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Written By Sunaia

Feb. 3, 2020, 4:39 p.m.(9.23031994047619/13.897916666666667/1012.6858599950397 AR)

Relationship Note on Ashur

Not to rush things...

But, I live for the day when he claims my family name.

And for the day when I bear our firstborn. And every child after.

Such thoughts carry me forward through everything and hold me through all other needs and concerns.

Written By Sunaia

Jan. 30, 2020, 12:09 a.m.(8.895624999999999/30.155/1012.65796875 AR)

Relationship Note on Ashur

At last, I may write openly:

I am to marry.

Blessed am I for Lord Ashur Sanna, the man who has won not only my hand but my heart and makes me stronger for it.

Written By Sunaia

Jan. 28, 2020, 12:07 a.m.(8.752781498015873/22.15576388888889/1012.6460651248346 AR)

Relationship Note on Ashur

Every day, I am more glad for your presence.

Written By Sunaia

Jan. 25, 2020, 10:03 p.m.(8.60410011574074/20.829606481481484/1012.6336750096451 AR)

Relationship Note on Ashur

Though tears come in many forms and for many reasons, you never cease to amuse me.

Gods know I've needed to laugh, and it's been some time since I've laughed as much as I do with you, Lord Ashur Sanna.

May you be blessed, in due time, with children who bring you laughter, joy and love.

If anyone does, you deserve it.

An afterthought: Though I can't be sure, I couldn't help but wonder if the wolf spider was taking vengeance for the tease. Either that, or you disturbed his home. You may wish to be more careful of spider's webs.

Written By Sunaia

Jan. 24, 2020, 12:15 a.m.(8.467764963624338/20.194837962962964/1012.6223137469686 AR)

Relationship Note on Ashur

I hope everything works out.

Written By Maja

July 14, 2019, 8:45 p.m.(6/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Ashur

Aila was falling all over herself for a charming young lord that we met today. Thank goodness he was tolerant of her advances but I fear his tolerance egged her on. So, Lord Ashur:

I'm sorry that my friend assaulted you with cheek kisses!

I assure you that I have had some strong words with her.

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