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Written By Abbas

March 9, 2018, 3:13 p.m.(5/1/1008 AR)

To be very clear as perhaps the High Lord of Thrax was too drunk at the time to recollect.

There was acknowledgement. But never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Nor a convenient one for that matter.

Lord Amir Pravus and Lady Aisha Pravus are blessed to be a part of the House they have joined. They will be with their family and have the love of their noble aunt and uncle. They will know the love and protection that they would not otherwise be expected to receive as Thraxcians, where they are conveniently forgotten and discarded the moment it benefits perception.

Their mother will be able to see them whenever she desires and is welcome to stay in the safety of the Lyceum at any time she desires.

I could think of no finer, filial loyal, and a better place for the children than under the care of this family. Their family. I ask that people leave their mother alone and give her peace on this. These decisions are not easy for any father or mother. But they are our right to consent upon and we have.

Thank you,

Written By Abbas

Feb. 15, 2018, 7:22 p.m.(3/7/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliana

Good talk.

Written By Abbas

Feb. 4, 2018, 2:18 p.m.(2/13/1008 AR)

I know what to say or write here any longer. My entries shall be private for now. And speak of nothing.

Written By Abbas

Feb. 3, 2018, 9:58 a.m.(2/10/1008 AR)

I was sailing for Eurus years ago on ships of ill repair. How their ships still sailed I could not understand. It was madness.

I sailed onward determined. I witnessed my people slaughtered.

My hair turned grey in places, and the nightmares.

I remember the night the prior Warlord of Thrax and I rowed out to an island and gathered the surviving. One-by-one we put knives to their throats to end their terrible suffering. It was upon us to do so -- I could have ordered it done by another hand. I could have sent them off to rot in a a place that was out of my sight. But that is not what a leader does and so I did what had to be done by my own hand. These were men that I had sailed with for a dozen years. Men whose sons died, who had saved my life, and had been fearless and loyal.

I sought to find out more. I probed. I sent out ships. I made crude attempts. It was my friends I asked to take these journeys. The most trusted of the men that had been like brothers to me -- they took the burden willingly and I sent them to their deaths.

Over the next few years as I desperately sought to find ways to understand any of it. We were blinded by the reckless decisions. And we begin to unravel.

I will never forget my brethren. The message still seems fresh. The hatred. I knew there was no greater threat to our people.

Over the next couple of years I would receive my friends in similar ways. Terrible gifts.

I began searching for clues. Lord Darrow and I first came upon smaller settlements and set to torch. We find children and women burned alive. We had no sight of the men in these settlements.

Lord Darrow and I were soaked in the blood of our brethren, our people, and we piled their bodies a thousand tall. I watched as men wept. Men set to torch their wives, and children.

I could not image stopping it -- no keeping it at bay.

I will not discuss the events that happened next nor who ordered what or why. And I have ducked the responsibility of such.

The day the ships in the harbor sunk and Thrax suffered my uncle. He was trapped in his ship and his pigs turned on him. I was floored as I saw him eaten alive. All because of thoughts that were my own. He suffered as he was sent to the bottom of the salt.

I feared for the Maelstrom after my uncle Dominic died so terribly. I ordered them put to sea to drift along the tides. I sent them to the deep waters.

When I learned the faithful died I shed not a single tear. Although the men that carried out my orders to sail to the vast emptiness I did lament their passing as the countless friends and family I have sent to their deaths in this conflict. I did not want the faithful in my home. If I had it to do again I would. But I suspect the outcome would have been the same. I made the wrong choice.

This is the last time I shall write or speak of these things. Somewhere the Gyre laughs at the foolishness and is gleeful at my departure. I am taunted more and it's done.

The war that comes to the doorstep of Arvum has been brewing for a long time. Do not be deceived. He sends men to slaughter. The only thing he truly desires, I suspect, is the fight and that is what he will attempt to obtain at all costs. He cares not of ethics or lives he wastes to do so. At all costs he should be stopped from these aims but it is not my path to see it so.

I have a new command and enterprise. I have a new endeavor and our bite until the day there will an endless horizon of men and women flashing their feral white; sending terror and awe across the deep. We are the Dogs of the Salt. The Isles Canines.

The Salted have awakened and we now take to our own council to rise to glory and power under our own might.

-- Abbas Thrax

Written By Abbas

Jan. 28, 2018, 10:05 p.m.(1/20/1008 AR)

This will be my first war where I will not be directly involved. This will be a relief to some. And an unfortunate affair to others.

To those men I wish to lead I will pray for your ferocity in the Salt and for good deaths should you come to them.

My path takes me elsewhere and it is time to look to things beyond the dictations of others.

Written By Abbas

Sept. 5, 2017, 8:35 p.m.(2/25/1007 AR)

I have been tasked with preparing the defense of the Mourning Isles.

Now, more than ever, for all of the Compact we must set aside our differences and come together to shield Arvum from the dark God that seeks to consume us all.

We shall accept and all assistance in defense of the Maelstrom. Any who wish to join in the defense of such your presence is welcome. We are preparing the fleet for war and our homes for siege.

We pray that the Faith shall rise up and come to us and Mangata with their blessings.
We pray our fellow Houses stand with us and commit to turn the dark tides that approach.

Some already have and more are in the process of doing so.

We shall stand against the darkness and doom with light and fire in our hearts.

Will you stand with us?

Written By Abbas

Sept. 1, 2017, 1:41 p.m.(2/17/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarie

Your statue is wonderful and beyond compare in its quality. It is an inspirational thing and through it I have found a vehicle and a new purpose.

Thank you.

Written By Abbas

Sept. 1, 2017, 1:38 p.m.(2/17/1007 AR)

I have concluded my fast and prayers at the beautiful statue of Mangata. I have been tended to and nourished and revived. I have a purpose. The Great Beast seeks to devour all there is. He shall find our fury in the face of its hunger impossible to swallow.

Written By Abbas

Sept. 1, 2017, 1:35 p.m.(2/17/1007 AR)

After my prayers have been concluded. And I have now recovered enough from fasting for two days. It has come to my attention that someone spoke against killing babies and Thrax. It seemed, perhaps, the comments were aimed towards me but generalized.

What sort of people are we if we are not allowed to question? If we are robbed of voice and the chance to express it. I have no issue with what the seamstress said if what is told to me is true. I ask anyone who took offense, on my behalf, not hold ill will or take action against a common woman who spoke her thoughts before the Goddess Mangata.

My actions are my own. I take responsibility for the disease with the Gyre's allies. My High Lord was aware of my intent, those around me were also were aware, but I am the Warlord of Thrax and I took the burden and the command of such knowing that it was my place to take and hold the criticism for my actions. And I have done such.

All were given the choice to kneel. Those who did were spared. Those who didn't were advised that the consequence would be death. I did not have years to root out the hidden island strongholds of the shavs. Arx was under siege and I knew the foe was eager to keep us occupied elsewhere. When I returned the fleet and broke through the army that besieged the Seawatch Gate is was a shock to our common foe. I filled and manned the hole in the wall with many brave Thraxians. Many soldiers should be commended for their actions that day. They died by the droves to keep Arvum and Arx whole. They deserve your praise. I, as their leader, deserve your condemnation for what came to bring that about. Not them.

No one in Thrax should be culpable for the deeds under my command. Not the High Lord, not the soldier that followed my orders, nor should anyone be chastised for questioning things I have done. I would appreciate that that criticism be given a name and I am not hard to find. I will not be hostile or act foul in response to such.

War is not a beautiful thing filled with honor. The stakes of this war are far higher than anything we have ever known. War is death, suffering, and misery at a scale that is shocking and appalling.

I have said I shall not use disease in war again. I have ended the practice of flaying and using crosses in the military. I have allowed women the chance to fight in this Great War to come as equals to Thraxian men. I have done all these things and stayed true to the course. I shall not waver in the face of the unspeakable horror that now approaches.

My duty, and life's current purpose, is to stand in the face of this malice. And I shall, axe in mitt... with the banners of the Serpent aligned behind me. I shall lead them, in alignment with the ethics of the Compact -- and we shall define ourselves as the hardened salted reavers do in the face of war...

Tears in our wake.

Written By Abbas

Aug. 20, 2017, 12:19 p.m.(1/21/1007 AR)

The tides turn red with the blood of good, hard, gas-lighted reavers. Men who have the courage to brave the tumultuous and often treacherous waters of the salt in nothing but the lumber hewn with axe and the will of man. Men cast to the cast to the bottom with naught but nails in their bellies and dreams of glory on their minds. There is no glory in this sort of death. We are the blood of the Salt. It spits from our veins and scorches the soil of the vanquished. I shall drink in their memory, of the victories before. I shall drink to their fury and hunger for more. I shall drink to the battles yet to be won. And the ruination of that which falls before the serpent banners in the victories yet to come.

When Death is certain.

The war for Life is everything.

Written By Abbas

July 30, 2017, 5:47 p.m.(12/7/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Fatima

Apparently I am hosting a festival event of some sort. Axe tossing. The last game of axe tossing I was in a man got hit in the leg. I am hoping this, will... also be a similar success.

Written By Abbas

July 21, 2017, 12:04 p.m.(11/16/1006 AR)

I am and shall ever be a Golden Noodling God.

The line of people wanting to noodle with me starts at the shallow end of the pool and goes around to the deep end.

Salt Life forever.

Written By Abbas

July 16, 2017, 10:27 a.m.(11/6/1006 AR)

Someone told me the pen is more powerful than the axe. I have split over thirty of these silly things and managed to get ink over everything. And now my clothes are a mess.

The pen is more annoying than the axe.

But more powerful? I'll take my axe in a fight ten times out of ten.

Written By Abbas

July 8, 2017, 11:42 a.m.(10/18/1006 AR)

Children sometimes never grow up. They never see that the world is not some idealistic place. It is a harsh place where when sheltered too long people breed weakness. There is a time to shelter children and loved ones. But there are times when one must separate from their youthful fancies and harden themselves to what is before them.

Failing to do so only burdens those who would seek to shelter you.

Written By Abbas

July 2, 2017, 12:05 p.m.(10/7/1006 AR)

Trust should not be blind. It should be informed. And I will not tolerate those I love succumbing to the machinations of those who cannot be trusted.

Written By Abbas

July 2, 2017, 12:04 p.m.(10/7/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Dominic



*holds sides*

HAHAHAHHA *BREATH* Hahahahahahaa! Ahahahahaa!!!!!

You are one beat away from the worst fate in the world. You silly silly .. hahahaa... fool.

LONG LIVE THE WARLORD! The only position worthy of holding!

Written By Abbas

July 2, 2017, 12:03 p.m.(10/7/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Fatima

For some time now my sister Fatima has been my voice. Now she is the Voice for all of Thrax.

I am proud of her. I have large expectations. But Thrax is becoming stronger beat by beat.

Written By Abbas

June 25, 2017, 2:39 a.m.(9/20/1006 AR)

Three Things:

1) No, I am not becoming Godsworn. I will be swearing an oath to not carry through with some of the actions of my past that I now regret. And I will be taking further action to make amends with the Faith.

2) If I wanted to wreak havoc in Arx I would taint paper with disease. I would make sure your journal entries from now until the future are done in trusted sources. One could wipe out much of Arx through the liability of our journal addiction. The recent blank pages made me consider this.

3) No I didn't poison or have anything to do with it.

Written By Abbas

June 24, 2017, 3:15 p.m.(9/19/1006 AR)

I support the Pravus in what they do in these dark times. The Duchess knows she has my full support as do the members of their family. They are righteous in their actions and my axes stand at the ready.

Written By Abbas

June 24, 2017, 3:12 p.m.(9/19/1006 AR)

As of late I have been making progress. Soon I shall work with the Faith and swear my vows. I have taken actions in the direction of the Pantheon. I am not a man who sits idle and talks. My words are backed by action and by the guidance of Mangata.

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