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Written By Cambria

Jan. 25, 2024, 11:44 p.m.(8/15/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Marzio

For years we had worked to achieve a cavalry worth the name. We always knew that dark days were ahead, though I doubt we quite realize just how bad things would become. It is only too easy to say, if only we had more time, if only we had more silver, if only we had more steel, if only we had more silver, if only...

The Thousand shall ever be a point of pride for me, as I know they surely must be for you. The people that you and the Thousand were able to escort safely on their way in the days leading up to the assault on our walls are the precious people of Ostria, and other refugees making their way to Arx besides, and there can be no understating just how vitally important that task was.

Amidst the walls of our city, you took the unenviable task of assembling within the Outer Round - a place certainly not best suited to the cavalry!

You could not have seen it, but my heart swelled with such fierce joy as I saw you at their forefront, as I heard the beating of the shields until that sound drowned out all else for one sublime moment.

In the chaos of battle that followed, while I was not able to follow your exact movements, I witnessed from on high the true might of our people and I knew that you were leading them. I never doubted for a moment that you had fallen, and this gave me more heart than you can imagine.

In the days to come, you shall be needed more than ever.

Written By Miranda

Feb. 4, 2020, 12:52 p.m.(9.290469990079366/10.266319444444445/1012.6908724991733 AR)

Relationship Note on Marzio

Husband. Most beloved.

Written By Cambria

Sept. 29, 2019, 6:57 p.m.(12/5/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Marzio

I have recently offered Marzio a position in which I believe he will flourish. If all he desires from it is an opulent hat of grandiose size, then he shall have it. As to other matters that may or may not concern a particular Lady of Grimhall? Time will tell!

Written By Ilmia

May 4, 2019, 12:43 a.m.(1/15/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Marzio

This evening I met a most wonderful Lord of the Mazetti family. I was having a bit of fun with my guards in the city center while we were heading back from the markets. Lord Marzio decided to join us. Or well, we ended up in a snowball fight with each other. Even though he told me I should surrender, I did not. It wasn't until Lord Marzio knocked me into a snowbank that I decided to concede the fight to him. I think he's going to have a cold though with all of the snow he had on him.

He was also very kind and saw that I made it home. I do look forward to our next tiny battle though, Lord Mazetti. Whenever you'd like to have another one.

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