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Written By Sina

May 25, 2018, 1:45 p.m.(11/4/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Archeron

I was only a child, but I remember those days of fear. I had heard stories, of course, but I think I was largely sheltered from most of it. I am heartened to hear how greatly things have changed, and of course, I have seen with my own eyes the diligence and dedication with which House Thrax now seeks to polish the tarnish from its legacy. High Lord Victus is not a man that I have feared, but one that I have greatly respected. Prince Donrai... he was to be feared. No doubt about that. Thank you for your kind insights, Lord Archeron. I am not certain how it fits into the puzzle in my mind, but your words are a beacon of hope, I feel, for the future of the Isles.

Written By Sina

May 25, 2018, 3:38 a.m.(11/3/1008 AR)

Today was a good day. I come out the other side of it feeling more at peace with my thoughts and my decisions. Now, I must simply follow through. It is time to begin a new journey in my life. It is time to take a different path. I feel happier for it, though I shall have some regrets for what I will leave behind.

Today was a day of conversations and intellectual discourse, laughter and mischief too. It was a day of self-discovery and purpose, of coming into myself. One cannot ask for more out of a day, I think. I feel truly blessed to know the people that I know. It seems a fitting way to begin the next year of my life. A new anniversary of my birth. A new beginning. I pray that Lagoma's light guide me in wisdom through this time of change.

It was a good day.

Written By Sina

May 24, 2018, 5:54 a.m.(10/23/1008 AR)

I have not been keeping up with my journal as much as I should. I often debate what should be written within these white pages, and what should be relegated to the black. Of late, my life has taken interesting twists and turns that make the two paths converge in ways that make it difficult to focus. Life has been considerably more complicated for me, and part of me wishes that I could go back to the simple, uncomplicated life of a handmaiden. It's easy to simply serve, quietly and unobtrusively, professionally. And yet, sometimes I wonder if perhaps there is something else I should be doing.

I find that I have strange dreams and memories. Things that happened when I was a child, now coming to the forefront of my mind, and I do not understand the things that I remember. But I remember a man with a mask on his face, and an oath of fealty when I was very, very young. Even from beyond the grave, I think perhaps the ghost of Prince Donrai Thrax still haunts us all in some ways.

I still cannot fathom what possessed him to take me into his House when I was but ten, to serve in the kitchens. I suppose I must be grateful, given what happened to my father's ship, and my father. The same thing that happened to many pirates who encountered the reavers of House Thrax. Death. Destruction. Loss.

Still, these days, I can't help but wonder why. Why did he spare me? Later, Princess Donella's father brought me up from the kitchens, and assigned me as her handmaiden. Then she married off into House Redrain, and I have continued to pursue the life of a handmaiden, having offered my services to Princess Consort Alarissa. And so I serve House Thrax still.

I have so few memories of my early childhood, and it is like pulling teeth trying to get them to come about. I remember being terrified of Prince Donrai... and yet, reading through the white journals of others, it seems he was worthy of respect as well. At least in the eyes of some. How can one man inspire such awe and fear in the minds of others? Respect, and scorn? Why does he now linger so in my memories and thoughts? Now I find myself wishing I knew more about him.

But he is gone, and it is a new era for House Thrax. High Lord Victus and Princess Consort Alarissa have been so very supportive of me and my choice to continue to serve House Thrax. And yet... I still feel that call to other things. I am more than a handmaiden. I am a Scholar of Vellichor and a Disciple of the Faith. I am an Explorer, and an artist. I am so many other things than a mere handmaiden. And yet, most of all, I am drawn to the Faith. My heart lies there and I am torn between duty, my own heart's desire, oaths of fealty, and memories.

I do know one thing: I do not think that I am destined nor suited to a life of marriage and babies. Such is not my lot, nor is it my desire. It may seem strange to some, for one as young as I, to be so certain of these things. My heart has known love, but I lack that desire toward motherhood, marriage, and familial bonds. Perhaps it is because my own mother, a thrall aboard my father's ship, was sold off when I was barely old enough to walk, and my father died when I was young. Family... blood family... is not something I have known much of, and so I would have no understanding, I think, of how a proper family works.

I shall pray to all the gods for wisdom and guidance in these matters that so trouble me and keep me up at night. Soon, I must come to a decision and stop dithering back and forth. What it comes down to is where do I feel most useful? My heart answers, "The Faith."

Written By Sina

May 2, 2018, 4:05 a.m.(8/28/1008 AR)

I am on somewhat of a hiatus in my normal duties as handmaiden to the Princess Consort Alarissa, but I am finding there is much that still occupies my mind and my time pertaining to matters of the Faith. While I am devoted in my service to House Thrax, I admit that I am pleased to have these next two months to pursue other matters that have occupied my mind of late, and to find some time for much-needed recreation as well.

Perhaps now I can finish the painting that I had started for the Lady Armani Gilden, a project I have been eager to do. I have decided to title it "After the Storm". I think it is going well. And of course, there is the mermaid sculpture I had started at the beginning of the spring. I think I have enough seashells now. Abalone shell with its pearly luster is exceedingly rare and hard to find upon the beaches outside Arx, but I have found joy in the search. I was also pleased to discover that Princess Denica is an artist, and I look forward to continuing our discussion.

Meanwhile, I prepare for a journey in a quest for knowledge. I do not know when we will leave, but I find myself looking forward to stretching my wings and flying off to parts unknown. I am certain that I will be in good company, and I pray that the Gods may smile upon our endeavor.

Written By Sina

April 13, 2018, 6:25 p.m.(7/18/1008 AR)

I have some thoughts today on the matter of thralls, and of Princess Alarissa's stalwart efforts to improve the situation left behind by Donrai Thrax. As a servant of House Thrax, I can only commend and praise the Princess-Consort's efforts to improve their lot, which I have seen firsthand. Before, they suffered under the yoke of true slavery. They were treated with such indignity, and lived in fear of Prince Donrai Thrax. I can attest, their lot is so much better now.

I have seen the difference, during my service to House Thrax. Princess Alarissa's compassion for the downtrodden knows no bounds. But, I must also observe that change cannot simply happen overnight. It is not easy to simply cast off traditions that are deeply rooted in the history of the House. These things take time. But the changes are happening, and they are noticeable.

My mother was a thrall, aboard my father's ship. She was sold off when I was too young to remember her. Property, to be given or sold away like a piece of furniture. Nevermind that doing such separated her from me... her daughter. And I never got to know her as a result.

And yet, years later, House Thrax took me in, and I have never known thralldom myself. I was raised up from a kitchen servant to handmaiden, a position of honor and respect. I have full confidence that any thrall within the household might do the same, given enough time, education, and training should they so choose upon their release from any debts they may owe the House. Perhaps one day, the practice will even be ended altogether. But I still say, it cannot simply happen overnight. Tradition is deeply rooted, and like a great and ancient oak tree whose branches have begun to choke out the light, simply chopping it down will not remove it entirely from the earth. It must be dug up by the roots, and that takes time.

So to those who think to imply that the thralls serving out their indenture in House Thrax are treated with indignity, I say, take another look. From my view, as a servant of the House, things have very much changed... for the better.

As for the knighting of cats... I think perhaps everyone is taking this far too seriously. It seems to me, this was an inside joke between His Majesty and His Grace, Prince Victus, and intended to be amusing, especially given the clarification given by the Prince. I don't think anyone is out to devalue the sacrifices and bravery of true Knights.

Given all we have suffered, all we have endured, all we have triumphed over these past few months as a people... as a Compact... I should think a little levity would be welcome. We don't know when the next crisis may come around the corner, and so... squabbling over whether or not a cat has an honorary title seems a trivial matter. But that is simply my opinion, as a humble servant.

So, here's to Lilybelle, and all those who fought so bravely for our freedom.

Written By Sina

March 25, 2018, 12:20 p.m.(6/5/1008 AR)

Day 4

There are some things which should not be written within the pages of the whites.

Day 5

I left my place here within the Shrine only briefly, that I might attend the vigil in the Cathedral. I return feeling once again at peace, though my heart was quite troubled before. As I near the end of my service, I do wonder about my future and what it may hold now.

Day 6

It amazes me how many people manage to smudge the mirrors with their fingerprints in a given day.

This time away from my normal duties has given me time to reflect upon my future, and where I wish to go. I feel drawn to the Faith, and cannot deny that this is where my heart lies as well. I think it is time to truly consider if my life serving House Thrax has meaning, or if I might find more fulfillment dedicating my life to the service of the Gods. I shall continue to pray on this, for my heart is torn.

Day 7

Today marks the last day of my week of service within the Shrine of the Thirteenth. I have come out the other side unscathed, and it isn't nearly as frightening here as I once thought. I have come to know Archlector Vayne, who has been a helpful guide along the way. I hope that we will have more opportunity to speak of things in the future.

As to my experience, all that I can say is that it was informative. I have learned much about myself during this time of reflection and service. I have learned to question the things that I see and hear, and I have learned that doubt is not a bad thing. It is fine to have doubts, I think. To question what one sees and what one experiences is the only way to Truth. To follow blindly is to hide within a shroud of ignorance. To take what one sees at face value is to buy into the lie. This world is full of hidden truths, and sometimes those truths are hidden within lies. It is our job, as Scholars, to see the truth behind the lies.

I think I understand, now, why it is required for aspiring Scholars to spend a week within the Shrine of the Thirteenth. But I leave that up to other aspiring Scholars to discover for themselves. For my experience may be quite different from that of others.

Written By Sina

March 14, 2018, 4:49 a.m.(5/10/1008 AR)

Day 1

I sit within the Shrine of the Thirteenth, surrounded by my reflection in these mirrored halls, writing in my white journal. I have much time to reflect upon my thoughts, and the events of the past few weeks as danger threatens our shores. It is a most uncomfortable way to live, always surrounded by one's reflection. It is said that it is ill-advised to look into the mirror, but I confess, I have looked, on more than one occasion. How can one not, when surrounded by mirrors? I am not certain that I like what I see. A pretty girl with moonshine eyes. That's what most people see. I see other things. I wonder what others see, when they look into the mirror?

Day 2

The temple is very silent for the most part. It seems a sacrilege to break that silence, and so like the Silent Reflections, I have chosen silence and a black robe. There is a certain peace in anonymity.

Day 3

I am not the only one who lingers here. I see others come and go. I see others sitting in contemplation or writing mysterious notes. The Archlector has been very helpful as I spend this week within the shrine. It is a learning experience. I have sat in silence. I have wept before the altar and then renewed my resolve. I have prayed for guidance. One would think it would be a simple task, to spend a week within the Shrine of the Thirteenth. But it is not simple at all. It is, perhaps, the hardest thing I have ever done.

Written By Sina

March 7, 2018, 2:36 a.m.(4/24/1008 AR)

I attended the Scholar's dinner, but I feel like I was barely there. I am distracted, of late, and it is not like me. I must pay more attention, regardless of what is going on in my personal life. Perhaps it is good that the Princess has given me a few days off to rest. It is sorely needed.

Written By Sina

March 2, 2018, 3:50 a.m.(4/14/1008 AR)

I have been spending a lot of time on the beach lately, collecting seashells for my sculpture. I am glad that spring has arrived. The balmy weather, the scent of the salt sea, the wind in my hair... it almost lifts my spirits. Almost.

One meets the most interesting people on the beach. I had chance to meet a scoundrel and a magpie, a fellow inquisitive mind, and a bold iron guard. I wonder what other sorts of people I might run across in my morning wanderings. I find myself drawn to the beach lately, in my free time, which is blessed little these days with the Princess not in residence. It falls to me to keep the household in order while she is away. So these precious moments on the beach are all the more precious, for they are mine.

Written By Sina

Jan. 23, 2018, 11:17 p.m.(1/10/1008 AR)

Since my Lady Donella has married into House Redrain, I have been offered a position as handmaiden to Princess Consort Alarissa Thrax nee Grayson since she married Prince Victus, as she requires a servant with knowledge of the customs and practices of the Mourning Isles. I have just returned to Arx after she sent me to Maelstrom to recover a sentimental item, which she sorely missed.

I must admit, I am very impressed with Princess Alarissa's efforts with regards to improving the lot of the thralls of House Thrax. She is certainly ambitious, but change has to start somewhere, and I am honored to be able to stand witness to it.

On my return to Arx, I attended the Commoner's Council meeting, where we were all informed about some of the preparations being made for the impending arrival of the Gyre's fleet. This was quite informative, and I appreciated that the nobility are trying to be at least somewhat transparent in this regard. I believe it will help the commons to feel more reassured that their safety is being considered.

Written By Sina

Jan. 23, 2018, 11:07 p.m.(1/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Alarissa

I have taken up service with the Princess Consort of House Thrax as her handmaiden, that I might continue to serve the House that took me in. The Princess Consort is a good woman, and I feel we will get along very well. I adore her infant daughter Astrid, and I consider it an honor to have been chosen to serve.

Written By Sina

Jan. 23, 2018, 11 p.m.(1/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Donella

I cannot help it, but I must do what my heart bids me. House Thrax took me in, and so it is to House Thrax I must remain in service. I must bid farewell to my Lady, and take service with another. I wish her the best in the coming years in her new life with House Redrain, and hope that we can remain friends.

Written By Sina

Jan. 23, 2018, 10:59 p.m.(1/10/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Donella

Former Mistress=I cannot help it, but I must do what my heart bids me. House Thrax took me in, and so it is to House Thrax I must remain in service. I must bid farewell to my Lady, and take service with another. I wish her the best in the coming years in her new life with House Redrain, and hope that we can remain friends.

Written By Sina

Feb. 12, 2017, 1:34 a.m.(11/27/1005 AR)

Travel can change you. In fact, beyond tragedy, travel is perhaps the most potent harbinger of personal change. It is at the same time both beautiful and strange that this is true.

Though I am not surprised by how often beauty and strangeness seem to arrive intertwined, travel is something that would appear to be rather innocuous and common. But it is not. I am consistently surprised by the stationary nature of those that I meet, both physically and mentally.

I was born to ride the waters. It is in my blood. And my father's blood before me. For a while, it was all I knew...

As the sea reflects the sky and all who gaze into it, those who ride it are also given an opportunity to reflect upon themselves. I feel as if my most recent journey to Maelstrom has changed me in ways that I have yet to comprehend. That must be a surprisingly common thing. Changing without knowing how.

It had been too long since I felt the rhythm of the ocean beneath my feet. There is something so dead about the land. But the ocean? The ocean feels so alive... As much as I have started to see Arx as my home, it will never feel as familial as the sea.

It's odd. I find myself reflecting upon the very nature of reflection itself.

What could it mean?

Written By Sina

Dec. 4, 2016, 8:54 p.m.(4/18/1005 AR)

Spring is a busy time of year. Already, I have surpassed being simply a lady's maid. Now, I will also seek to be a Disciple of Vellichor, able to learn more and fill my mind with interesting things. Won't that be fascinating and wonderful?

The Archscholar has given me a trial - one I was working on as it is - and other tasks. I have to teach a lesson on some artistic fancy, and spend two days each week tending to the shrine of Reflections with the silent ones. That shouldn't be too bad, should it?

All of those books...

Written By Sina

Nov. 30, 2016, 10:28 p.m.(4/6/1005 AR)

Books. There are books everywhere in my waking hours, when I am not sitting in the taverns or at the dockside. I am beginning to hate the smell of paper and ink. Fruitless pieces of history.

They tell me everything and nothing at once.

When father was alive, the books were associated with teachers. I learned from books, though not as much as I did through spoken word and action. Now, I read them and hope that I can glean information that I desire.

I do not. Day after day, I do not.

They make me miss the sea. They make me miss the Mistress. They make me miss the distant shorelines of worlds away.

Perhaps some day I will return to it all.

Written By Sina

Nov. 26, 2016, 10:32 a.m.(3/21/1005 AR)

I was looking through the stacks in the Archive of Vellichor -- which is, I begin, a fascinating building that I would have never imagined existed in my childhood aboard the Mistress. So many books in one place ready to simply be plucked from obscurity and read by mortal eyes; one could get entirely lost simply by reading book after book after book.

That would be a curious way to die.

It was one parchment that stood out, however: a translated treaty between Arvum and the elves. A 'Twilight Court' of something called the nox'alfar. And it was in this treaty that I was privvy to something both incredibly intriguing, and a touch beyond belief.

Article three, that the crown and the court shall be made closer through the bonds of marriage. If Queen Alarice married one of the elves, and if the elves have been married into the Peerage since then, wouldn't we have noticed before now? Didn't we all assume that the elves were no more?

If elves are real, I can only imagine what sort of horrifying monsters lurk across the world.

It's wonderful, really.

Written By Sina

Nov. 25, 2016, 4:27 p.m.(3/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Sebell

A priest of Mangata. I know not his name, but I found him at the grotto when I went to visit. Not to worship; I don't, not when others can simply wander in if they fancy. Still, he was there, a blemish on the landscape in his fine white robes with their gold and blue trimming.

I think I like him. He's refreshing, for a once-Thrall.

Written By Sina

Nov. 25, 2016, 9:21 a.m.(3/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Silas

I haven't met Sir Silas Mercier in person, but he does particularly fine work and his messengers are all polite. Maybe when I decide to furnish my room, I'll have a reason to speak to him face to face.

Written By Sina

Oct. 3, 2016, 10:01 p.m.(9/28/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Rook

Master Rook, resident of the Whisper House and under the thumb of the Grayson family, is a charming man. The first of several lessons went well, teaching him the simplest of Thraxian court dances - I'm sure he'll learn many more in the future, not that we're the most spectacular showing of dancing prowess in the Compact.

His face is pleasant to look at, as well.

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