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Written By Torian

Aug. 14, 2016, 9:37 p.m.(4/19/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Acacia

I'm glad to have the girl back in town. A real Culler interested in taking part in the family is never something I'll say no to. She was born with the name. I just took it on. Maybe eventually, she'll be in charge. Maybe. But for now, she needs to keep her boots off my desk. Even if she bought it.

Written By Torian

Aug. 14, 2016, 9:27 p.m.(4/19/1004 AR)

It's an oddity, where my life has ended up. I've come to appreciate it, in a way. There's less blood now, at least. But that's not the best thing. The best thing probably that comes with where my life has ended up is the view. I can sit here, and look out over the harbor. And while others will say it smells bad, or looks disheveled, I just see home. My home. Mine. That's probably the biggest part. It's all my little family, and here I get to sit most nights, and look out over it. Watch the lanterns go out, and be left with the reflection of the moon off the waves. And in that time I'm left wondering how I got here. Selling my sword was more honest work, and that's ironic. But it was far less personal or worthwhile. The Boroughs are getting worse, though. And here I am finding time to write. Maybe I need to put my hands to better uses than a quill like the silks do. Too many maybes.

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