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Written By Medeia

July 7, 2021, 12:51 a.m.(10/16/1015 AR)

It's been quiet around the hall the past several days. If it weren't for the guards and servants, I imagine It would have felt unsettling having the children and me be the only ones not off attending to duties elsewhere. The peace has allowed for me to be productive in the small garden we keep around the stone pool. The mint has been plucked and hung around the hall to dry, the last of the summer herbs have been turned into medicines and teas (or stored for the cooks to use in meals). The garden at the sanctuary will need to be worked, next.

I've been harvesting the apples and pears from the courtyard as they come ripe. The children are nearly at an age where they might be able to eat them if cooked and mashed. We have plenty for me to test it - one of the guards groaned when I put a full basket of fruit on the table for them to eat from yesterday! I wonder if anyone makes applewood barrels? Apple wine or cider aged in applewood? Maybe someone will see this and reach out to tell me they do.

The quiet will be continuing, too, as I got word that the shipment from Saikland containing the newest spirit from the distillers has been delayed - meaning that the party I'd hoped to host for it is also delayed. This, perhaps, is a blessing. I can spend more time working with Butterpup on minding her puppy manners. I may need to seek help, there. She's perfect, as a sheep dog. But the children and I are not a flock to be herded. Though, that instinct may prove useful once they are moving around more on their own. Gods. I don't know if I'm ready for that.

Written By Medeia

July 3, 2021, 10:36 p.m.(10/9/1015 AR)

I am incredibly grateful to have been a part of the project that brought rose leather to the market. Radiant Anisha had a vision, and she expertly guided the rest of us toward the realization of it. Every person played a vital role in ensuring the success we experienced. Svana, Nijah, Aconite, Galatea, Lady Mabelle and Marquis Apollo, others in the Apothecary College and Crafter’s Guild. And surely there are those I am missing. But I was lucky to have learned from and been inspired by them all.

And I would be remiss not to mention Messere Audgrim. I had assured him I was in no hurry, but when he mentioned a new design? I had to take the chance. A new design in a new material is not to be passed up. And while he can see the imperfections in his work, I can see the beauty. Dare I say it? It makes me feel like a princess must feel, sometimes.

Written By Medeia

July 3, 2021, 1:08 a.m.(10/8/1015 AR)


I have, at times, been too quick to let someone have mine. I can be impulsive. Following my whims instead of my sense. This has led to plenty of broken trust, having given it to people who didn't deserve it.


A life cannot be lived without hope, but it is cruel as much as it is kind. It can lead you to make choices that are ill-advised or that lead you farther from your goals. I have let hope cloud my head before, and the results were disastrous.

And yet? These last few days? I am reminded of the joy that trust and hope can bring. The joy is worth it. Trust people. Have hope. Live fully.

Written By Medeia

June 30, 2021, 12:35 p.m.(10/3/1015 AR)

I am, as ever, busy. Of late, there have been travels and patients and research and meetings. The usual, really. But I am finding the most peace and joy in the moments I spend in teaching. Tending my gardens and creating medicines. Raising my children. Working toward things that will improve the lot of my people and the Compact.

Which has me seeking out like-minded individuals from among the seamstresses, leatherworkers, jewelers, alchemists, and others. I have an abundance of projects and only so many hours in a day. Oh, and gardeners. Farmers. Disciples of Petrichor, perhaps? I may need to spend silver to have the criers help spread the word. A joke, that. Maybe.

Written By Medeia

June 27, 2021, 6:36 p.m.(9/25/1015 AR)

I appreciate when a group of people, who wouldn't normally gather, find themselves in conversation that benefits them all. Truly, that is my greatest joy in having little get-togethers in this city. Seeing the exchange of ideas and information, the spark of beginning relationships, the potential. So much potential.

Even more satisfying? Finding others who are as excited about and inspired by the things that excite and inspire me. There are projects to do!

Written By Medeia

June 23, 2021, 9:31 a.m.(9/16/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Cambria

Imagine if we all received back the love we gave. If we knew it, without question, that even if the sentiment was left unsaid that someone loved us as much as we loved them. So that even if there was no "one," there was some.

But it is far too easy to not recognize the love one is given. And easier still to say nothing of the love one feels when you've been taught it has no place in your duty.

Perhaps I am wrong for believing that love and duty should go hand in hand.

Written By Medeia

June 17, 2021, 7:18 p.m.(9/5/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Cesare

I have reason to be incredibly grateful to Cesare Whisper, several reasons even. He is a wonder of kindness. And imbued with cat-like reflexes. How lucky we all are to have him in the city.

Written By Medeia

June 15, 2021, 9:56 a.m.(8/28/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Kiera

I realized recently that, though I have been acquainted with Lady Kiera Wyvernheart since my earliest days in the city, I do not know the woman half as well as I should. What I do know of her, however, is that her last name is truly fitting for one as brave and compassionate and willing to face a challenge as she is. I don't recall a time when I have ever seen her act out of anger, speak harshly of someone, or conduct herself in anything but a polite manner. But that doesn't mean there isn't strength beneath the softness. In fact, it takes a lot of strength to let yourself be soft in public. One shouldn't make the mistake of underestimating this brilliant woman.

Written By Medeia

June 14, 2021, 1:22 a.m.(8/26/1015 AR)

Scholar Clive, you've been away a while. I'm glad it's you who will take this journal for me.

I have recently been dealing with a situation in the northern Mourning Isles. Yes, the same my husband recently wrote of. There have been groups of Arvani who remain committed to the ideals of the late Ivan Helianthus setting up camps on the Isles of various Shav'arvani settlements. They fight under the banner of a red sun. These 'Ivanites' - of any stripe - are indiscriminate in their attacks. I have seen the horrible aftermath of their efforts to destroy both Shav'arvani and Prodigals. There is suspicion they may also be responsible for attacks on other noble houses which have not taken a more decisive stance against High Lord Victus.

These traitors hide behind symbols of the Faith, words of righteousness, and claim justification by tradition. Many such people were slain among the enemy at Pieros. It is clear that they have chosen to stand against the Compact. Their support of Ivan Helianthus and Waldo Bellerive has brought death to our very doors here in the city. The actions of their raiding parties disrupt trade coming from and going to the Isles. This cannot continue.

It would be good and just for the Compact to remember where Prodigals and neo-nobles have been in all of this - standing with the Compact against foreign and domestic foes, taking the lion's share of loss while enduring public prejudice, all without turning their backs or raising their arms or bolstering the ranks of the enemy against us. They should be lauded for their exemplary displays of honor and fidelity. Their blood has spilled the same in defense of all we hold dear.

In fact? Perhaps a good distraction from how little I can do while I recover from being nearly knocked unconscious and stolen away - presumably to collect a ransom - by an Ivanite would be reading stories of Prodigals and neo-nobles who did great things in the battle against the Skal'dajans. I invite anyone who reads this to write to me of what they saw, or what they did. Or come visit and tell me in person.

Written By Medeia

June 10, 2021, 9:33 p.m.(8/19/1015 AR)

Thesbe Aryn, Cesare Whisper, Lord Apollo Darkwater, Marquessa Lianne Malespero, Samira Culler, and Prince Raimon Thrax all shared poetry at the recent Eswynd feast. Some of the poems struck me to the core, and all of the poems were wonderful. I am so grateful to all of them for creating and sharing.

No, I didn't almost drown. I don't know why you would ask that.

Written By Medeia

June 9, 2021, 3:58 p.m.(8/17/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Thesbe

I have had the pleasure of learning that Mistress Thesbe is not only a seamstress, but also an archer! When first we met, we spoke on her work, a bit on her life, and we found that there are plentiful things we share in common. At least, things enough like goals and beliefs to build a working relationship upon. A solid foundation, that. And then she visited again, with her cat - Linx, whose fur looks so very soft. And she mentioned that she was going to participate in the tournament. I wasn't able to attend, but I hear the competition was spectacular! Having now taken this in-demand seamstress as a protege, I look forward to the opportunities that exist for us both. Though, I still don't think I'll be taking up bow and arrow anytime soon.

Written By Medeia

June 7, 2021, 10:31 p.m.(8/13/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Volya

Never being satisfied sounds like a fantastic way to make others not want to be around you. Striving for better is good, but there must be acknowledgment of the improvements and gratitude for accomplishing what one does accomplish. While I wouldn't recommend complacency, there are surely things which cannot be improved upon. Points at which someone can and should say "enough is enough." The people we love deserve our effort, but they deserve our time and care, too. One shouldn't push endlessly for some limitless goal while missing out on quality moments with important people.

Written By Medeia

June 6, 2021, 1:46 p.m.(8/11/1015 AR)

I'm sure we all have wishes we don't really allow ourselves to wish for. Those things that seem impossible, or heartbreaking if we work toward them and don't have them come true, or that society would not approve of us having.

Impossible can be challenged. I've had impossible wishes that come true - not without consequences, of course, but the wish was still worth wishing. Society can be challenged, too. I've found that people are far more resilient in the face of public ridicule than they think they may be. And sometimes those challenges bring positive change for all.

But the one that will break your heart? Those will lock you inside yourself. Keep you afraid of saying the things you don't want left unsaid. Hold you still when you should be running. Those wishes are the wishes that keep us hopeful or bitter, or some terrible combination of the two. They breed jealousy and resentment among friends when friends seem to have what you wish for. Give room for greed and despair to drive your actions. And it seems like the older we get, the longer we have that secret wish, the more it eats at us. Even if that wish started as something pure and beautiful and good. It becomes twisted and ugly.

We should be sharing those heartbreaking wishes. We might be surprised at the result. Or we might be heartbroken. But we can heal from heartbreak.

No, Scholar, I have no plans on taking my own advice.

Written By Medeia

June 3, 2021, 2:14 p.m.(8/5/1015 AR)

I dearly wish that all these fantastic poets plan to attend the next feast at Eswyndol! Poetry in our stone grotto - a truly Lycene celebration of summer (I am not a bit remorseful of bringing such to the Thrax ward). Even should you wish not to recite something, the drinks will flow freely and the entertainment should be of high quality.

Now, what might I write? I recently tried my hand at poetry again, thanks to Marquessa Lianne and Messere Evaristo. I will need to come up with something, soon. It's only fair that the hostess lead by example, no?

Written By Medeia

May 30, 2021, 6:43 p.m.(7/25/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Audgrim

I was recently gifted a very lovely pair of boots, which I learned were made by Messere Audgrim. I had nothing that matched (a situation I am quickly remedying), and so I went to his shop to see what other goods he might have or be able to make. After a brief talk, and some measurement taking, he created an incredible skirted corset to match the boots. This is one of those pieces that makes me feel amazing when I put it on. I am so pleased with his craftsmanship and eye for detail.

Written By Medeia

May 30, 2021, 1:51 p.m.(7/25/1015 AR)

Marriage. It isn't something I ever particularly looked forward to. As a girl, as a very spare Saik, I knew I was likely a token with which my family would bargain some beneficial alliance. I was trained well in social niceties: the perfect curtsy, proper forms of address, how to understand motivations and influence decisions. And so, I always knew I would be married. I would have children. I would likely be sent to some far-flung place from the home I knew and exist in relative obscurity. I did not expect I'd be one of the nobles granted the privilege of calling Arx home, but perhaps I'd be able to negotiate a comfortable arrangement

It was a surprise when I was brought to the city. And marriage was not something I wanted, no thank you. And then a request was made. Which I initially said no to. Which I tried to sabotage in at least three different ways after agreeing to consider it. I was advised by several people not to accept this alliance - that I was too young, that I would be kept from achieving my goals because I am a woman, that I would be the target of hateful people. I was even accused of settling! In a way, that accusation may not be entirely wrong. Our words do have a way of coming back to bite us, after all. Imagine the arrogance of declaring you wouldn't marry unless the betrothed loved you! We all have our moments of absurdity

I love my people. The people of Saikland Greens, and the people of Eswynd Rock. The alliance between Saik and Eswynd has been good for both houses, and I have been able to show my love to both by being that bridge connecting the two. I have continued my service to Saik as Minister of the Hearth, leading our vintners and distillers in producing wines and spirits. My husband helped bring more land under Saik control and has advised the sailors of the Saikland navy on new tactics to improve their skills. I have assisted in building relationships for Eswynd and bringing a new vassal into our fold. That love, mine poured out into the world, sustains me. Doing all I can for them - my duty as a noble of the Compact.

Reflecting on how I have met the expectations had of me as a girl feels strange. I have married, I have had children, and I have been sent off to some far-flung place from home. Yet, the dreams I gave up for myself in doing so are not ones I feel especially mournful for. And having a husband that I trust, whose strengths complement my own, has made it all the easier to settle into those expectations with pride.

Marriage. It's been worth all the challenges.

Written By Medeia

May 28, 2021, 3:08 p.m.(7/21/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Viviana

I like the idea of aggressive gift giving. It does not work well when the gift is a bottle of wine, as my gifts so often are. However, I think this fits well into my general belief that sometimes nice things should be done as surprisingly as possible to brighten someone's day.

I do hope whoever I next gift a knife has good reflexes.

Written By Medeia

May 22, 2021, 11:42 p.m.(7/10/1015 AR)

Duke Malcolm sent a dog. A puppy, actually. Her name is Butterpup. The cat is very displeased with this development; however, she seems to have a grudging truce as Butterpup is already fiercely loyal and protective of me and the twins. My children have a nanny cat and a guard dog. There is a cow in the courtyard.

How's that saying go? You can take the lady out of the pastoral farming barony, but you can't take the pastoral farming barony out of the lady? Surely that's how the saying goes.

No. My husband hasn't met the dog yet. I've been busy with several expectant mothers all expecting. Imminently. Klavdiya and Loryk have been minding her and the twins and the cat so we can do our duty to House and Compact. I certainly haven't been hiding a gift from his patron from him. That would be ridiculous.

Written By Medeia

May 17, 2021, 3:07 a.m.(6/26/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Savio

My heart sings when in the presence of Lord Savio Proscipi. At the moment, it sings mournful love songs as it breaks in the wake of the horrific tragedy at Tremorus. Haakon and I waited impatiently for word after the war, wanting to hear the fate of not only the band of 500 Eswynders we sent to aid them but of our friends and allies among the Leporidae. Only a scant number of our people returned home, part of the crushing toll the Skal'dajans made Tremorus pay. I can imagine the grief the Saltfather to my children, the namesake of my daughter, is feeling. And I wish I could do anything to lift it from him.

For now? I will hold pride, joy, and celebration in my heart beside the mourning. When he is ready for it, it will be there for him to receive. Because even the worst moments can lead to good. That one who has proven their courage, their loyalty, their friendship has been elevated and now might forge the shape of the future for the remainder of his people is something to celebrate. Eswynd blood has spilled on Proscipi land, and Proscipi blood has spilled on an Eswynd ship, preserving both houses. I am glad my children will have such a strong example of perseverance and growth to look to.

And someday my heart will sing fanciful songs in his presence again.

Written By Medeia

May 17, 2021, 2:45 a.m.(6/26/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Thea

My former patron, my companion in mischief, my dear friend, the one who will turn my hair gray in conjunction with my sister, has been raised up and now is Countess of Highhill in the wake of her husband being granted the title of Count after his brother stepped aside.

There has been much change in her life these last months, which she has been rolling with quite well. I suppose it helps that she favors Lagoma. I may give her a hard time tutting after her and fussing like a mother, but I know she has a big heart and determination to do good for everyone she can. The people of Highhill will be well served by their new countess. And I'll do my best to serve them, too, by continuing to tut and fuss to keep her alive.

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