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Written By Agostino

March 29, 2019, 8:58 a.m.(10/27/1010 AR)

The self-importance of some people is absolutely amazing to behold.

Written By Agostino

Sept. 18, 2018, 2:54 p.m.(8/16/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Berenice

My guess is that many would, in the hopes their beliefs would turn out to be true.

Written By Agostino

Aug. 3, 2018, 4:24 p.m.(4/25/1009 AR)

So, after spending a week in the Shrine of the Thirteenth, a number of lessons come to mind. Besides the obvious, of course. "Don't break your vows, especially to the Gods." That really should go without saying, but I'll include it here for the sake of completion.

More important than that, perhaps, is "consider your vows carefully". One hears so many stories of vows made in haste, and the trouble that can come of that sort of thing. Even with some forethought, not all oaths are going to be easy to keep, but you can save yourself a lot of extra headaches if you just take a moment before speaking.

Another that seems lost on many people, though, is less pithy, but no less important in its way. Most people likely assume that the Silent Reflections became what they are because of wickedness. That they broke their vows for personal gain. However, the truth is that many, perhaps even the majority, went back on their oaths because they learned some secret that they felt it was of vital importance to share. They were, through no fault of their own, put in a position where they had to choose between their vows and the common good, and chose the latter knowing full well what consequences they would suffer for it. This is not to say that they made the right choice. Only the Gods can say for sure whether that is the case or not. I just know that if I cannot even imagine what it would be like to stand in that position, with that choice ahead of me, I feel reluctant to judge them, myself.

Written By Agostino

July 22, 2018, 5:29 p.m.(3/28/1009 AR)

All the hard work over the past couple of weeks, finishing up outstanding jobs before taking up this new position, has been worth it. I look forward to this new endeavor, and working with house Malespero, a great deal.

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