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Written By Khanne

March 24, 2022, 8:10 p.m.(5/5/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

Balance is one of the ideals I hold most dear, and have for many, many years. What I have observed is that one item might find balance alone, but it takes a lot of will and work to maintain and can easily be made unstable or even toppled by a gentle breeze. However, if the one were a pair or more, balance can be found by leaning against one another, creating a stronger foundation able to withstand so much more, making it a force capable of not only rising higher, but being left standing when others have fallen.

Written By Khanne

March 23, 2022, 2:26 p.m.(5/2/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

That is so sad and I highly disagree!

I can count quite a few times that if it were not for others, I would certainly NOT have survived.

Written By Desiree

March 19, 2022, 11:35 p.m.(4/23/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

I was asking in earnest. Truly. I was young. What did I know?

Written By Tanith

April 16, 2020, 2:23 a.m.(2/14/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

My cousin has the most amazing ability, scholar: he can scrub pots with just his face. He does such a good job of it, I may never let him buy another drink at the Murder again so long as he continues to do so. He can walk right through the doors and there I'll be with all the pots, waiting. Everyday. And after, I'll let him have a drink so long as he can still swallow.

Written By Korka

April 13, 2020, 11:40 a.m.(2/9/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

It's going to follow you around forever now.

Or I guess it would, if you weren't already following it.

Written By Korka

March 27, 2020, 9:35 p.m.(1/4/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

One word.

Written By Korka

March 21, 2020, 3:20 a.m.(12/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

Scholar's note: Inquisitor Korka Glynn laughed for ten minutes straight and when I asked if she wanted something recorded she said I might as well write that down because no one would believe me anyway.

Written By Revell

March 18, 2020, 7:35 a.m.(12/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan


In my previous journal on the Confessor, I spoke of staying away. Well, I never listen to my own advice, go figure.

I realize I'm drawn to a very certain kind of person, and I desperately want to shove my friendship down their throats. Sad, angry, bitter and certainly dangerous. He is one of those people.

He spouts a lot of inappropriate nonsense, and I am pretty sure he intends to single-handedly ruin my entire reputation for a laugh, but he still does good sometimes. I'm going to tell everyone about it so that maybe I can beat him to the punch and mess with /his/ reputation first!

For starters. I asked him to bring us drinks a few days back in the Black Axe Pub (highly recommend the place), and he returned with cheap ale (ew) and informed me that he'd told the barkeep that I was paying. Well, I didn't have any coin on me at the time, so I chose to pay with my footwear. I was going to come back when I had the coin, but apparently the Confessor felt bad enough to pay for the drink and get the boots back for me. Sure, it came with a lot of teasing, but it was still /super sweet/, wasn't it?

Oh! And then I caught him playing with Wonder (my kitten). He claims that he was just holding her because he didn't want her to get stepped on as I'd probably cry, and Rinel would start shouting at him again (long story). But, if that was all he wanted to do, all he had to do was pick her up but nope, he played with her.

Whether the friendship will stick remains to be seen, but I plan on making good use of him for as long as I can.

I know he's probably going to read this, and that's fine. So far, I like to think that we've both been brutally honest with one another, so none of this likely came as a surprise to him.

Written By Tanith

March 18, 2020, 6 a.m.(12/13/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

You are a giant butt.

Written By Korka

March 8, 2020, 7:26 p.m.(11/22/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

Welcome back.

Keep it down.

Written By Revell

March 4, 2020, 8:26 p.m.(11/14/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan


I really should have known better than to mention doors, shouldn't I? As soon as the words left my mouth and I realized what a quick-witted man Confessor Corrigan is - I knew that I'd made a mistake. The word plays were utterly relentless and I can never, ever look at a door the same ever again.

He's slippery, he's quick, he's funny, and he's insufferably clever. When I think inquisition, he is not what I imagine at all, but at the same time I can certainly see why he's a part of them.

I may have to change my name and hope he doesn't recognize my face when it isn't all covered in blood though, as I really, truly do not wish to see him again.

He sets off all of my alarm bells, and normally, I don't listen to those, but this time.. I definitely should.

Does this journal make you laugh as well, Corrigan?

Written By Octavia

Sept. 23, 2019, 10:59 a.m.(11/20/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Corrigan

In my experience, if you see an Inquisitor smiling you generally don't want to know the reason why.

Please note that the scholars may take some time preparing your journal for others to read.

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