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Written By Fredrik

Aug. 28, 2018, 7:43 p.m.(6/24/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Soren

I will /not/ comment on this situation much, because it is not my fealty, not my fight, and it's already been overdiscussed with any points I could make, save your own.

Namely, that Princess Marian did actually call for a rite to Gloria, the Duke simply did not accept. It was not until later, after that lack of response, that Lady Monique, on behalf of her sister, issued a challenge. This is, from what I've seen, about as close to conditions needed for an actual, Swords-used Honor Duel as has been seen in recent years, but given the coming storm, I understand the loathing to risk losing an extremely valuable Sword in such a bout.

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