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Written By Miranda

July 10, 2019, 9:03 a.m.(6/9/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Mabelle

Indeed - a rather unlikely friendship. No doubt created through the bonds of playful mischief!

Arx ought to beware whilst we plot our fun!

I'm having thoughts - and you know nothing good shall come of that!!!

Written By Miranda

July 6, 2019, 1:46 p.m.(6/2/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Silvio

The Prince of Fashion by Miranda Rubino

Long, glorious tresses
Divine gowns and dresses
Lord Silvio Rubino knows styles
There are none like him for miles

He gracefully floats in
Impressing ladies and men
Turning this way and that
Never needing a hat

And if he should decide
To hop a horse and ride
All of Arx would show up
To hear him cry, "Giddy up!"

And when he graces our presence
With his indescribable sentience
We all sigh in delight
For none other have his might!

Written By Miranda

July 4, 2019, 10:48 a.m.(5/25/1011 AR)

I have been considering getting out of town for a bit. I love Arx and the people within, but I feel as if I am slowly burning out.

There is so much to do here and I have the energy for it all, but I find I have little downtime.

I know downtime is good and usually, for me, it's not good to have too much of it. But downtime with a purpose will be good.

Maybe a pilgrimage, which I've been invited to join. Maybe just some solitude to get my bearings, reaquaint myself with the Gods and my purpose in life.

It's still just a thought.

Written By Miranda

July 4, 2019, 10:42 a.m.(5/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Domonico

From the Journal of Brenlin, Aide-de-Camp to Lady Miranda Rubino, Commander of the Gryfalcon Infantry, Lady, Knight, Voice, and Sword of Gemecitta...

Well, this Duck Platter Thief blew it. I'm in the doghouse.

I let my overzealous concerns get the better of me and not only did I upset my Lady, a crime for which she may forgive me but I won't forgive myself, I upset Admiral Domonico Malvici.

Apologies were made... but still...

I'd better start learning to sleep with one eye open, if I sleep at all.

What was I thinking?!

Written By Miranda

June 27, 2019, 11:35 a.m.(5/11/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Helena

I feel truly thankful for those in Arx who consider me 'friend' enough to offer a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen with.

Grief takes on many forms and I find mine tends to jump out and bother me when I least expect it.

I can be happy and playful one moment and someone can speak about or do something that will suddenly sap me of all my joy. It brings me to a point where the grief is new and real as if it weren't months old. And, sometimes, the grief and memories, even the good ones, bring me to such a dark place, I can hardly see my way clear of it.

So, thank you, Princess Helena, for being an ear and for offering your shoulder. It was most appreciated and I enjoyed the chance to talk.

Written By Miranda

June 26, 2019, 9:54 a.m.(5/9/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Kaia

From the Journal of Brenlin, Aide-de-Camp to Lady Miranda Rubino, Commander of the Gemecitta Gyrfalcon Infantry, Voice and Sword of Gemecitta, Knight of Gemecitta...

I don't know how my Lady has managed it, but she has convinced Lady Kaia to consider giving me another chance! A chance to redeem me in the eyes of the Bislanders!

There will be some formal apology and a task for me to perform and I am looking forward to it!

That is if Lady Kaia truly feels I ought to be given this chance. I pray to the Gods above that she does!

It only proves that Lady Kaia is a kind-hearted soul just to consider it!

- Brenlin, hopefully, to be formerly known as the once Duck Platter Thief!

Written By Miranda

June 20, 2019, 11:40 a.m.(4/25/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Aahana

A blessing upon your House, Lady Aahana, Cousin-by-marriage.

I cannot wait to spoil your daughter and teach her all my wickedly playful ways!

Don't worry, I'll aim her teasing at her father so you can be properly amused and not at all a target.

Let's see what the Admiral has to say about that!

Written By Miranda

June 17, 2019, 7:09 p.m.(4/20/1011 AR)

From the Journal of Brenlin, Aide-de-Camp to the commander of the Gryfalcon Infantry of Gemecitta, Sword of Gemecitta, Voice of Gemecitta, Lady Miranda Rubino...

The stain upon my good name and my Lady's has become a near-permanent mark. There is not a day that goes by where someone does not point at me and say, "There he goes. The Duck Platter Thief!" The whispers are worse!

One day, I hope to marry and have children. But what proper young lady of Arx will have me with my name tangled upon this wretched mistake I have made? How can I hope to ever progress higher than 'aide' in the future? Do I even have a future?

I am so fortunate that my Lady has not seen fit to dismiss me and replace me with another, more suitable, more proper aide. I try to make sure that I am useful and all her tasks are completed before or by their due date and time. I try to make sure I think ahead, anticipate my Lady's needs so that she will never wonder, as she looks upon me, "Why do I keep him in my employ??"

No, I must work more diligently and harder than ever before. I must remind her that I am the man for the job and that I am more than capable!

More, I beg of the Gods that the Bisland House will someday forgive me and that the mark upon me will vanish. I pray that, perhaps, our Faith will absolve me of such a sin as stealing (though truly, I had not meant to do so!) and that I will be favored once more in the eyes of our Gods.

I pray, daily, that such a stain upon me will not reflect poorly upon my Lady and that House Bisland will not hold her responsible for my ill manners.

- Brenlin, the Duck Platter Thief

Written By Miranda

June 17, 2019, 7 p.m.(4/20/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Michael

I understand the banning of the Duck Platter Thief from your future parties.

I happen to know my aide is very sorry and would love a chance to make proper amends to you and yours.

Perhaps Lady Kaia or yourself could see fit to provide him a task that would alleviate any concerns you may have upon his character in the future.

It was a first and only offense, grievous as it was.

Written By Miranda

June 16, 2019, 3:18 p.m.(4/18/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Alaric

When I first came to Arx, I had only managed to work myself into a knighthood. I was green with inexperience and truly eager to prove myself. I felt Arx provided such a wonderful opportunity for myself. I thought I knew who I was when I came here.

Then, as I settled in, I realized that everything I thought would happen, wasn't happening. I began to doubt myself and who I was. I wondered if staying home in Gemecitta would have been wiser.

I spent a lot of time in taverns and pubs, pondering my lot. I spent a lot of time asking for others to give me work to do.

And then, one day, the King came into the Black Fox and asked me to join him. Me.

He spoke of the War of Stolen Names with me and I found myself at a loss. I knew so little. I could hardly form questions and sentences. For his Majesty's patience and understanding, I'm forever grateful. He never made me feel as if I were less, but rather that I was important to Arx and needed.

What he gave me that day was a direction. A purpose. I found myself spending days and days in the Society of Explorer's Hall, reading the information in the reports and texts in their library. I found myself asking questions, striving to learn. I had something to do with myself.

I no longer looked to others to provide me with work.

I could not say exactly what our King said to me. Not word for word. I feel he gave me more than I could adequately state or even verbalize.

Since then, the paths I take are varied, but all lead to service to our beloved Compact. I have opportunities come to me and some I seek out. I can bring honor to my House and to the Compact. I love Arx for the opportunities here and I adore our King who helped me, totally by accident, find my way again.

I write this because someone I care about very much is lost and I told him this story hoping he might find some hope for himself. Hope and direction.

I share it with Arvum because I think, maybe, he's not the only one out there struggling and it might bring them hope.

Our paths are there before us, but sometimes, we need a nudge to see them.

Perhaps this nudge is for you.

Written By Miranda

June 14, 2019, 4:57 p.m.(4/14/1011 AR)

Each day the sun rises and my to-do list grows longer and longer. I am uncertain of where to begin.

Routines, I favor, to start. The comfort of the same old, same old; of knowing what is coming next, is relaxing to my soul.

Still, once the usual things are managed, half the day has gone and my to-do list is not much smaller.

I suppose to get to each thing requires prioritizing, but some things cannot be left for later and other things... shouldn't be.

Written By Miranda

June 5, 2019, 11:13 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Written by Brenlin, Aide-de-Camp to Lady Miranda Rubino of Gemecitta...

There was a party once. House Bisland was hosting. My mistress, she told me to get the duck and pass it around. I thought she meant the platter. I don't know why. As I think it over, I realize how silly the request was. I took the platter and off I went to pass it around...

She meant to grab a couple plates. She meant for me to have a plate and for the guards who follow us about. She meant for us to eat and share in the delicious food.

Why did I take the PLATTER?!

I bet her guards put something in my drink. I bet they pulled this prank. My Lady would never have done such a cruel thing...

... Would she?

I should have thought it through. Now, forever, I am banned from the Bisland grounds and parties. I am labeled, branded a DUCK PLATTER THIEF!!!


My Family is so disappointed. I have a place of position with my Lady and I have become a black mark upon her reputation! No one will trust her with me at their parties. They will say, "look, she brought HIM. The Duck Platter Thief. What next might he steal?? Hang onto your platters! The Fish is next! The Stew! The cakes!"

There is a smudge upon my honor that I fear can never, ever, be wiped clean.

One small thing. And it is done.

(Written in blocky, precise print) by the Duck Platter Thief

Written By Miranda

June 5, 2019, 8:50 a.m.(3/23/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Salvatore

I had a thought...

... I know, scary, right?

I think I was over-tired, my Lord Zaffria.

Forgive me. I thought of something. Let's get together.

I think I know how to works things out.

Written By Miranda

June 3, 2019, 2:20 p.m.(3/20/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Dariel

Snoogle-woogums! You have returned safely from Pridehall!!!

I can't wait to hear all about your time on the stage!

I've missed our time together.

No more missive-tag! Let's do coffee!

Written By Miranda

May 31, 2019, 10:37 a.m.(3/13/1011 AR)

An Oathlander man and Lycene man are in the room with a Lycene woman...


... Yea, this was an epic disaster ...


Written By Miranda

May 29, 2019, 10:34 p.m.(3/10/1011 AR)

I find it absolutely fascinating to talk with those of the Faith.

They can be very inspiring and relaxing, even educational.

Sometimes, they just bring to light that which we already know.

If nothing else, going to the shrines has been an interesting experience for me.

Written By Miranda

May 29, 2019, 10:30 p.m.(3/10/1011 AR)

Apparently, Jewel, my kitty, has decided that attacking feet is a fun pastime. I apologize now for any and all who might find this offense...

... I find it adorable!

Written By Miranda

May 25, 2019, 8:57 p.m.(3/2/1011 AR)

I find myself struggling for something to say, something to write.

Some thought to allow me to put pen to paper.

Alas, I have come up empty.

... Must be a joke there, but I'm too tired to figure it out.

Written By Miranda

May 21, 2019, 7:11 p.m.(2/22/1011 AR)

I have a new cat.

It's my first cat.

I think, actually, she has me. I'm her first person.

Her name is Jewel. It's fitting. She is the jewel in my life.

Wouldn't trade her for anything!

Written By Miranda

May 15, 2019, 11:11 a.m.(2/9/1011 AR)

Relationship Note on Braden

Challenge accepted, my Lord!

But will you accept defeat when it comes?

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