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Written By Acacia

June 17, 2016, 11:40 p.m.(10/15/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Issac

There's something Borough-pure about Issac that draws me towards him. Maybe it's that romanticized idea of our roots that kind of influences me. At this stage of the game, it's truly a matter of where he chooses to take it overall.

Written By Acacia

June 14, 2016, 7:37 p.m.(10/5/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Arianwen

You'd kind of have to be hard up to be from the Boroughs and not know who Arianwen is, really. Even when I was at seas, I'd scoff every damn time that I heard someone say that they were going to make their fortune and come back and sweep her off her feet and wed her somehow. Haven't seen anyone land it yet, though I can't help but be a little curious what would do the trick for her - it has to be something. She has an air about her, that true-to-the-blunted-word, but craftier-than-you-think kind of thing and there's no one in the Boroughs who can offer such a welcoming brew-and-stew combination. But one would be a fool to mistake her willingness to serve, greet and stir up business or coin for not being saavy herself. The Grayhopes have a certain aura where there's some lines that you don't cross and while they might give respect, it's undoubtedly with the intent that it be mutual.

Written By Acacia

June 8, 2016, 3:30 a.m.(9/14/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Cain

The relationship between Cain and me? It's not really anyone's business, is it? ... He's a good guy. Or maybe just good at what he does? I mean, yeah, sure. We spend a fair amount of time together, but we've known each other since we were kids. That's how it works down here. Maybe I'm just superstitious and think he does good work? Either way. If you want my advice? Talk to him, get to know him, enjoy him -- he's well worth it, really. Just don't fuck with him. I have it from a good source that he knows people that might even kill for him.

Written By Acacia

June 6, 2016, 7:36 p.m.(9/10/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Ravna

Ravna? Tch. What did he do this time? Ravna has a certain aura which draws people in. It's the damndest thing, really. Perhaps with anyone else, some of his antics would get him killed early, and I'm not saying that won't happen at some point or another either. But generally speaking? People find it interesting, curious, even charming sometimes? He has a way with words and stories which are just outlandish enough to wonder if they're actually true or if he's merely mincing things around. But either way, he's a Culler, in some way or another, and that's the only true important thing, isn't it?

Written By Acacia

June 6, 2016, 7:23 p.m.(9/9/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Dorian

Dorian? Of course I'm not close with him. Why would you think I was close with him? Tch. We just happen to run into each other a lot and he tends to be a lot of fun to be around when that happens. Why? Did he catch your eye? He has a habit of doing that, doesn't he?

Written By Acacia

June 5, 2016, 2:19 a.m.(9/4/1003 AR)

The beginning is always the hardest time. This is when the groundwork is set that decides whether or not you're going to be a player or a fraud. Well, I guess that's the almost beginning, huh? The time that comes right after the beginning?

The beginning would have to be back when Father was strung up by the Iron Guard, even if I'd bet hard coin in those rumors which said that he was set up. There was always someone wandering around, watching what they didn't have and trying to figure out how to snatch it for themselves. That's the circle we live in. I get this. You get too much of a good thing and someone's going to want a piece. And he did good things. Well. Good for the family things, which counts just as much, if not more. Rencio Culler. There was a certain pride there. Not that I was trying to ride in his shadow as much as make my own, but you couldn't deny enjoying that it was constantly there.

But now I'm back. And something about that Lower Borough grit seems a little bit sweeter than it had previously. I get that taking that extended leave of absence might not supply excessive good will in those I left behind, but I'm working on reattaining that and it can't be said that me splitting town for awhile hasn't brought helpful things for everyone. Now it's just a matter of protecting what you have by any means necessary, while keeping your throat intact at the same time. So first comes the groundwork. And then? All the rest.

Written By Acacia

June 5, 2016, midnight(9/4/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Fergus

Running into him in the market was a little ballsy, even for me, but it's proven to be well worth it. Who would've thought that such a bold venture would've ended up with the rare humor or drink shared. I wouldn't dare to loiter around enough to try to tarnish his reputation, of course, and it isn't as if I don't know my place here. But there's a certain accord there. Maybe because my life doesn't mean as much in the grand scheme of things, eh? It's a frail thing at the moment, but perhaps time will strengthen it. Or perhaps it will break. Who knows?

Written By Acacia

June 3, 2016, 5:34 a.m.(8/27/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Calandra

Gorgeous. Young. Much-Loved. Calandra's ability to deal with the 'finer' things in life suits me just fine. Although we have different mothers, there's that shared path with that underlying nature innate in the shared Lower Borough Culler blood. Tsk. Can't exchange that kind of thing. So I'll add to the applause for that light when its focused in upon her and boldly lounge in my shadows. Because that careful balance is how the best things are formed, right?

Written By Acacia

June 2, 2016, 4:39 p.m.(8/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

So maybe the meeting wasn't particularly by chance alone, but it isn't like I hadn't worked for it. I'd followed him for awhile after all, slyly, if I do say so myself. Next time I'll have to use someone a little more experienced for the role of an extra though. He's ideal for a patron. That level of protection and backing is exactly what I needed. I can flourish under this. If I can keep it.

Written By Acacia

June 2, 2016, 4:20 p.m.(8/25/1003 AR)

Relationship Note on Gibson

Witty. Charming. He's everything the rumors had stated and more. Much more. Close relations? Tch. I wouldn't go that far. But he's the type that keeps you delightfully on your toes, as much as to provoke interest, as to keep one alert.

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