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Written By Mattheu

Feb. 22, 2024, 9:41 a.m.(10/14/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

In the days and weeks past our nearly new adventure, and a slip of paper to be sent when we thought all was lost. Words upon which were the truest of all my words ever spoken and from the heart were read.

To awake within a moment where your nephew gives a warning, and your sister a word of advice to guards that - you can be dropped - ...

You're given a renewed chance. A third direction was given that day. While the world sat in near pause and ready for their goodbyes to each other even if another battle had been thwarted. There would be more to come.

We took to the waters. Where our home has always been. Where lands once thrust upon us long gone, our people seeking to get back to which we know and have known for far longer than we've ever been upon land which moves weirdly.

A magic between us shared.

It's the children who keep me smiling, Ann keeps me dancing.

Written By Mattheu

Jan. 31, 2024, 2:28 p.m.(8/26/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

The end of the world is far different from what I thought might have been involved with. I was foolish and sought to grab a hammock which means something to both Ann and I, and it was lost anyways in order to find more strength to continue.

Once upon a time I would have said getting stabbed hurts.

Seeing your spouse both angry and happy at the same time is far worse

Written By Mattheu

Jan. 20, 2024, 8:24 p.m.(8/5/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

As I stand upon the boats, seeking refuge from the turmoil that engulfs Riva, my mind races with the recent events that have unfolded. Athaur's powerful proclamation echoed in the air, reminding us of the gravity of our mission. Yet, it was Ann, my heart, and Eshra, our sister, who stirred my soul and brought clarity to our purpose. Life, they emphasized, is more precious than any piece of land that fate may force us to abandon.

In the midst of chaos within Riva, our urgent task was to assist our people in reaching the flotilla. However, a somber interruption occurred as we solemnly conducted a death ritual for a fallen scout named Haldrien. The weight of loss hung in the air as his family clutched his bells, and an enigmatic knife was discovered among his possessions.

Ann and I joined forces during this poignant moment. Together, we invoked a ball of light that danced in hues mirroring the colors of the wind, casting winding shadows around us. It was through this mystical display that I felt a profound connection, and it is now this ethereal bond that resides within my heart.

Our destination is Sanctum, where we embark on a journey to defend that which we hold dearest. Despite the urgency of our mission, my left arm still throbs with the aftermath of recent events. I've been assured that it will heal in time. Fresh ink adorns my skin, depicting a winding river dragon entwined with a water spirit, engaged in a dance of love. Their serpentine bodies climb over my arm, their heads entwined protectively over my heart.

As the boats sail towards Sanctum, I find solace in the symbolism etched on my skin and the collective purpose that binds us. The journey ahead may be fraught with challenges but the echoes of Athaur's words to finally leave the land behind and Ann's reminder continue to resonate, fueling the fire within. We move forward, not just as defenders of land, but as guardians of life and love.

Written By Mattheu

Jan. 12, 2024, 11:58 p.m.(7/17/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

I find what we have been through to where we are today a journey which I never expected to find.

The first meeting with the children in their entirety. Silain, Thuraya, and Ilandere, each a unique soul with a vibrant spirit, brought with them a tidal wave of joy and laughter.

Upon our first encounter, Ilan, the youngest of the trio, made her presence known in the most endearing manner. With an earnest look in her eyes, she demanded to be an alliance, her innocent mispronunciation of "ally" as "a-lance" adding a touch of whimsy to the moment. It was an introduction that spoke volumes about her gentle yet determined nature.

Raya, the regal force of the trio, proudly declared herself a princess, a title she laid no claim to by birth but held as her own truth. With a twinkle in her eye and a posture of regality, she embodied the essence of a princess. We accepted her truth, recognizing the strength and determination in her proclamation.

Sil, the eldest, charmed his way into our hearts with his infectious energy and love for my brother, our chieftain and marquis. His eyes sparkled with admiration as he spoke of the drums my brother played. In a moment of spontaneity, my brother allowed Sil to play upon the drums, and the joy that radiated from the young boy was nothing short of enchanting.

The drums resonated with the laughter of Sil, the determination of Ilan, and the regal spirit of Raya. In that moment, I felt a profound sense of unity and the promise of a shared journey ahead. The walls that separated us crumbled, and the foundation of our familial bond was laid with the beats of the drums and the joyous laughter of the children.

This first meeting with Sil, Raya, and Ilan was more than just an introduction; it was a celebration of unity, diversity, and the endless possibilities that lay ahead for a family, which I didn't know would soon be one where they would call me Flounder (Father.)

Written By Mattheu

Jan. 11, 2024, 4:32 p.m.(7/15/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

With a horde once again finding its way to the city. I find myself remembering of the first trip to Riva where we brought the children.

Sil, Raya, and Ilan were like eager fledglings, their excitement palpable in the air as we entered the heart of Riva. Cobblestone paths wound their way through the lively market square, bustling with merchants hawking goods from every corner of the realm. The children were entranced by the vibrant tapestry of life in the Rivenshari enclave.

The towering longhouse, perched on a hill overlooking the confluence of rivers, beckoned like a sentinel of history. Sil, true to his adventurous spirit, proposed a climb to the very top, where the cascading waterfall behind it provided a backdrop of mesmerizing beauty. Raya, with the regality that came so naturally to her, and Ilan, the quiet observer, all eagerly accepted the challenge.

Sil led the way, his copper hair catching the sunlight as he moved with the confidence of a future Rivenshari leader. Raya, head held high, followed suit, while Ilan, with her gentle demeanor, silently observed every detail.

Finally reaching the summit, the panoramic view of the rivers' confluence stretched before us like a living tapestry. The waters sparkled in the sunlight, and the greenery surrounding the settlement painted a picture of timeless beauty. The children's eyes widened, absorbing the grandeur of Riva and the legacy it held.

The majestic sight of our navy, the floatila, gliding on the river below was both awe-inspiring and slightly awkward from our elevated vantage point. The colorful sails billowed in the wind, carrying stories of Rivenshari seafaring prowess. As we stood there, a sense of unity with our people settled upon us, a reminder of the Rivenshari's legacy of strength and resilience.

The children chattered excitedly about the sights and the tales they would share with their cousins back home. Sil, Raya, and Ilan forged memories that would become a part of their own stories in the ongoing saga of our house.

Written By Mattheu

Jan. 6, 2024, 2 a.m.(7/3/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

I found myself writing letters to my children before embarking to a point of where distance will be a factor. It was something which I only started recently in doing. As before. Before we took land we would be upon ships. There would be times where we would board different ships to sail in opposite directions though we always knew the wind would carry our thoughts to each other. We would see each other again soon enough.

Now those days are not as sure the wind will be there to always carry the letters and thoughts as freely. Thus, I have written them down this time. There are two sets. Ima has the ones for them to read and hold dear.

To my Courageous Son, Sil,

Sil, my adventurous spirit, as the waves carry me further from home, my heart swells with pride for the incredible young man you've become. Your crown of flowers and kelp, mud-streaked hair, and stories of escapades remind me that life is a grand adventure. Be a guiding light for your siblings, and continue to infuse our home with your boundless curiosity and zest for life.

To my Fearless Princess, Raya,

Raya, regal and strong, your insistence on being a princess is a testament to the royalty that resides within you. Stand tall, my daughter, and let your strength be a beacon for your siblings. Lead with courage, and I trust that you will nurture the unity that defines our family in my absence.

To my Shy Little Star, Ilan,

Ilan, my gentle daughter, your quiet strength and whispered conversations hold a special place in my heart. Be a source of comfort for your siblings, and remember that your shy nature is a beautiful light that guides us through the darker days. Your resilience will be a comforting presence for your mother and brothers.

To My Little Explorer, Danior,

Danior, too young to understand the reasons for my departure, I leave you with a promise of love that transcends distance. Your siblings and your amazing mother will be your guides, playmates, and storytellers. Embrace the joy they bring, and know that my heart is woven into the fabric of our family's love.

Written By Mattheu

Jan. 5, 2024, 12:17 p.m.(7/2/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

It's been a whirlwind of joy, laughter, and chaos in our household ever since the arrival of our youngest bundle of joy, Danior. Life with four kids is an adventure unlike any other, and I find myself marveling at the unique personalities each of them possesses.

Sil, our red-haired teenager, is a force of nature. Every day he comes home with a crown of flowers and kelp, masterpieces created by his cousins and the children who are sweet on him. His copper hair is perpetually streaked with mud, evidence of the day's escapades. Sil's zest for life is contagious, and I can't help but smile at the stories he brings home. He's growing into a remarkable young man, full of energy and boundless curiosity.

Raya and Ilan, our twelve-year-old twins, couldn't be more different. Raya insists on being treated like a princess, and her strong and stubborn spirit makes it hard to argue otherwise. She's a force to be reckoned with, and I can see the potential for leadership in her future. Ilan, on the other hand, is the quieter of the two, preferring to stay close and hide behind the nickname "Flounder" that she affectionately calls me. She whispers about her day, sharing the small victories and challenges that come with being twelve. It warms my heart to be her confidant.

And then there's little Danior, our four-month-old explorer. His curls of brown hair are a perfect match for his wide, curious eyes. He's in the midst of discovering the world around him, grabbing onto bells and scarves with unbridled enthusiasm. Every day is a new adventure for him, and I relish in witnessing his milestones – the first giggle, the first toothless grin, and the tiny hands reaching out to explore this big, beautiful world.

As I sit here reflecting on the dynamics of our growing family, I can't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Each child brings a unique and irreplaceable flavor to our lives, creating a tapestry of love, laughter, and a touch of chaos that I wouldn't trade for anything. Parenthood is a journey like no other, and I'm blessed to be on this wild ride with Sil, Raya, Ilan, and our little explorer, Danior.

Written By Mattheu

Dec. 31, 2023, 3:04 p.m.(6/20/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

They are growing up quickly. Soon the three who have joined us will be of age to make their own choice to where they sit with the Rivenshari. With a young brother who will only know this life.

Similar to how my siblings and I know of two lives. My nieces and nephews only know this life as well. As much as we seek to teach them a life where dancing between boats. To run in the dark without navigation other than stars above and how each boat within the floatila sounds. To be able to climb a mast and swing from fittings.

They know more of how the land feels under their feet. And will laugh at those of us who prefer a hammock over the unmoving beds with heavy posts.

I don't know what the dream has to offer moving forwards. Just to be able to share it with those of our heart. Those who we've freely shared our heart with.
That is what matters.

Written By Mattheu

Dec. 19, 2023, 8:49 p.m.(5/25/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

In the hazy twilight by the river so wide,
Where the moonlight shimmers on the gentle tide.
I'm lost in a dream, feeling so woozy,
Love flows like a river, and my heart feels bruised.

Oh, the river of love, it's a crimson stream,
A current so strong, like a feverish dream.
In my veins, it courses, a river of blood,
I'm woozy and tangled in this passionate flood.

Whispers of the willows, dancing in the breeze,
A symphony of love, a sweet, soulful tease.
I stumble through the night, feeling so dizzy,
In the river of love, where our souls get busy.

Stars above, they twinkle in the water's embrace,
I'm lost in this woozy dance, caught in love's grace.
The river and blood, an intoxicating blend,
A tale of desire that seems to have no end.

Moonlit reflections paint a picture so surreal,
In this woozy trance, emotions I can feel.
The river whispers secrets, the blood runs deep,
A love so profound, it's a promise to keep.

As the night surrenders to the dawn's soft glow,
I'm still lost in the river, this love's ebb and flow.
Woozy and breathless, in this tender trance,
The river of love, the dance of blood, our eternal romance.

Written By Mattheu

Dec. 17, 2023, 7:17 p.m.(5/21/1021 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

It was nothing less than a need to dive, a sought after attempt to find cover within a snowy day as Violeta took upon another want in training. To teach me to always be wary of my surrounding. The city filled with brick and mortar, where a bell's song might find more echo than to find the wind which it wishes to list and dance upon.

A wildly different world where instead of open rivers, trees and grass along a waters edge. Only stones and more stones to be found. Stone underfoot, stone to lean upon, stone to be yelled at for leaning upon. A bustling noise of carriages running past through crowded streets. To find oneself wandering in this space of the capital city, it's both terrifying and a wonderment when you're being hunted. Playfully, mind. Still. Violeta is strong in what she seeks to teach. And I've learned more than one to be upon my toes when she tells me to be wary.

We had found ourselves in drink at the Golden Hart, a place where I would meet another from time to time. Only she had left the city months prior. I had no want nor wishes to find another. Only left to train. Be ready for what might come. Be better for my siblings.

Half way through a drink and our game was running, I ducked out doors into a winter wonderland. The cold hitting me first. Something which over time I have found myself more fond of. That day? I was shivering and seeking to hide behind a bench.

Called out to from two having tea.

It was then that I would first lay eyes upon her...

It would be months later before we even had a complete moment to share a thought. to find ourselves in a dance, climbing to heights, and pondering of ice and rivers.

A moment in which I can look upon now with a laugh. A moment in where I'm left to wonder. As Violeta has her ways. Did she know what the winds wished for me to find that day?

Written By Mattheu

Aug. 16, 2023, 12:58 p.m.(5/12/1020 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

There was a whole lot of exploration around the city. Many places found that either we both knew of, or only one of us knew of and we will seek to go back later. To give the shop or garden a better chance to fall into a place within our hearts.

In the Menagerie, it was the Butterfly Gardens for the longest time. If one were looking for me, and I wasn't in the Expanse or upon a boat setting to ensure its ability to sail. It would be surrounded by the tiny winged dancers of the wind.

We visited the Ferocious Beasts and Great Bears the other night. Seeing them through Princess Ann's eyes... There was a skip in my heart, and it was there under the great domes that the messengers found us with news.

Did you know Bears will watch and try to show that they too can stand and twirl and dance if you start dancing before them?

Written By Mattheu

May 21, 2023, 3:41 p.m.(11/7/1019 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

To see twinkling stars brush against deepened dark blues of waters rushing into wave frozen within time while wrapping around a heart, all set upon a golden chain...

What was that scholar?
Yes. The dance under the stars was spectacular and I only miss that I hadn't time to have more dances, as I was called away at end of only the first dance. One which I will remember fondly, and seek to have many more. Else I end up in a dance debt and suddenly need to seek out Lady Mabelle's advice for how to get out of said debt.

Written By Filshiar

May 5, 2023, 3:01 a.m.(10/2/1019 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

I am so glad we finally got the chance to do all the things we said we were going to. The ride through the forest was enchanting (Farstride enjoyed it as well) and the dinner was superb.

To many more outings such as these!

Written By Mattheu

May 3, 2023, 9:45 a.m.(9/27/1019 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

The story through song and dance was well received within House Leary's gardens during their painting and drinks event for Jayus. It's a piece that I've been working on since setting foot upon the decks to come to Arx, not finished yet. Though small pieces as they come together are worth sharing with others.

I had been playing along the creek upon one piece where I try to hold a note into silence and the twins had come over to ask what I was doing. In explaining to them - Raya was the one to insist that they were allowed to help with the piece. And thus, Sil, Raya and Ilan came together in a manner where I would only expect if they were true Rivenshari. Leaving me surprised, we wrote them pieces and practiced until our sharing of performance the other night.

I can see that they will leave me surprised many times into the future, if they will allow me to see glimpses of what their interests are.

Written By Mattheu

April 2, 2023, 12:45 p.m.(7/21/1019 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

There's a certain level of calm that is found when another suddenly finds themselves within a cooling creek.

Scholar, if you have a spot to help me hide for a bit, that would also be beneficial. While she found it cooling in the end, there were words shared.

Written By Briseis

Oct. 2, 2022, 1 p.m.(6/27/1018 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

There is something truly admirable about the calm grace that is so often displayed, or the steely fire within. I admire and look forward to growing and learning more of you as your protege. And, together, may we conquer whatever we set our hearts to!

Written By Behtuk

Aug. 21, 2019, 3:18 p.m.(9/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

The second Arvani I ever met, and the first to show me kindness.

Written By Behtuk

Aug. 21, 2019, 3:16 p.m.(9/10/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

Noble Sponsor

Written By Ruslan

Nov. 11, 2018, 2:20 p.m.(12/21/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

The Duchess-Consort of Stormwall. It was with her I found myself negotiating the contract to have Lady Fianna Crovane's hand. I see why Duke Asger sent her - she is a shrewd and just negotiator, and I look forward to the joining of our families.

Written By Silas

Aug. 28, 2018, 6:38 p.m.(6/24/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Ann

I would have just said I saw nothing in the Duke's writing suggesting that his complaints lodged against Princess Marian were related to her gender. And as far as I know there isn't any.

But wow, that just wasn't enough, was it?

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