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Written By Valencia

May 3, 2020, 3:28 p.m.(3/22/1013 AR)

I watched the snow falling last night as the lamp lighters walked down the dimming streets lighting light after light so that people could find their way.

They were singing to the flames as they went. It was so hauntingly beautiful.

It caused a soft twinge of something in my heart. Something in such a simple act spoke to me, I suppose. I listened until they disappeared down the street leaving pools of light in their wake.

I think that is how I wish I could be. To bring light and magic to a darkening world and leaving a glow for others to find their way safely home or to wherever they wish or need to be.


Written By Valencia

May 3, 2020, 3:01 p.m.(3/22/1013 AR)

Nothing like a beautiful unremarkable day.


Written By Valencia

April 26, 2020, 2:43 p.m.(3/8/1013 AR)

Liars and hyenas so rarely change their spots. They are both opportunists that will laugh as they eat out your heart again and again, if you let them.

Do I believe in redemption, you ask? Do I think someone who has betrayed or been cruel can repent and change?

It's possible, I hope. But it is extremely rare. And, the more I live, the more I doubt.

I look forward to a day when I am proven wrong.

But I shall not hold my breath.


Written By Valencia

April 26, 2020, 2:42 p.m.(3/8/1013 AR)

It is with great pain that I read some of these journals that speak of the pain of a lover who has been betrayed and cast away.

Pain like that is like no other. It makes you hurt like there is no tomorrow. It shatters what you trusted. It makes you question your worth.

Even when they say that they love you still. That they are not monsters. That they were stupid. That their feelings remain true and the others doesn't matter... do not take it at face value. Instead, look to their actions, my sweet friends, to learn what is true.

If someone loves you, they do not hurt you again and again. They do not use you or manipulate you to their own end, or treat you with casual cruelly while they sate their own desires and cravings.

The mind that does that, the person lies about love and manipulates without empathy or thought, is so deeply broken that they cannot love anyone but themselves.

There is nothing romantic about allowing someone to cut you in ways you did not know you could be hurt. Then to throw you away. Ignore you. Leave to to bleed. Or worse, watch you bleed out.

And so, my sweetest lovers whoever you are, as much as you ache and yearn, I beg you do not waste your worries upon the unworthy. For as much as I know it hurts, in your heart you know that they would never do the same for you. Even if they say they would.

I hope that you find a love truly worthy of your own. And, that the happiness that comes of it guides you safely home.

My heart to yours.


Written By Valencia

April 19, 2020, 7:28 p.m.(2/22/1013 AR)

Sometimes I dream of past things. What could-have-beens. Dreams of what I deeply wanted with all my heart, now lost. Or those who held my heart and now are gone from my life.

These dreams seem so perfect when I wake. All the ills and scars rubbed smooth by time and faded memories. But with the cold light of day the fissures and fractures are brought into sharper focus and burn my dreamy fancies away.

Will I still yearn and dream? Will I still hope? Yes, I am believe I remain human and have a heart. I want to believe in miracles and hope.

And, should it come to pass that new life is found in barren ground, well, I shall feel blessed and kiss my luck full on the face for such a beautiful gift. But I don't wish to hold breath as the waters of grief to rise up and wash over me while I wait for what could-have-beens. For that is how you drown and I have so much more life to partake in.


Written By Valencia

April 12, 2020, 8:39 p.m.(2/8/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Ansel

Ah, what can one say about my dearest Duke Ansel.

We have been friends for some time and to this day he remains one of the kindest and warmest men I know. Charming, insightful and that glint of mischief in his eye that makes a girl wonder what trouble she is about to get into. To be true, from the sound of his adventures, he remains endlessly spirited. So easy to talk to and so much fun. He cares truly about his people and the realm. Brave and willing to rise to defend. He puts his own dreams aside to see that his duty done right. So much to admire.

I treasure his company and I'm so glad he is back. We met so long ago and even now, though our paths often part now and again and our lives are so different now, it is like old times when he returns.

I must thank him again for the lovely gift to lift my spirits. I feel absolutely delighted and very spoiled by this sweet surprise. But I shall not complain too much.


Written By Valencia

April 5, 2020, 6:31 p.m.(1/22/1013 AR)

Relationship Note on Ilvin

What a joy it is to have Blessed Ilvin return to our city once more. My heart sings with happiness to know he is home again.

I have never met a man more kind,thoughtful or genuinely warm, I think. I have missed him terribly.

We are so blessed to have such a fine Archlector of Limerance, and I feel even more blessed to have such a beautiful friend.

I look forward to spending many wonderful moments sharing in his company.

Welcome back, dearest friend.


Written By Valencia

April 2, 2020, 4:15 p.m.(1/16/1013 AR)

I fear that Lady Mikani and Lord Cadern are far too kind in their recent praise of me.

That is not to say that I do not appreciate it. It is just that the reasons behind such words and the generosity of such esteemed praise sometimes surprises and more often than not confuses me.

However, it goes without saying that I am humbled, honoured and so very grateful that anyone would wish to share their fine company with me.

Lady Mikani, Lord Cadern, your words touched me when I needed it most. With all my heart, I thank you both.


Written By Valencia

March 31, 2020, midnight(1/10/1013 AR)

Some things, no matter how hard, are just worth fighting for.


Written By Valencia

March 29, 2020, 1:05 p.m.(1/7/1013 AR)

And another a vibrant voice among us is silenced.

I want to find words, but it seems I have none.

I hope will find them tomorrow.

My heart to those who are suffering.


Written By Valencia

March 24, 2020, 11:28 p.m.(12/26/1012 AR)

Worst kind of lies are told about love.


Written By Valencia

March 15, 2020, 6:23 p.m.(12/8/1012 AR)

My people are mobilizing to the defense of the compact and realm once more.

May the hearts of Lycene and our allies burn brave and true so we may do what must be done. May wisdom and intelligence guide us in our task and passion, hope and high spirits light the way to our success.

In truth, I would wish for a peaceful diplomatic defense. Death or harm to anyone, especially innocent people, brings a great sadness to me. But I am not one to turn from a fight, if necessary. We will do what we must.

May the gods protect those who go forth in this task and the Abyss take anyone who stands in our way.

Here's to a quick and easy success.


Written By Valencia

Feb. 20, 2020, 4:11 p.m.(10/16/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Strozza

Lord Strozza Mazetti makes an interesting observation about me for such a very short but sweet meeting. It makes one wonder what other things he might see should our next meetings be longer and far less distracting.

Though, I'm sure he would agree that it is true that great things often come in smaller packages.


Written By Valencia

Feb. 2, 2020, 8:19 p.m.(9.169814814814815/10.509629629629629/1012.6808179012346 AR)

Relationship Note on Martino

Once again, my lord, your charm and skills inspire. As host, your warmth and excellent taste in entertainment and drink are a delight.

Congratulations on another fine event. I cannot wait for your next event in my Hart. It was a wonderful night.

Thanks you so much.


Written By Valencia

Feb. 2, 2020, 8:15 p.m.(9.16961970899471/10.498703703703704/1012.6808016424162 AR)

Gods, how I love knowing that the world is so much more than we think we know.

Some may fear such things, but not I. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less.

I cannot wait to learn more and to see what comes of all this.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 26, 2020, 3:24 p.m.(8.65573040674603/23.72090277777778/1012.6379775338955 AR)

I often forget how things can so quickly change here.

Tides and wyrms turned faster than bridges can be built or burned. Things thought though forever and endlessly strong, turn out to be flimsy and so incredibly wrong. Warm, sweet water that draws you softly in can quickly turn to immovable ice that singes tender skin.

To be true, the cards dealt are never the ones you seem to hold in your hand at the end of the round. And always, always when you least expect it.

Now, if I could only play the games other's play a little better. Until then, I shall walk in earnest grace, and always with offer of sweet smile upon face.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 12, 2020, 8:58 p.m.(7/19/1012 AR)

Relationship Note on Zoey

It is beautiful to see families growing and flourishing in Arx.

And now, the Lady Zoe and Lord Ian of Kennex have welcomed a little girl into the world. How wonderful that must be.

I must admit in seeing such love and pride in other's eyes makes me wish for such blessings myself some days. But how odd that would be.

I am happy for those that have had such good fortune and send them wishes for much light, luck and love with hopes for a beautiful and fulsome life.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 12, 2020, 7:28 p.m.(7/19/1012 AR)

Last night I dreamed of Angus.

He came home -- bold, brash and larger than life -- with that roguish smile that always seemed to banish my ire and sorrows away despite my best effort.

He wasted no time to come to me. His strong arms sweeping me up to spin me around and kiss me deep. The warmth of him so present. His powerful frame to mine as he gathered me close. His clean, warm, welcoming scent. That brush of his beard against my skin. Gods, how I had missed him. How I had missed this.

I melted in that moment, lost in that beautiful warmth. My home away from home. My love. My life.

I asked him where he had been. He smiled down at me with that sparkle in his beautiful eyes; a large, strong calloused hand lifting to tenderly cup my face.

"I never left, my heart," he informed me with a smile, his calm, deep voice a comforting rumble in my ears as he leaned down to kiss me again, full and deep.

I smiled at that and lowered my eyes, and then looked up at him once more to smile upon his handsome face. But when my eyes lifted he was gone and to my surprise another had taken his place. The world swam and I opened my mouth to speak, but then he was gone, too, and I once more stood alone.

I woke soon after. My heart racing and aching.

I miss you, my beloved. My heart. My life.

I miss what was, and what might have been a beautiful life.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 12, 2020, 4:38 p.m.(7/19/1012 AR)

My heart beats with excitement that is hard to contain! I have been invited to go north once more.

I am elated. Touched by such kindness. Overwhelmed with anticipation of such a thing. My heart often drifts there. I cannot wait to see it again. The people the land. So unlike anywhere else. I love it!

Thank you so much to the very kind and charming Missere Jules and Lady Mikani for inviting me.

You are right. I should try to leave my Hart more often to seek out more delights. I hope we depart soon.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 5, 2020, 3:25 p.m.(7/5/1012 AR)

That moment when you see someone you thought was lost forever return once again.

Is there anything more beautiful and uplifting.

I can think of a rare few, but not many.


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