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Written By Neve

Dec. 27, 2020, 10:49 a.m.(8/22/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Calla

This woman is something special. She has seen some hardship, and she is very different from the rest of her family. Facing life alone I know she is realizing that she is not alone truly. And being different isn't a negative, it can be quite the positive. She is intelligent, a thinker. She has a strong heart that is blossoming.

Am I in love with her? Yes. That much is obvious and true. I support her in her endavours, and in finding a marriage. I want to see her have children even more than she does! Then I can spoil them and we can eat treats together, play games, have pillowfights, and play chase the goose around the pond! I must get to them before Marquis Cirroch to teach them Cake is for eating, not for throwing!

The Baroness of Red is strong, stronger than she realizes. She will run her barony with strength, intelligene, and will lead them into a new strength. One does not have to be on the battlefield themselves to lead, elevating those of worth and support I think will bring you the best support and not only build upon what your ancestors and family have done, but elevate it, increase it.

I am so proud of you, and I'm seeing you grow, become confident. Don't doubt yourself - ever, but listen to others. A plan can be crafted but always can be tweaked, sometimes those with experience have knowledge and insight you don't even know you seek. I used to think No no I want this, or I know this, or I just want it my way! As a bratty young girl I led my own life astray. Your a more knowledgable person than I was that much I think is absolutely true. Being open to the advice, and experience of others is something I've seen you do.

I think your wonderful, and beautiful, and swell. I'll support you, and encourage you, and perhaps when your not looking tickle you as well. But don't tickle me, beause I'm ticklish you see. If you do it too much I might fall down and pee. It's not really fair, really it's not. But make it up to you somehow I will have to do, because your stronger than you realize in all things you do.

Written By Ciro

Dec. 21, 2020, 12:59 a.m.(8/9/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Calla

What kindred spirits we are, Save for the indulgence of wine.
The Saffron Siren always full of surprises, Always ready
with a smile that could melt the most frigid heart.

While some might not see her or hear her I do.
Her thoughts and company always welcome.

The Saffron Siren: White rum infused with Pineapple and ginger.

Written By Adrienne

Dec. 20, 2020, 1:21 p.m.(8/8/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Calla

Baroness Calla Vaevici is a question mark within a fealty from whom I expect more questions than answers. The picture she paints through words of Sangris and the Caldera is stark, exotic, powerful. She is as graceful as a Torean rose and sharp as tempered steel. I do not know what her tale will be. It is one which is and will be worth reading.

May Lagoma's flame burn bright for you, Baroness, and for Sangris as we sail into nights unknown.

Written By Orland

Dec. 1, 2020, 1:54 a.m.(6/25/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Calla

Thoughts of a Friend:

She came to me first, at a birthday party. That was the choice she made, to approach me, introduce herself, but when the party was over, she made efforts to continue. Efforts that I will appreciate. Efforts that did not mirror in others. It was a kindness, that I later learned, which was mutual. We both understand the position of the other is in and find it easy to share conversation, evasive as she is with her answers. Though I can't blame her for that. I have stumbled and made a snap decision early on, but, she didn't hold that against me. I am relieved. I feel a little bit more like myself around her too, after the card games. I find I'm a lot less than what I'm to be and more of who I was, still, an odd combination of both. It is a comfort to know, that there can be things such a friends. I have another to thank for opening me up to that realm of possibility.

But I still wonder, can people, exist, without an agenda? Is it in our nature to have a relationship without their desires guiding them...


A strong word.

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