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Written By Porter

Sept. 29, 2017, 6:25 p.m.(4/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aethan

A lot has passed between Aethan and I. A lot of bad blood and a lot of words said. He turned his back on our little brother -- his own flesh and blood -- and there can be no forgiveness for that. But just because he's forgoten who his family are doesn't mean that I have. Aethan's my brother, and he'll always be my brother. For him, I'd stand against the gods themselves.

Written By Porter

Sept. 29, 2017, 6:25 p.m.(4/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aethan

Aethan's a problem solver. His solutions are usually brutal, but they're also usually the right ones.

I remember once, Wash was in one of his moods and ended up on the roof of a building, threatening to jump to his death. It was only a one story building, but a swan dive from there would have killed him just the same as if it'd been taller. Aethan, Ian, and I had followed him up there to try to keep him from jumping, although Aethan and Ian were pretty useless at that. Ian was still just a kid, all of fifteen, and Aethan just stood there, glowering while he drank his way through a bottle of vodka, so it fell to me to use my considerable charms to talk Wash down. I pleaded and I cajoled. I may have even shed a few tears. Wash wouldn't budge.

This went on for exactly until Aethan finished off his bottle of vodka. Then he walked right up to Wash, grabbed him, and chucked him over the edge... feet first. Poor guy was hobbling around on a bad ankle for a while after that, but he didn't split his head open.

Brutal, but effective.

Written By Porter

Sept. 29, 2017, 6:25 p.m.(4/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Wash

Wash loves that woman of his with a true and noble heart; you can tell because he's a madman when he's with her, and he's REALLY a madman when he's without her.

He talked once, while he was really in his cups, about wanting to impress her with some act of gallantry, something like the sort of thing the Brothers Kennex are famous for. Well, he was practically one of us at that point, so I thought... why shouldn't he? I decided to hatch a plan for him, something that would really turn Lady Catalana's pretty head. It seemed like a really good idea at the time; usually, I'm a better judge of these things when I'm drunk.

It was a good plan. Simple. Iconic. There's this tribe of shavs -- technically, they've bent the knee, but they live on both sides of the line, as it were, smugglers, mostly. One of them owed me a favor, and happened to be in the neighborhood. The way it was supposed to go, this shav, Ryvan, was supposed to harrass Lady Catalana in the marketplace, and then it would be Wash to the rescue. He'd demand satisfaction for the bothering of his woman, they'd have a show fight, he'd get some superficial wound for her to fuss over before winning heroically.

Ryvan played his part beautifully -- right up until the "helpless" Lady Catalana clocked him in the jaw, kneed him in the balls, and then kicked him as he was going down. In charges Wash, just then, totally unaware of what just happened, yelling something trite like 'unhand that woman', and Ryvan, who's on the ground by this point, says: "By all your gods, Wash! You didn't tell me she had such a good right hook."

He was sleeping on the proverbial couch for a while after that, and Aethan stuck me with looking after him until she forgave him.

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