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Written By Calypso

Dec. 25, 2016, 12:08 p.m.(6/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Leola

Never underestimate the meek and mild. They see with different eyes than the bold. And what they see holds great value and true insight.

I have come to value Leola greatly in the time I have gotten to know her. Not only is she talented at her craft, training any animal with expertise and a compassionate reliable hand. But she is delightful to be around. I intend to gather her thoughts more frequently. I am very proud of the initiative she has taken with the hunting lodge as well. It took great effort to see that project landing on its feet and I intend to do everything I can to support her.

Written By Calypso

Dec. 22, 2016, 11:34 p.m.(6/16/1005 AR)

Black paint swept across eyes narrowed and focused. The raptor seeking its prey.

Red razor sharp cheek bones. Fiercely angled and blood thirsty. Merciless in pursuit.

I have been out of the field for far too long. My warrior's edge is dulling. Like any steel I must be kept sharp. Used as the instrument of death that I am. Endless words have dulled me. Twisting plots thick with lies and misplaced ambition. Promises broken through inaction and inconsequential gestures of false friendship. Intrigue distorting the reflections we see when we look in to the mirror.

In my reflection - I see nothing but strength. This raptor will waste away no more.

Written By Calypso

Dec. 18, 2016, 10:13 p.m.(6/4/1005 AR)

When I close my eyes at night I can remember the sound so vividly. The crash of wave after wave of powerful salt water lapping against the rocks and sand. The loud rumbling of the powerful sea at night. The occasional stray wave hitting out of sync with the others, curling across the loose sand and making a new rhythm to the sound. It is calming more than any other sound I can recall. Both powerful and ever changing. The sounds of the ocean remind me that you can't plan for everything. You can't predict what will come next, who will come in to your life, who will leave it suddenly. The only constant is change itself.

I'm not good at poetry. I am however very grateful for the strong people who come in and out of the tides of my life.

Written By Calypso

Dec. 16, 2016, 1:54 a.m.(5/23/1005 AR)

I have written and scratched out and rewritten this entry a hundred times. There are no words to properly express the depths of my sorrow for the loss of Baron Eos Saik.

He was my close confidant and my fiercest ally. I could speak with him in terms and words that no one else seemed to understand. The languages of leadership, of war and of loyalty were the dialects we chose to communicate in.

Sure, we butt heads on occasion. But that was what I loved about him. He challenged me. He never took my words simply as they were but instead pushed me to do better and to be better.

None of these words come close to describing the loss I feel. There simply are none.

I'll miss you, my friend.

Written By Calypso

Dec. 8, 2016, 12:30 p.m.(5/1/1005 AR)

Family dinner. Or as we like to call it in Southport - A Debriefing Dinner.

I really do cherish these moments together. These times when we can speak freely with one another and touch base. The ferocity with which each of these individuals lives and acts is a testament to the way we are raised in Southport I believe. Forge your own path. Let nothing stand in your way. Live fiercely!

The new training center facility has been an incredible help on my form as well. And I thank Baron Eos for the overseeing of it's construction.

Written By Calypso

Dec. 7, 2016, 2:47 a.m.(4/25/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Darren

If all men in power loved their people as fiercely as Prince Darren Redrain does and with the same passionate conviction for seeing them not only survive these troubled times, but thrive and prosper, this Compact would be a much better place.

I was truly honored to have a quiet moment alone with him to learn more about what drives him. I found a sort of kinship and understanding in our conversation I don't find with most. Though he is on a much grander scale of responsibility than I, of course. I hope there is more we can learn from one another in the future.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 28, 2016, 3:14 p.m.(3/27/1005 AR)

I am so pleased that Matteo has joined my brother in his journey to Arx. He was the Captain of the Malvici Guard in Southport and I have appointed him to the same position here. I can think of no truer loyal servant to the family to keep close. His dutiful nature is unmatched, completing tasks with out question or resistance. He is incredibly observant and above all, discreet. A true confidant and adviser in his words. I know he will serve the family well in his position in the city.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 27, 2016, 3:59 p.m.(3/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Edain

The Prince of Sanctum. High Lord Valardin. And rather swiftly becoming one of my favorite sparing companions and conversation companions.

We shared a spar this afternoon that could have lasted for hours if exhaustion hadn't caught up to us. Each blow parried or matched. Ferocity, in all of its passion, kept us on our toes as we traded blows. It was a beautiful thing. Respectable.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 22, 2016, 4:34 p.m.(3/9/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Anze

I am no expert in romance. Not by a long shot. But when a man shows up at your door with a 10-point buck over his shoulders, you don't turn him away.

Luckily, I rather enjoy his company as well. Driven, passionate northerner that he is. He fights like any true champion I've ever seen and he's straight forward which I appreciate.

... I have no idea what I'm doing ...

Yes. One up the buck. I'd like to see this.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 21, 2016, 7:28 p.m.(3/7/1005 AR)

I have been receiving reports coming in from all over the Compact about new cooperative training sessions, open lines of communication and a vigor to help strengthen the bonds that hold this Compact together. And I couldn't possibly be more pleased to hear them.

Three ships from the Dark Water fleet have been sent to Southport to help bolster our naval efforts.

Scouts from the north are passing through the less traversed portions of the territory.

The crimson blades have even been seen lending their hand to the efforts.

The winds of change are surely upon us. If we can keep this trend in unity going I'm starting to think we might have a good chance at fighting back the dark hosts on our horizon.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 20, 2016, 5:47 p.m.(3/4/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Alis

I had the opportunity to really sit and talk with Princess Alis recently. It is a rare moment when one finds such a like minded individual. Her voice at the Military meeting rang true for me with every word. A desire for unity, for looking past the grievances of old and turning instead towards the future we have to face. I hope that in the coming weeks and months our friendship will strengthen and I can count her among my allies.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 17, 2016, 6:30 p.m.(2/23/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Valkieri

Lord Valkieri Rubino - Of the city state Gemecitta

I had the wonderful opportunity of inviting Lord Valkieri in to my home the other day. He is a very pragmatic and practical individual. Seeing things logically gives him an advantage and an edge over those who throw their weight in emotionally. He was guarded and weary of me on approach but I think we've started to develop an understanding of one another. Though, I was starting to wonder about half way through our conversation if the man had any passion in him what to ever. As it turns out... he does.

I look forward to more interactions with him and the rest of the fine people in this city from Gemecitta.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 16, 2016, 11:07 a.m.(2/19/1005 AR)

That went better than expected.

In a room full of leaders, a room of well qualified and strong men and women, and strong willed - we were able to have an open conversation about the safety of this compact. Suggestions were offered up on what our next steps should be and beyond merely making suggestions, various leaders started making commitments and sending out marching and training orders. I am a proud member of this compact on waking up this morning. I feared that the information about the elves would spread panic and that furthermore information about the Bringers of Silence would send the city in to a frenzy. But it wasn't so. The room ran from quiet confidence in some, to enthusiastic vigor for taking the next steps. I am so proud.

I am very much learning the value of Lord Eos. He is unafraid of voicing necessary opinions and works far more diligently as an emissary for direct communication than I might have imagined before. I am greateful for his council and proud of his work.

And now - we do what we can to learn as much about our enemy as possible and prepare ourselves in the process.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 13, 2016, 8:39 p.m.(2/11/1005 AR)

At the suggestion of Prince Barric, I have decided to extend an invitation to both the King's Own and the Iron Guard for a seat at the Military Assembly table. One representative each is they decide to join. My thoughts on this originally were to look beyond the needs of the city. The Iron Guard does a wonderful job here as is. I am reassured that they are properly supplied and trained for an attack against the city itself. But the more I thought about it the more I feel it necessary for all branches of the compact's militaries that protect us to be in unison. And with such a call to the city of Arx it only makes sense that they be involved as well.

There has been talk of exclusion and a social backlash for my decision to make this meeting private and limited to two from each Kingdom or Region. And quite frankly, I don't care if that makes me unpopular. No real conversation can be had with a crowded room and this is a conversation of the utmost importance. I will do my best to see that order is maintained and that an understanding can be reached. I expect nothing less from the intelligent respectable individuals who will be in attendance.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 10, 2016, 12:29 p.m.(2/1/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Isolde

I had been meaning to meet with Princess Isolde for some time now and as it happens the stars aligned and we were both free for a glass of wine last night. I know my brother is rather fond of her so I wanted to extend to her the hospitality of our house. All in all I find her to be a rather enchanting woman. She smiles easily and laughs just so, but I find her unafraid of talking about heavier topics just as easily. The duality in her is intriguing. But most of all, her passion is inspiring. I find myself drawn to people of passion, those who have a cause to believe in and press strongly for it. I can see us becoming close over the coming months and I do hope that happens.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 7, 2016, 6:23 p.m.(1/21/1005 AR)

The Assembly of the Compact Militaries has been planned and set.

This chance to meet face to face, one room, all the commanders of the five Kingdoms will be essential to figuring out how we move forward as a compact. I'm not expecting a whole lot of productive conversation to happen at this meet but I will do my best to lead the room and have it seen that we all know one another. We may be leaning on each other's strengths sooner than we would like. With out proper communication in place this will be rocky at best. I won't let that happen.

I leave nothing to chance. This is a necessary step.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 6, 2016, 9:05 p.m.(1/18/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

Aunt Eirene. My mother's sister. No good military is served with out its medics and there is no stronger woman I can think of to head the Malvici Medics than my Aunt Eirene. She is fierce in all the ways a Raptor should be. Level headed and skilled at her craft. We'll need to keep her from speaking around anyone delicate of course, but I wouldn't have her any other way. I'm glad to have her at my side here in Arx.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 6, 2016, 3:45 p.m.(1/17/1005 AR)

The three way duel.

It was some several evenings ago now but I really think it is important to document such events. I had a duel between the Sword of Tor, Lord Dante Fidante and the Knight of Scrolls, Lord Damon Wyrmguard. Above all tests of skill, this was a test of strategy. How do you fight when there are two people trying to kill you and in the end only one of three can be left standing? What can be done to make alliances and keep them strong in a battle?

The fight started off equal, everyone seemed to be hitting left and then right striking in event strokes against each other. I wanted to test the idea of mid-battle alliance so I gave a nod to Lord Damon to help team up with me and knock Lord Dante out of the fight. Instead, foolish man, he made the choice to fight against me harder. Luckily I was able to defend, but in the mean time while his focus had switched to me only, Lord Dante was able to take advantage of that and help me finish Lord Damon off.

At that point, Lord Dante and I were in an even match. Both exhausted, both wounded and on equal footing. It was a matter of luck to see which blow would finally strike the other one out of consciousness. In the end, it was my strike that finished the fight. They both fought well, but Lord Damon made a mistake in going against the plan.

This was a lesson in the necessity of early alliance and cooperation. I have more work to do on this front and the time for me to do it in is swiftly closing. Its time to move.

Written By Calypso

Nov. 1, 2016, 11:08 a.m.(1/2/1005 AR)

What a very strange turn of an evening. A blast with no flames. A dead man with no family. A Prince with a faded smile. And some how... the ire of a Princess directed at me. While I understand very little about what happened in the graveyard, what happened in the Hundred Cities was quite clear.

I think I'll stick to war and leave the politics and hearts to individuals better suited for such things. I don't have the patience.

Written By Calypso

Oct. 31, 2016, 11:03 a.m.(12/27/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliet

I met Lady Juliet Fidante on a ship party last night. To say she is a flirt would be an understatement. I had heard whispers of her and I know her brother, The Sword of Tor, quite well. So when she asked me to dance I obliged, taking on the lead role. Have you ever tried switching roles before? It takes a lot of concentration! The dancing was nice and so we're the drinks after. And while there were moments in our evening that had me thinking 'why am I still here?' I enjoyed myself and the company of my new friend a great deal. She has a way with words that I find dizzying but useful none the less. We've committed to getting a drink before the week is out. I look forward to what this new friendship has in store.

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