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Written By Willow

Jan. 23, 2019, 3:10 p.m.(6/10/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Ysbail

I am glad to have gotten the chance to spend a lot of time with Ysbail since moving here. She is probably the best girlfriend I have outside the Northlands here. I mean, we still don't know each other overly well, but she is the one I am most likely to be whispering and cutting up with, it feels like.

Written By Willow

Jan. 23, 2019, 3:07 p.m.(6/10/1010 AR)

It has been a while since I have had a chance to talk to Brady. I should messenger him about more haze and to see if he's learned or read anything interesting of late. We had the most interesting conversation about different things we have read at the library.

Written By Willow

Jan. 23, 2019, 3:05 p.m.(6/10/1010 AR)

I worry that I got too swept up in a night meeting the Rose of Tor. This is why I try to take things slowly. Having time to cool my feet, I am rarely swept off them the next time I meet the person. This is probably why I have only ever had two lovers. How. He is very handsome and very charming but, I don't know that his self grandiose manner is very compatible with my temprament. Too much and too little time are both my enemies when that time is to think. Sometimes my self doubt is crippling.

Written By Willow

Jan. 23, 2019, 2:56 p.m.(6/10/1010 AR)

I had always heard tales about how impressive Duke Vercyn was. I didn't know until after thoroughly putting my foot in my mouth that I had shamelessly hit on him. Ysbail says he is eligible and to talk to Khanne but he is so well known and barely knows me. He could probably have his choice of dozens or hundreds of women with that rep, that face, and that rank combined.

Written By Willow

Jan. 20, 2019, 4:13 p.m.(6/4/1010 AR)

Black hearts, men say
Nay! Nay! Nay!
Hidden chambers of star iron

Innumerable brilliant pinpricks
Of light winking in the dark.

Mischief and roguish grins,
Linger on features
Mahogany locks
And warm deep brown eyes.

Such Valor and wisdom hides
On features still young.

The romantic buried in me.wishes
You more inclined to nobility
So we could be.
Not just friends and lovers
But perhaps one day married.

Although, my tender sensibilities remind me,
You are perfect, I would change nothing.

Written By Willow

Jan. 20, 2019, 3:57 p.m.(6/4/1010 AR)

The roses for all their lusty grandeur
Fall short, pale and bloodless imitations
Withered reflection of your vivid bright,
The soft warm brush of poets lips.

The sea, for all its depth, and storm tossed swells
Proves shallow, calm depths before the maelstrom
Of a stare, bottomless grey and green touched,
Like seafoam bound in night.

All the statues of old with their grace,
and eloquence of marble motion
Are as lumps of unshaped clay before
The refined perfection of muscle and limb

You are, as the stars, bright and incomparable.

Written By Willow

Jan. 18, 2019, 1:01 p.m.(5/20/1010 AR)

My first Assembly was something. I hope my mother won't be overly scandalized that I wound up walking to the floor to stand with Brass. I want to think she would be proud, even if I'm not likely to ever tell her. It just felt like the right thing to do. I felt it personally and with so many on the Redrain benches in agreement he was in the right and both emissaries seemingly against him, it felt important to make the gesture even if it were a mere token or symbol.

Written By Willow

Jan. 16, 2019, 1:35 a.m.(5/15/1010 AR)

Met a guy named Soren recently. He was getting major stinkeye from the other folks in the bar. He seemed to think it was because he was a Crimson Blade and I suppose it might be right but if it is then its just more evidence why animals make better company than people. Admittedly someone over the faith's soldiers condemned them publicly for their hand in recent nonsense and all those dead scholars but... The crown also went on record as saying that it only happened after an investigation and that it was to quell some sort of rebellion or mutiny or uprising.

So if that is the case, no /wonder/ the armies of the faith weren't the ones leaned on to take out part of an order of the faith which had turned against the crown. There is no way to be certain that the army wouldn't side with the Order, but a sellsword is generally loyal to the guy with the money, not to oaths that had them forsake loyalty even to their own families. It only seems practical to me. And leaves me a bit irritated to see people I generally like wind up the object of public ire for working in the crown's best interests.

Written By Willow

Jan. 16, 2019, 1:26 a.m.(5/15/1010 AR)

My mother sent me a cat recently with a messenger. She said she thought one of the wild cats that prowl the grounds might have mated with a lynx. Gods know the thing is big enough for that. I feel reticent to ever name an animal, and the cat is no exception. She will probably just wind up with a dozen nicknames. I hope Ysbail still gives me a kitten. A sizable estate without multiple cats on grounds is just waiting for a mouse infestation.

Written By Willow

Jan. 16, 2019, 1:23 a.m.(5/15/1010 AR)

I just met Felicia Harrow recently. There is the stuff that filters out of the capital and makes Arx seem crazy, and... Then there is learning how much of it is an understatement. I can't help wondering how many people know who the Undying Emporer is. Maybe I have been living too much in my own head and world before this month. Was the world always this nuts and I just didn't know it?

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