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Written By Orathy

Dec. 15, 2018, 2:08 a.m.(3/5/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on River

Aye, reckon I be makin a promise right 'ere and now... anyone touches or harms my boy River 'n I will kill 'em.

Written By Sina

Nov. 24, 2018, 4:53 a.m.(1/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on River

You are right of course, and I do not mean to dismiss or diminish anyone's experience. However, I do take issue with someone claiming that the entire Compact believes 'a good shav is a dead shav' which is the comment by Shard that originally inspired me to make my voice heard. This is simply not the case, nor should every member of the Compact be held accountable for one man's words saying such. I, for one, count each life precious, whether they are people of the Compact or not. This is all I am trying to say.

Written By Sina

Nov. 23, 2018, 4:50 a.m.(1/17/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on River

Choice is certainly the key word here, I think. Everyone has a choice, and each choice has consequence. We each make a choice, even to stick our necks out and write our thoughts in the whites for all to see, and judge. My choice was to speak out, to imply that there is another way - the finding of common ground. In the end, we all share the Dream - we are all a part of it.

But you are correct. It is our choices that define us, and what we make of our lives. I choose to remain compassionate where I can, but I have a part of me as well, that will fight for what I believe in. Everyone does. Call it survival instinct, call it whatever you like. All of us are capable of violence, even me, though I prefer a peaceful path if I can. I carry a sword, daggers, and I have a set of armor, just like many of the people who write in these journals. And I will use them, if all else fails, if I have to. So far, I have not had to use them at all. But, I am young yet, and have not had a need.

Before I use them, I prefer to think that sometimes, there is a chance for a better solution. But it doesn't start with generalizing, putting everyone into one little box, and labeling them all the same. If someone decides to attack me, I will hold that single person responsible, not their entire house, their family, their people.

Therefore, I think it is unfair to blame the entire Compact for the behavior of individuals. Each person must be held accountable for his or her actions. Unless, of course, one is enslaved by a creature of the Abyss, in which case, does that person actually have free will? And when it comes to that traitor, that horned one you speak of, he doesn't care about your choices, or your free will. But I do, the Compact does, the Faith does, and so if you run into his arms, then you are still making a choice - to give up your free will, or aid and abet one who will take that choice away from shav and a member of the Compact alike. And that is what I, personally, will take up arms against. Anyone who will deny another that one thing - choice, or the knowledge that will allow one to make an informed choice.

Someone mentioned in a previous journal entry that we each fight for different reasons. I participated in the defense of the Lodge as well. I did not raise my sword, but I fought the same as any other, risked everything, the same as any other. To protect that one thing - our freedom to choose.

You say you were a former thrall. My mother was a thrall. I was a scullion in the kitchens of House Thrax as a child. Was I a thrall? I don't know. I was a child, and forced to work in the kitchens of the family that destroyed my father's ship. That seems somewhat like thralldom to me. But I was taken out of the kitchens, and raised up to be Princess Donella's handmaiden, then I chose to stay on and serve Princess Alarissa. Now, I serve the gods, of my own choice. What you started out as is not what you are now. Do not let that define you, unless, of course, you choose to. Because unlike many of those souls we saved in the forest these past months... you have that option.

Written By Orathy

Nov. 20, 2018, 6:03 p.m.(1/12/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on River




Reckon this outta be fun.

Really I otta quit drinkin...

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