder how my life had been had I been born into a life of servitude. Would it be much simpler...or that much harder?

Written By Allegra

Dec. 30, 2020, 6:31 p.m.(9/1/1014 AR)


I know you will probably never read this, because the last time you read something from my journal you woke up with honey in your hair. Mother was so mad. In my defense, your hair never looked shinier. You're welcome.

Yet, perhaps what I am going to say is more so for myself and not for you anyhow.

My entire life I have always looked up to you. My entire life I have been always trying to make you proud of me. To be more than Archduchess Belladonna Pravus's little sister.

I am no longer the young girl who would rather have had her fingers in the pages of a book than the sands upon the beaches of Setarco.

I am no longer the girl who spent years in captivity and became known as "the lame Pravus Princess", the recipient of unrelenting sympathy; sympathy I never asked for.

I am no longer letting my past define me.

So, what am I?

I am a survivor.

I am the Minister of Upkeep for House Pravus, a position I take very seriously.

I am the coordinator for the entire operation in Pieros for the upcoming conflict with the Skal'daja.

But, perhaps most importantly I am Archduchess Belladonna Pravus' little sister and with the determination to make you proud I shall do great things.


Written By Allegra

Dec. 22, 2020, 2:16 p.m.(8/12/1014 AR)

For years I have kept them hidden from the public eye; much like I was. Yet now, I feel I have reached the point where I want no part of myself imprisoned any longer. Let them stand as a mark of strength in the face of adversity. I should seek a few backless dresses as I have none.; the weather only grows hotter.

Written By Allegra

Dec. 20, 2020, 5:27 p.m.(8/8/1014 AR)

Sleepless Thoughts with Princess Allegra: What if there were no hypothetical questions? That in itself is a hypothetical question. So can one answer a question whose answer would contradict the very existence of the question initially asked? To answer the question would invalidate the very question without a valid question can you have a valid answer? Oh look the sun.

Written By Allegra

Dec. 19, 2020, 11:13 p.m.(8/7/1014 AR)

Laying here in bed and cannot stop thinking about cinnamon rolls and honey buttered crumpets. There may need to be a late night dining hall raid. I hope nobody sees me. Oh, but I may get icing on my blanket. Totally worth it.

Written By Allegra

March 26, 2020, 12:36 a.m.(12/28/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Belladonna

My beloved big sister. I just want to make you proud.

Written By Allegra

March 15, 2020, 5:37 p.m.(12/8/1012 AR)

I am not used to life being so busy! Time is going by far too quickly to get everything done. I am beginning to understand my cousin's comments about the need for a good assistant. But I would much rather be busy than bored.

Written By Allegra

March 1, 2020, 10:13 p.m.(11/8/1012 AR)

I feel it has been a most productive week, and I am slowly starting to adjust to the many (many) duties as Pravus' new Crimson Shark. I begin to feel more at home in the city, and have found reasons to be getting out more. There is still so much about the city that I have yet to discover, so many people I have yet to meet -- and so many books yet to read.

Written By Allegra

Feb. 23, 2020, 2:46 p.m.(10/22/1012 AR)

So much is happening all at once, I feel as though I can scarcely keep up! One thing I will say for Arx, you are seldom dull!

Written By Allegra

Feb. 9, 2020, 4:19 p.m.(9.657649222883597/23.828356481481478/1012.7214707685737 AR)

Out I go into the world, oh joy. To a ball, of all things. As I can't dance and I understand reading in the corner is frowned upon, I shall have to find someone witty to keep me company. Or plenty of good wine with which to occupy myself.

Written By Allegra

Feb. 8, 2020, 11:55 p.m.(9.608834325396826/21.09472222222222/1012.7174028604497 AR)

Relationship Note on Sebastian

Thank you for your help again, dear cousin. I will continue to tap your artistic brain for this project, you can be certain. And I am in the process of acquiring the oranges with which to bribe you!

Written By Allegra

Feb. 2, 2020, 12:35 a.m.(9.111145833333333/7.224166666666667/1012.6759288194445 AR)

It's true. Too long I've been hiding away with my books. It is time for me to step out of my room and begin truly discovering the world. And not just because there are more books out there. Although that certainly helps.

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