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Written By Mae

Oct. 19, 2017, 10:48 a.m.(6/6/1007 AR)

The Crow Soup Kitchen is not yet open. We are still working on the actual building and planning and hiring people and all that. Thank you everyone who has shown support for the project, or has offered to help.

The Crow Soup Kitchen is a project started by me, and will be operated next to and with support from The Murder of Crows. As one of the oldest buildings in Arx (yes, it's older than your fancy castle estate manor), with an original purpose of housing holy types before Arx was built, it felt right to have the soup kitchen operate out of it. The initial funding for the project was provided to me and my families (the Cullers and the Grayhopes) by Archlector Aleksei through Legate Orazio. The Faith has been tremendously supportive of the Lowers, and we are very grateful.

Once opened, the Crow Soup Kitchen will provide one free bowl of soup a day to every Crownsworn and Godsworn citizen. Every man, woman, and child will have a meal, if they want it. This is so important to me, and to Archlector Aleksei, because you cannot truly be free when one your choices is starving to death. For too many in the Lowers, that is the choice we make. Work a job that is terrible, where you risk your life, where you might never see your children again... or die. Or, worse, watch your children die. Now, none of the King's subjects will starve (or so I hope).

We will be announcing the opening of the Crow Soup Kitchen soon, as everything is almost ready. After that, I will begin planning a fundraising event in the Murder of Crows, where I'll invite everyone (yes, everyone, even the nobility) to come to the Lowers and partake in some festivities.

In the meanwhile, if anyone is interested in supporting this project, they can direct letters to me. Not Magpie. I very much love my husband, and he has worked very hard helping me with all this, but he does not run the Murder of Crows, or the Crow Soup Kitchen. I do.

What we need:
* We have funding for one year. Any donations (and money raised in the charity event) will extend that out, or provide better soup. I can't promise what we'll have now is very good, but I can promise it's not lizard.
* We do not have enough silver and resources to feed citizens of the great houses. There are few that are not Crownsworn in the lowers, but there are some. If a high house wants to see their people fed at the Crow Soup Kitchen, they should write me.
* Blankets, clothing, etc. We are not a shelter, but we will gladly hand out such items. (OOC: Economic resources, or actual crafted blankets that I can stuff in a container for effect would be lovely!)
* Volunteers. Time is precious, especially time from someone who has managed something like this before. (OOC: I will have some items I need crafted, like flyers, so someone else spending AP on crafting them would be lovely!)
* Furniture and art. Magpie is building the tables and benches and all, but some additional furniture wouldn't hurt. Also, something to hang on the walls would be nice. Something that's appropriate for the location (and I will be the judge of appropriate). Please do not send me silk couches and gold-plated statues, the Lowers does not need reminded of such opulence.

<3 Mae Grayhope, nee Culler

Written By Mae

Oct. 15, 2017, 12:59 p.m.(5/26/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Alaric

A message to scholars and to his Kingshipness:

I assure the things that terrify me are without limit. Having the Royal Attention upon me is one of the things that I find very alarming. Failing to inspire a work worthy of such an artist's brush is one of the things that I find very alarming.

I'm a rubbish guest and a worse muse. And hopefully this journal is read, and I can lower the Royal Expectations appropriately, so as to be slightly less disappointing.

<3 Mae Grayhope

Written By Mae

Oct. 15, 2017, 1:33 a.m.(5/25/1007 AR)

It is all right to be sad, to feel sorrow, to despair. It is part of life.

Written By Mae

Oct. 11, 2017, 12:27 p.m.(5/18/1007 AR)

Cleaning shrines is good work for a disciple, especially when in a place of stillness and reflection. I can't imagine it's as nice with so many people coming and going, like in the Shrine of Jayus or Gild. But Death's shrine, I find peace in the stillness. And the cleaning.

Written By Mae

Oct. 4, 2017, 9:05 p.m.(5/4/1007 AR)

I did a painting today. Magpie is going to help me deliver it, whether he wants to or not.

I love my husband. And painting.

<3 Mae Grayhope

Written By Mae

Oct. 2, 2017, 1:16 p.m.(4/27/1007 AR)

Dear scholars,

I apologize if any of you were drunkenly harassed by my husband. I'll offer a free round at the Murder if you were!

Just don't wear your fancy robes.

<3 Mae Grayhope

Written By Mae

Sept. 26, 2017, 1:19 a.m.(4/13/1007 AR)

I play the banjo. Not very well, but I do. If anyone wants to come to the Murder and I'm in I will play for them!

*A series of musical notes are drawn here. For anyone that reads music, they're nonsense. Just drawings of what someone imagines musical notes should look like.*

Written By Mae

Aug. 25, 2017, 5:39 p.m.(2/3/1007 AR)

I own an inn!

Kind of. It's always going to belong to the Grayhopes. But for now? The Murder of Crows is mine!

That's so fancy. And so exciting. And so scary. I think I need to learn my numbers better.

Written By Mae

Aug. 15, 2017, 6:11 p.m.(1/11/1007 AR)

*A scrawl written in big, sloppy letters.*



Written By Mae

Aug. 1, 2017, 3:06 p.m.(12/11/1006 AR)

Life is all about fish. And the ocean. But fish.

Tide goes in, tide goes out.

I went down to the beach to observe the waves. To see how they come and how they go. As a Harlequin of Death, that is one of the messages we preach. Beginnings, endings, a cycle, never stopping.

The beach itself works just as well for a metaphor, and as a focus for contemplation. Find a stick, write your name in the sand. Set aside a few hours and build a beautiful castle. Leave your work overnight and return the next day, and you'll see the sea has washed it all away. It's a clean slate, once again. The most regal structures, the most elaborate drawings, all return to what they were. Sand.

The cycle never stops. Around and around we go. Sometimes we are great castles. Sometimes we're a child's name. Each time we're wiped clean - still made of the same stuff, but wiped clean - and we start again. Each time we have a chance to build a new. Each time we have the chance to define ourselves.

And I believe that, good people of Arx, is the porpoise of humanatee.

(I'm so sorry.)

Written By Mae

July 25, 2017, 12:48 p.m.(11/25/1006 AR)

Relationship Note on Magpie

Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope
Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope
Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope
Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope
Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope Mae Grayhope

*The page is almost full of the same two words, repeated over and over, with little hearts drawn here and there throughout the words. Then, at the very bottom, in big letters...*

Magpie Culler?

Written By Mae

June 28, 2017, 11:23 a.m.(9/26/1006 AR)

On Birds:

After much careful study, and consultation from scholars and scientists, I have decided to write up a small treaty about birds.

Birds are quite possibly the only creature more talkative than people. This is curious, since most other animals get by just fine without talking all the time. I think this also makes bird quite interesting and dear to us, because they are like us. They also walk on two legs. But everyone knows that.

My interest in birds is in their songs and their talking. Why is it they sing? Why do they talk so much? Why do they make such a racket?

It would seem that birds talk for three reasons:

1. Birds talk to claim something is theirs. They like to say, loudly, that things belong to them. Sometimes, this is to scare other birds (or animals) away: "This nest is mine and you cannot have it". Other times, this isn't so excluding of others: "This tree is mine and you may sit under it but you must know it's mine."

2. Birds talk to the flock. Birds do share with their friends and family, and often a song can mean "hey, there's food over here" or "watch out, the cat is coming!". While this may seem like a good-natured thing to do, it usually isn't. Usually, the bird cares for their flock because it is theirs. They share so that their other birds might be healthier and stronger, but it's still an extension of themselves.

3. Birds talk for mating. I don't think I need to explain this one.

Really, everything said above can be boiled down into: Territory, territory, territory.

That is the bird's focus: their territory. Whether that be their tree, their flock, their food, or their mate.

So, in conclusion, birds are not terribly complex creatures. If you ever find one making noise, stop and look around. You are likely in their territory, or have become their territory.

Mae Culler
Curious Messenger

*A little heart (the not anatomically correct kind) is drawn here, at the bottom.*

Written By Mae

May 28, 2017, 11:39 p.m.(7/18/1006 AR)

*Tacked up, in lieu of actual words, is a pencil sketch. It appears to be of a woman, her skin fair, her eyes fair, her hair fair, and she's looking off and away, distracted. The face fills almost the full page, and it is clear the artist has paid particular attention to capturing details, as lifelike as possible. Were the woman in question not obviously identified by the artist's signature - 'mae' appears in lower case letters in the bottom left corner of the page - there is a stray ribbon cascading down and between those blonde locks.*

Written By Mae

May 11, 2017, 6:54 p.m.(6/12/1006 AR)

Today I found a relic that appears to be made by elves!

Should I donate this to the scholars? Or the Faith? I don't even know what to do with it!

Written By Mae

May 9, 2017, 7:59 p.m.(6/8/1006 AR)

Oh my goodness!

Written By Mae

May 7, 2017, 11:18 p.m.(6/4/1006 AR)

Why do people keep asking me about reading some book? Ribbons & Knives?

Written By Mae

April 23, 2017, 5:12 p.m.(5/1/1006 AR)

I'm supposed to wear a dress. I am very anxious.

Written By Mae

April 16, 2017, 10:26 p.m.(4/14/1006 AR)

In addition to training people how to run better, I've started painting! Fortunato gave me my first lessons. Maybe one day I'll be a famous artist?

*Beneath the rather neat-but-boring script is a heart, a few inches wide, done in varying shades of watercolor. It starts a faint pink on the perimeter and moves to a dark red at the center.*

Written By Mae

April 9, 2017, 10 p.m.(3/28/1006 AR)

I took my first client, for Mae's athletic training! Running is really important, everyone. You can get across the city faster, you are more healthy, you can eat more and not get fat, and also, you can run away from scary things. Esoka did great, and didn't even fall off the Sovereign Bridge! I'm proud!

If anyone is reading this and wants a coach, write me!

Are we allowed to advertise in these things?

Written By Mae

April 2, 2017, 11:41 p.m.(3/15/1006 AR)

Rumor is a threw a Bringer off a wall! It's only partially true. I hooked it like a fish, tied my line off on a dying shav, and threw him off the wall. Dragged the Bringer down with it. It hit the ground and popped like a bag full of dust.

It was strange.

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