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Written By Aksel

Jan. 14, 2019, 2:14 p.m.(5/11/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Mydas

I have known the man that became Prince Ettore for many years. From my early days in Stonedeep training with Nadia and her brothers Cassius and Dustin he was sort of a guide. Certainly not a friend in those early years, but he was a man that willing spoke with me and try as he might to teach me about number matters, it went right over my head.

When I first arrived to the city at the request of Nadia to carry The Sword of Stonedeep it was nice to see the man still at the thing he loved and that he found a new path to pursue. I don't understand all that is the Thirteen or even a fraction of it, but he believed and he found strength in that believe.

While our paths have taken each other in different directions these past years, know I will miss you Mydas. I guess I won't get to bug you about that doll now.

Spirits watch over you Prince Ettore.

Written By Aksel

Sept. 17, 2018, 5:24 p.m.(8/14/1009 AR)


I have not seen my brothers since they were killed so many years ago. I sometimes I hear there voices upon the wind.

Sisters. Three of those I have. One older and two younger. Miss them, sure, but they have lives to live just as I do.

Written By Aksel

Aug. 26, 2018, 6:31 p.m.(6/20/1009 AR)

I've seen some weird things in The Spirits. But I don't even know what I saw the other day.

Written By Aksel

Aug. 8, 2018, 1:01 p.m.(5/11/1009 AR)

A good event. Even if I was fool hearty enough to try to take down a man with a large stick, I enjoyed the challenge. Sir Ober packs a mean punch with that mace, though.

Written By Aksel

Aug. 8, 2018, 12:52 p.m.(5/11/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Macda

On point number 5, I sure hope it wasn't a large mastiff that did such a thing. Fury doesn't usually destroy the footwear he takes, but.. I wouldn't put it past him.

Written By Aksel

Aug. 1, 2018, 5:43 p.m.(4/21/1009 AR)

The Commoners Ball. I don't know if one could really call it a ball. At least not in the typical fashion. It was just people getting together to enjoy an evening. Even a certain High Lord deciding to join in the festivities, didn't damper the mood. While I had thought not to come, I am glad I did.

Written By Aksel

July 28, 2018, 1:53 a.m.(4/11/1009 AR)

It's always good to test ones skill in battle. Even in a fray such as I was just in of the Tournament of Swords, there are tests. And things you learn.

The biggest thing I learned? Wearing a full set of plate is mighty handy, don't know if I would enjoy being rattled around like that though.

Written By Aksel

June 26, 2018, 12:59 p.m.(2/2/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

When I first came to this city I met, then a Prince, Anze. We drank. We trained. And in the strange that is this city, I felt something akin to the normalcy of the North. He helped me adjust to proper city life, but also helped remind me that the North is where ever I go.

Our paths crossed several times since those first days, but never long enough for my liking. I will always remember drinking and the laughs shared. I will always remember the thumpings in the training center. And I will always remember him being there during that blasted battle of those damn wasps, where if he wasn't there I would have likely gotten my arm severed off.

To The Last, Anze, I will never forget you.

Written By Aksel

Nov. 14, 2017, 12:53 p.m.(8/2/1007 AR)

It's been some days since I came back from the North and it's been even longer to write an entry about it.

I do not have much to share, honestly. I think I would have been standing frozen staring at whatever that creature was if it wasn't for a nasty right hook to the jaw by Shard.

It had focused on one of our party, Lord Armand, and decided to see if it could crush the Lords head. I will give credit though to the Lord even as the creature, some called it a Wendigo, tried to crush his head he fought on and gallantly.

There are things in the north that have awoken. Things that want nothing more then to see us dead. Let's just hope we can kill them before it kills us all.

Written By Aksel

Oct. 22, 2017, 3:10 p.m.(6/12/1007 AR)

The north is my home. The mountains call to me, much like those sailors say that the sea calls to them. To see the majestic peaks rising in the background. To sit in there shadows as the sun starts to peak over the horizon. To see the home once again. I wish my stay could have been longer, but unfortunately that is not the case.

The mountain know to the locals as Bighill was red as they come. The soil was a composition of clays and copper likely, and probably a little bit of iron. But she reached to the sky and the view from the side of her was nothing short of breathtaking.

I wish I could have stayed there up there for longer, but rumors of forces possibly marching on Farhaven left us little time for sight seeing.

I will not speak of the battle against to the lied to shavs. But the horror that the HornedAss committed should stand as a testament to all of just how dangerous he is. To turn those who he lied to swarms of wasps at just a drop of a hat? That is terrifying.

Even so, we will defend the north to our last breaths.

Written By Aksel

Oct. 3, 2017, 4:51 p.m.(5/2/1007 AR)

I haven't been writing in the journal much lately. Not that things haven't been going on, but because I don't know what to say about them really.

It was posed to be the other day that maybe the world is crazy. Perhaps it is. But perhaps it isn't crazy it was just hiding itself from us and is only now beginning to show itself to us fully.

Even if we are able to understand what crazy is in store for us, does it really even matter if ends up killing us all?

Spirits, what somber thoughts. I am way to sober for such gibberish.

Written By Aksel

Sept. 18, 2017, 9:35 p.m.(3/27/1007 AR)

I have been trying to figure out what to say about my latest adventure and honestly, I can't think of a thing to say other then that I would do it all again. Maybe not get swiped at by that duck bear thing. That I could do with out.

And I'm sure the healers could do without it as well.

Written By Aksel

Sept. 10, 2017, 1:11 p.m.(3/10/1007 AR)

Chance encounters can lead to interesting outcomes. From just a simple meeting a friendship could be born. Or it could lend themselves to becoming rivals or outright enemies. Or could be simply forgotten about until other chance meeting.

But it's these simple encounters when you first meet that can tell alot about a person. Or sometimes, nothing at all.

Written By Aksel

Sept. 9, 2017, 12:48 a.m.(3/7/1007 AR)

I attended this Valardin carnival. Well, I showed up and watched the festivities and had the pleasure of having Dame Alexis touch my face with this weird smelling thing that made my beard behave in ways that a beard should not behave. I don't know what I looked like, she seemed to enjoy making me look "better"

I also lost another bet. Thankfully this one isn't going to see me in a dress, but it is presenting an unique set of challenges.

I don't think a kiss counts as a gift. So I will just have to come up with something that will suprise her.

Written By Aksel

Sept. 2, 2017, 12:25 a.m.(2/18/1007 AR)

BEST DAY EVER. Seriously. I'm sitting here writing this covered in dried blood I had to write this down right away.

Ever have a day where you wake up and then suddenly your someplace you don't know how you got there? Or why and you figure, hey it's a dream. This is going to be cool. So you go with it, but things start to twist a bit. The dream feels more like reality and slowly, very slowly you 'wake' up from this dream? Man. I am so giddy I don't even know how to write the words. I haven't felt so alive as I do right now since coming to this city. I want to sleep. But.. I'm afraid that if I do I will just wake up from the dream and realize it wasn't real.

So. I hope this was truly the BEST DAY EVER and not some dream. I'd be more then a little pissed about it.

Written By Aksel

Aug. 28, 2017, 12:04 a.m.(2/8/1007 AR)

Camping was rather uneventful. No dancing with bears. No great game to hunt. Fury was pissed though, and I think he eyeballed every single pair of footwear on the way home. He's a monster some time, but he's a mans best friend. At least that's what they tell me.

Written By Aksel

Aug. 25, 2017, 12:52 p.m.(2/3/1007 AR)

Yes. I am an idiot. I think. I need to slip away from this city. Spend a few days, maybe a week tops, camping. Fury is getting restless and maybe it will curb his fascination with stealing footwear. Maybe we'll even dance with a bear.

Written By Aksel

Aug. 17, 2017, 3:27 a.m.(1/14/1007 AR)

Okay, I have to write this down.

I just had the most mind numbing experience that a man could have. It was like my body was alive in places I never knew were alive. Sweat poured down my face and I bet my body was doing the same. It left me unable to speak and there were actual moments were I thought I would actually pass out and die. Sure, it was good at first, even sumptous, but then it hit me and I never felt such pain before and I hope I never have to again. I seriously thought I was going to have to cut my own tongue out and had thoughts of gouging my eyes out from the pain of it all. I survived though. Barely.

Admiral Wash thinks it was something called Hog Pepper from the Saffron Isle chain. I was in so much pain I am half tempted to sail there and light it on fire so none can ever experience this sort of misery again. Word of caution to everyone out there. Don't Trust a Vendor.

Written By Aksel

Aug. 12, 2017, 2:58 a.m.(1/4/1007 AR)

These past few days have been interesting. I don't know what I am doing. Just when I figure it out I realize that I don't. For all my talk of loving the simple things, I don't make it simple upon myself now do I?

Any way enough of that.

My lessons with Esoka have been going well. She is a dedicated woman to her cause. I wonder if she ever lets her hair down.

I rather enjoyed my conversation with Countess Mia Riven. I have lots to learn, but she was a patient tutor and hopefully I will be able to pick her brain some more if her time allows it.

Learning the sword is coming along.

Written By Aksel

Aug. 9, 2017, 2:47 p.m.(12/27/1006 AR)

I've been called mean a few times lately. In retrospect, perhaps I am. But, I don't know how not to be.

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