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Written By Poppy

May 2, 2020, 6:34 a.m.(3/19/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Rodica

I did something dreadful tonight scholars! See, I made a new friend and she's terrific. She's funny and interesting and I think almost as out of her depth as I feel. There's one problem. She's lycene. Not that that's actually a problem. It's her hatred of snow! How can I be best friends with someone who hates the thing I love most?

Well scholar. I drank a little too much whiskey and decided to throw a snowball at her. I missed. Oh scholar! I missed so badly. I got Prince Kieran Redrain in the face. I can't lie, it was hysterically, side splittingly funny. But! Lady Rodica and he decided that I must wear a lycene style gown and scholar! what happens if all my lady bits fall out? What if that strategic strap breaks? I'm more worried about this darn dress than dealing with a bear who has a thorn in their paw.

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