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Written By Evaristo

Jan. 6, 2019, 3:20 a.m.(4/22/1010 AR)

Singing Copper's song each evening has been an amazing thing, and once more I must thank Her Higness Sorrel for letting me perform it, to spread the message of Hope.

I've received a fair few suggestions on the last verse of my song, and today I will announce who the winner is. I'm quite pleased with the response to it, both the song itself and the competition to write the last verse which I thought of about two hours before the first concert. That skull pendant is quite fancy, I might have to make one for myself - you can wear two skull pendants, right? It's not too much? Maybe three, four... Like a whole band of them around the neck?

I mean, skulls do make for an amazing theme on jewelry!

Written By Evaristo

Jan. 4, 2019, 3:28 p.m.(4/19/1010 AR)

What a week it's been. Definitely not boring.

I woke up the other day cuddled up under a large piece of copper cloth under a table in a tavern. However there were three others sleeping there too and the party was still ongoing, so I wasn't kicked out nor had I lost ANY items! Amazing. I was told by the rest in there I had a lot of fun though, but my memory is a bit fussy. But, I am sure I did.

Oh, and I've been playing each evening at various taverns and bars and random locales claiming to be bars or taverns. It's been fun. Princess Sorrel's song is loved. My own composed one gets quite a few laughs and cheers too.

Not bad, for someone who isn't a bard, if I may say so myself, and of course I may.

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 30, 2018, 12:37 p.m.(4/8/1010 AR)

Band together, Arxians! Let your inner copper shine through.

Show those arrogant toffs from across the sea they can sod off, them and their fancy steelsilk and platinum both.

Put on a copper scarf, a copper jewel and show your solidarity.

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 29, 2018, 4:13 a.m.(4/6/1010 AR)

The party at the Shepherd house was amazing, though I am somewhat regretful I wasn't awake long enough to greet and meet more people. That game of drunken darts was hilarious however, and I won! Well, technically Simon won but he gave me the win for some reason. I now own a white fluffy puppy named Fancy, which is very wonderful and nerve wrecking. I don't know anything about how to care for a dog, but how hard can it be?

I made it back to the ship, despite the crowd at the docks, something about someone shouting some proclamations and a ship with metal sails. I mean, the ship's right there, and now there's a bunch of Iron Guards all over the docks, and really, what an exciting night. I got a puppy and won a dart contest!

Princess Reese hit me with a dart, which I didn't feel at the time and honestly, it's just a little small hole in my arm now and doesn't even bleed. I will be careful around her if there's an archery contest however... But she is an amazing good sport and very fun!

Great party!

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 28, 2018, 5:04 a.m.(4/4/1010 AR)

Have a new appreciation for spiders, and now I see them coming out from winter. There's even one living on Josie in my cabin and it can stay there, but I do keep an eye on it. It seems content in its net up there in the corner and it keeps an eye on me too. Bit of a stalemate situation - I don't bother it, it doesn't bother me. I wonder if I can feed it? Can it be a friend? Pet spiders is a thing, right? I mean, they seem low maintenance, but it's a bit of a worry if I don't see it in its net and I keep nervously watching where I put my feet.

I've given the crew stern warnings not to harm any spiders, to which there was some grumbling about 'is he on haze now?' though Alena who is currently working as my second, who is the most cunning and capricious woman I've ever met, gave me a smile. Made me quite sweaty. That woman doesn't smile at people, I wonder what that means. Maybe she just really likes spiders and approves of this.

I've named the spider Cecily the Seafarer. I hope it doesn't get seasick.

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 24, 2018, 4:56 p.m.(3/25/1010 AR)

Some advice.

If someone says they're in a tavern drinking because their wife left them, don't congratulate them cheerfully and sing a song in celebration.

Apparently they weren't drinking cause this was a cause of joy.

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 24, 2018, 6:23 a.m.(3/23/1010 AR)

I bought some new shinies. Then checked my bank and went woops.

Well, I still got the shinies and they're worth just as much now as when I bought them.

I felt bored and what better to do when bored than to buy new fancy things, if nothing else comes up? Besides, people were being so grumpy and kept yelling at me to stop playing cheerful love songs at the taverns, something about divorces and not loving their spouses anymore. You'd think they'd appreciate upbeat love songs at that moment, but apparently they find it to be mocking and I had to make a hasty retreat from two of the taverns, under the threat of violence.

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 20, 2018, 1:21 p.m.(3/16/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

--- what? You're what?

Ships are beautiful, you know.

Don't tell me you're pregnant again.

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 14, 2018, 12:38 p.m.(3/4/1010 AR)

Fairly laid back week. In fact, I don't think I did much of anything, which is just how I like it.

Great dinner on the Tasty Terrapine - that ship has a great captain and a great crew. And that soup!

If I didn't like captain Valenzo, I'd have try to nab that cook right under his nose, but that'd be one bad move on my part. I figure I will just try to get myself invited over for more dinners instead.

Still reeling a bit over being an uncle. In the best of ways.

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 9, 2018, 4:38 a.m.(2/21/1010 AR)

I threw my hat in on the commoner council. Why the hell not? I care about the Lowers, even more so now than before. Arx is my home city now, my base of operations. I grew up in the Lowers and I don't see myself moving away from there anytime soon.

The Lowers is a part of Arx and it's not going anywhere either. It should be raised up and prosper and that goal should be at the forefront of the city's goals.

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 8, 2018, 6:51 p.m.(2/20/1010 AR)

I'M AN UNCLE! Well technically I'm not an uncle, cause Joscelin is my cousin, but I am definitely going to be Uncle Evaristo.

I'm proud and humbled. She's tiny, Joscelin let me hold her and tuck her into her bed.

I will do all I can for Josie and Ianthe Myrinda.

Written By Evaristo

Dec. 1, 2018, 5:19 p.m.(2/6/1010 AR)

All the wonderful shinies at Joscelin's shop, for such decent prices?

I mean, I've seen jewelry there for years but sometimes you just HAVE to buy something, so I did. Not that I'm going to wear it myself, but I can probably give them to someone who CAN wear it.

Although they look good against my eyes, I got to say. Skylit aquamarines.

No, never mind, I am not going to wear them myself. They don't go well with my skull pendant (which is also from her shop.)

I might be biased because she is my cousin, but she really is a most wonderful crafter and really, how does she do it with that belly?

Written By Evaristo

Nov. 29, 2018, 2:23 a.m.(1/28/1010 AR)

I found adventure of a kind, or at least, I have not been the least bit bored which amount to the same thing really. Things of note:

* Haggling is much harder than I thought and I almost botched away a bunch of money that wasn't even mine. I sorted it out, all responsible for my own actions. I'm as susprised as Joscelin is, probably.

* I'm getting various job offers left and right and feel a bit like a donkey between two pieces of candy. Which one is sweeter? No, why can't I have them all? I don't know, I don't think this metaphor works at all, who made it up? It's stupid. Either or, this keeps me from being bored too!

* I met a relative I didn't know about. Nor do Joscelin, I suppose. This is still leaving me all sorts of confused.

* The bard's college. Is that a thing for me?

Written By Evaristo

Nov. 25, 2018, 1:22 p.m.(1/21/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Yes of course you amble with great dignity.

Either or, I can not wait to meet that little girl.

Written By Evaristo

Nov. 24, 2018, 11:15 a.m.(1/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Adora

Today I bought a bed off of Adora Bell's shop. That woman is such a sweet, gentle and friendly person. She has the most amazing furniture. I want to buy all those chests and fill them up in my ship. But I resist the urge, I would have to have things to PUT in the chests too.

I do own one since before though. It is in my room, and it is also quite empty. I've yet to figure out what to put in there. A booze collection? Pebbles from the beach?

Maybe the winter clothes I need to buy so I won't freeze to death. I completely forgot how cold Arx gets.

Written By Evaristo

Nov. 24, 2018, 4:36 a.m.(1/19/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Everytime I meet you now, and see that belly, I not only think it looks rather funny (you do waddle like a duck cousin, and it's adorable), I am also struck by that strange emotion of protectiveness. Have I truly ever felt that before? You protected me when we grew up, in many more ways than I even know about, I am sure. I got in trouble, you helped me out of it.

When did I grow up, cousin? Is this how that is, to feel that someone else matters more than yourself?

Maybe this might spark another journal debate - of what being an adult means.

I always thought it meant I could drink any time I wanted, go wherever I pleased and spend money on whatever I fancied (assuming I have it.)

Written By Evaristo

Nov. 17, 2018, 5:49 a.m.(1/5/1010 AR)

I've had some remarkably boring few weeks where I've been working with little adventure, apart for a few strange encounters down in the lowers where I had to either run to avoid being stabbed or an angry customer claimed something outrageously wrong.

I've done a few short runs down the coast when the weather has permitted. An odd increase in people wanting to go visit their families that don't live in Arx, maybe the strange occurances out at the Lodge has affected some?

Written By Evaristo

Oct. 24, 2018, 6:21 p.m.(11/13/1009 AR)

I've been sober for four days straight.

Maybe it is a sort of punishment for something I couldn't do anything about.

Also I keep wondering - what about ex-thralls living in the lowers now?

Written By Evaristo

Oct. 18, 2018, 3:11 p.m.(10/20/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

I am grievously wounded you would think I would pay your assistants to like something.

They like the cabinet because it is amazing and you can stand staring at it for hours and be lost in tales of what this cabinet has been part of.

That, and I promised them all I'd sing and play for them for free at their evening of choice, at some party or another.

Written By Evaristo

Oct. 17, 2018, 5:13 p.m.(10/18/1009 AR)

Today I gifted the most marvellous thing as a belated wedding gift to Joscelin. Let me tell you the tale of how it ended up in my hands!

A few months back I was doing some trading down south along the coast and we went to a small town... I don't even quite remember the name right now, but it wasn't very large at all.

As is custom, we drank with the locals in their lovely little tavern and as the night progressed I ended up spending the night with this adorable young lady... whose name escapes me right now, but let us call her Maya. (I have no idea, but I like that name.)

Apparently sometime during the night I promised her I would take her via the ship to an island where another town is, and that I also had to take along an item. I even signed a paper on it and she procured this next morning. Seeing this as not that much of a problem, I figured - why not? And I had signed!

Two days later we were leaving and Maya and four of her brothers carried out this gigantic old liquor cabinet onto a cart and proceeded to roll it down to the beach. This was to be taken with Maya to the island where she would be moving to live with her husband to be. Apparently a family heirloom that once stood in a Lycene castle and had belonged to a prince something something - they weren't even that sure themselves where it came from to begin with.

Though my crew were protesting wildly, we got the clunky furniture onto the ship somehow and we lashed it securely in the hold.

We sailed off and as soon as Maya was no longer in the presence of her family, she procured another contract and told me: 'I will not drag that piece of furniture into my new home. It is hideous and we all hate it! Here, I am signing it off to you as payment for the journey across.' We both signed copies and I was quite gleeful. It was a wonderful piece with an amazing story!

We let Maya off on the island, said our farewells and sailed onwards. I heard later that her family were livid about this and something about possibly not being welcome back in that town, ever - like I stole it! I have lost the contract, but I swear - she gave it to me.

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