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Written By Medeia

Oct. 29, 2020, 4:29 a.m.(4/15/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Raigner

There is a surprising man newly wandering the city, who seems much like any northern giant at first blush: big enough to be a bear, wears an entire bear, drinks enough whiskey each day to kill a bear. There is, in fact, a theme here. When first I encountered Raigner of Stormwall, shipbuilder and huntsman, he was in the training center and doing what one might expect of a man like him - sizing up opponents. I then encountered him several more times in likely places - bars, mostly. However, I was surprised recently when the man found his way to the party I opened to the public to celebrate my twin sister Neilda's and my birthday. It turns out that Raigner of Stormwall is an artist, not just a shipbuilder. Lord Pasquale had procured from him an intricate and delightful puzzle box which now is in the possession of my sister as her gift. It was quite the talk of the party for a moment until Raigner proved capable of generating worthier buzz. Have you ever watched something carved in real time? It's fascinating. What's more fascinating is the imagination and skill of the artist. Raigner carved a three-or-so-foot-tall statue right there at the party! It was, naturally, a bear standing on, perhaps less naturally, a large turtle's back. That statue is now in the possession of Lady Thea.

I share this with you on the chance that some generations from now, should the story passed at dinner tables be lost to the children who inherit the puzzle and statue, they might know something of the origins of them. And, to shine a light on the hidden talents of one Raigner of Stormwall, shipbuilder and huntsman and artist.

Written By Dusa

Oct. 21, 2020, 8:23 a.m.(3/27/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Raigner

I met a man today. Another Northlander. I must admit, I was charmed by him in ways that I still do not fully understand.

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