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Written By Bliss

Dec. 18, 2018, 6:06 a.m.(3/11/1010 AR)

I was getting a garment fitted when I heard the sound. Something was wrong -- I could feel it in the air. I think we all could feel it in the air. The bottom of my stomach sank. I left immediately, and I just ran. Ran to where I thought I'd heard the sound come from, and when I saw where people were running to, I knew.

Eventually, we all run out of second chances.

There are many more things to write. But I don't feel safe writing them here. Isn't that a laugh?

I am so very tired of these shackles that have been placed on us, though. I am livid about what happened today.

I don't intend to waste this.

Written By Bliss

Dec. 16, 2018, 8:58 p.m.(3/9/1010 AR)

Not every great task can be completed in an instant. Sometimes it takes monumental effort for even the smallest increment of progress, and it can be easy to believe nothing is happening.

I've experienced this in a number of ways lately. I imagine more will come. They're good reminders.

Written By Bliss

Dec. 16, 2018, 5:30 p.m.(3/8/1010 AR)

The three questions I immediately have for all prospective candidates for the Commoner's Council:

1. Which projects are nearest and dearest to your heart, that you hope to see organized and realized through this board?
2. When you run into intransigent opposition - furious Peers, someone stonewalling you for their own political gain, injustices committed against you - how will you attempt to resolve these matters?
3. What is it about you that should make us select you to represent our concerns over any of the other candidates?

Written By Bliss

Dec. 9, 2018, 11:04 p.m.(2/23/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Margret

It seems that two of the finest people in the Compact have made what is surely going to be a third.

Congratulations to my Gloria-recognized dear friend.

Let me know when he's old enough to teach how to hold a sword. Three or four should be about right?

Written By Bliss

Dec. 9, 2018, 10:59 p.m.(2/23/1010 AR)

I was asked recently about foolish things I have done for love - whether there were so many that I might have difficulty remembering them all. The answer is of course there are - but love was only ever a small factor.

Let me clarify.

Love is something I do not shy away from, nor do AI think I need to or see why many do. Painful as it is, it is one of Limerance's great gifts to us, and there are few things that can stand up to the rush which it provides. I find myself loving easily, often, deeply and fully - but, and here's the part that is rather forgotten - often not long.

So, given that fact, it's rare that I do things purely out of it. Sometimes it is a part of things, sometimes an excuse, but honestly even fleeting physical desires outstrip it. When I ran away from home with a complete stranger, I didn't love him, handsome and thrilling as he was. I just wanted out. When I ditched him? It was because of a number of things, but love didn't really factor into that, even though by that time I did love him.

The motivations for the things I do are, of course, varied, but it usually can boil down to 'it sounded fun at the time.' The reasons why it sounds fun always depends, but there is fun to be had in spite, in spectacle, in surprise. In shaking things up, and not just going through the same motions we're all expected to just because we are expected to.

But love? Unless I'm trying to get a kiss within the next five minutes, it's very unlikely I'm doing anything with that as the main reason. Please.

Written By Bliss

Dec. 2, 2018, 11:57 p.m.(2/8/1010 AR)

I suppose I should finally see about writing a will, as well.

Written By Bliss

Dec. 2, 2018, 11:55 p.m.(2/8/1010 AR)

I have been sitting on a veritable bundle of shadowcat pelts for some months now. In a life of umbra, seasilk and aeterna, it is easy to forget how amazing some of the other materials in the world feel - and yet, there is a shiver that runs through me when I run my fingers against the leather, knowing that this might be the difference between life and death very soon.

I've sent the first bundle to the leatherworker and received my designs back - and they came out even more stunning than I had hoped. Gods, I feel truly myself when I am wearing this.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 25, 2018, 8:59 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)

I did also want to say that I was thrilled with the tourney in the Telmarch. The best experience I've had there in a very long time, and I was so glad to see the enthusiastic response from the locals who gave our Champions a real run for their money. Don't worry, darlings - I'll be back.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 25, 2018, 8:57 p.m.(1/22/1010 AR)

The only thing I will say on the matter of the Abandoned is this: I have gone out and spoken with more than a few tribes, and they were wary, but welcoming. They lived differently than we do, but the ones I've been in contact with were more terrified than anything.

But I also know how very many people of the Compact have been killed by Abandoned, and how many tribes are simply terrifying and in league with our enemies. Even the ones that I've spoken with have raided the Compact before.

Humans are complex. It is part of Skald's gift to us. But at the very least, let's not fuck with the Teindpayers, hm?

Written By Bliss

Nov. 17, 2018, 7:16 p.m.(1/6/1010 AR)

For some of you, I recommend lessons in reading comprehension with the Scholars of Vellichor. For others, I recommend coming up with fresh ways to try to discredit me.

If you have an actual grievance, challenge me to a duel. I'll happily accept.

Not everyone who died was a good person. The simple fact they are dead doesn't change that. But engaging in this discussion is beginning to bore me, and I'm not dying on this hill. I'm out.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 17, 2018, 6:50 p.m.(1/6/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

The crux is you were convinced I was talking about the former when I made it explicitly clear from the beginning I was speaking on the latter, and there was, in fact, a reason I was doing so.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 16, 2018, 9:23 p.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

I am happy to report that my recent comments had nothing to do with Messere Sable. Who they were about should be fairly obvious - I wrote about them and castigated them rather publicly when they were alive, as well. They did not do anything that has made me reconsider those words, and so they stand, as does my opinion of them, into death. Others I have had public spats with that did sufficient to make up for their failures? Those ones I've honored.

I have to say that I find this response rather amusing, more than anything. My mouth certainly does not taste like foot, I certainly do not feel like less of a Whisper for having made the comments I did, and the comments about heroes not being egotistical and grandstanding, as attacks on me made of the thinnest gossamer? I wonder why there is the need to attack me, when I am not claiming to have these qualities. Perhaps it is because my words, my arguments, themselves are not really being challenged beyond "you shouldn't say that when people are mourning."

Here is what I have written in the past about heroes:


There are a few people alive, today, who I would consider heroes, but there are a few problems with naming them such. The most notable issue, to me, is that when they're alive, they still have the opportunity to ruin everything good they have ever done in a single moment. It's something that you can see happening again and again in the past, and it's something that I've had all too much experience with, in people who were not what they claimed to be.

The sad truth of the matter, though, is that many of the people we consider heroes and honor as such had sickening truths to them - truths that are easier to ignore once they are dead, truths that are easier to fathom in the contexts of their whole lives. They did not always do the right thing, by any means, yet some of the things they did are such shining examples that we choose to follow them. There is also the issue that what one people finds heroic, others might find monstrous. There are a number of statues in the Hall of Heroes you would never see outside of their own halls for this reason.

Heroism is embodying the ideals of your people. And if you are led to believe you are a hero while alive, well, then you are going to find it really easy to justify doing anything you want - after all, you're doing it, so it must be heroic. There are a few prominent, dangerous examples of this, so it's probably best to just wait until people die.


This is hardly a new drum I am beating. Now, I am writing this as I am wandering around the Hall of Heroes, because there is this ridiculous notion that we have that our heroes were not people who yearned for the public appeal (which is, clearly, an attack on me, but again - I am not a hero, I am an entertainer). Allow me to take a moment and list a few of the people in these halls.

- Prince Rogan Thrax, the "Benevolent Slavemaster," whose slaves "Worshiped him as a god and loved him like a father."
- Princess Alarissa Grayson, who refused an arranged marriage, started a war, avenged her family, refused the crown and fucked off to a life of adventure so that she could marry for love.
- Prince Donerian Thrax, whose speech to the Assembly of Peers is perhaps a textbook example of blustering self-importance.
- Duke Orlando Velenosa, a duelist who lived life to the fullest, salacious and scandalous, honored because he was greatly wronged and found complete and total vengeance.
- Prince Weohstan Redrain, the slayer of beasts, celebrated in loud and boisterous song for doing ridiculously brave things and whose final words were, "It was worth it." (If you do not think this man gladly recounted the tales of his conquests over a large mug of ale, I suggest you spend more time in Redrain Ward)
- Warchief Fyrva, who laughed at and mocked all invaders into his lands while ruthlessly destroying them, telling them to "Stop me if you can." Certainly no ego to that man, hm?

Was Koraj Marin the kind of hero you look up to, perhaps, Dame Morrighan? Somehow, I suspect not.

There is one criticism that strikes home: That I have not yet done enough. On this matter, I am keenly aware. I have a number of excuses, from having to settle my own personal affairs and put my past behind me to the fact that, particularly at this time of year, my arm does not hold up well in the kind of sustained battle that a war is. You can thank Everard Telmar for that.

But these excuses are flimsy, and I recognize that, so I will be doing more in the future. I am a deeply flawed person, broken in many ways. I have never shied away from this. It is an intrinsic part of my humanity.

Duke Vercyn, I am not certain where you have gotten this recent grudge you've developed against me, but it's both rather baffling and rather hypocritical. You do understand that you are trying to control my emotions, yes? Literally telling me to not do something, when what am I really doing? Saying that someone who is being lauded shouldn't be? Which of us is actually being controlling? Now, if you go and reread my first writing, you'll see that I did, in fact, take time to honor those who hadn't been mentioned - those six hundred families of yours are included in that. Don't worry, you are hardly in any danger of being damned due to my feelings on them.

Also, you can hardly criticize the Lycene Halls for having killers when you literally have the Nameless Assassin in the Redrain Halls. Again, more hypocrisy from the Duke Halfshav. That wasn't the issue, anyway. The issue was whether our heroes can be people who seek popular acclaim, and very clearly, the answer to that question is 'yes'.

I was writing specifically about someone who was being compared to and held equivalent to someone who is in the Hall of Heroes. Hence why I keep returning to that. Someone who absolutely does not deserve that kind of honor.

As for my words and opinions being meaningless? I suppose I will let your own responses be the judge of that.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 16, 2018, 7:41 p.m.(1/4/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Eleyna

My suggestion, Archduchess, for as little as it is worth: Once you have avenged their death, if it is not enough? Live in a way that both honors the fallen and spites the memory of those who have wronged you. Make the loss mean something. Use it to drive the world to be a better. The death of those who have wronged us is never, ever enough on its own.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 16, 2018, 8:16 a.m.(1/2/1010 AR)

Relationship Note on Vercyn

I recommend you spend some time in the Hall of Heroes, then, Duke Halfshav, and take some time to familiarize yourself with our heroes. They were the ones who went above and beyond the call of duty - and many, many, many of them were larger than life. Do take some extra time in the Lyceum Hall, the Thrax Hall and - in fact - the Redrain Hall.

As for the matter of my worst enemy?

If anyone thinks positively of Everard Telmar after everything that has come out, I think those people are rather scum, as well.

Even if you mean my living ones? The same thing applies. There are true monsters in this world.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 15, 2018, 7:49 p.m.(1/1/1010 AR)

There is an odd thing that happens when people die: we pretend they were far greater things than they ever were, far greater people. This isn't the case, and some of these deaths were very simply people doing their jobs - people who weren't fantastic people in their lives, and some of whom are being treated as such.

Many of the recent dead, I never met. Some, only briefly - those ones, I actually have an awful lot of good to say about, and wish I had made more of an effort to speak with more often.

But let us not make every dead person into a hero, claim that their deeds match those of Dame Sugan or Steel or Queen Valeria or Duke Orlando. We do our past a disservice when we add cretins to those ranks. We diminish ourselves, because our stories of our heroes are aspirational, tales of who we could be when we are the best that we could be. We all have different concepts of what that means, but on the base idea, I think, we all agree. On the importance of these figures.

To all of the common soldiers who have died in these fights, who aren't having long, lengthy journals written about them: I see you, I see your sacrifices, and I recognize they are the equal of the others. Lack of a title does not mean that you did not honor Gloria, or that the Queen loves you any less. It does not mean that your family isn't suffering as well, that our streets aren't full of more orphans, that there are husbands and wives out there faced with the grim prospect of how to survive this winter with half the money they once had.

May all the dead have a better go of it on their next Turn, or find Elysia everything they dreamed it to be and more.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 13, 2018, 9:36 p.m.(12/26/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

The Admiral of Setarco appears to be suffering from some sort of affliction that is making him act like a small child, crying and running away to his room.

Can one of you please handle that? It's making me uncomfortable.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 11, 2018, 8:43 p.m.(12/22/1009 AR)

I hate it when I wait until Journal Day to get all my writings in. I should know better, this happens every week, and yet it's becoming more and more of a bad habit. I'll have to figure out a way to address it, as well as this lethargy that seems to have taken me. I blame the chill of winter - for all the time I spent among Northerners last year, I simply cannot understand why people so thrill in a time of year that makes you ache.

But that is perhaps secondary to my real concern right now: This city has become a study in monochrome. I know that umbra and aeterna are fantastic fabrics and you can do so many things with them, and I have so many ideas still for outfits to design, but the lack of color has become depressing. I want violets and carmines and emeralds, gilded brocade on azure, embroidery and light. Aeterna and umbra can be accents as well if we really want them, but I feel we are losing the true beauty of color in the world. I know I have contributed to this, but I'm going to get some life back very soon here.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 11, 2018, 8:29 p.m.(12/22/1009 AR)

Why are we, as a race, so afraid of our own emotions?

Written By Bliss

Nov. 4, 2018, 8:09 p.m.(12/8/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Apollo

There are all sorts of ways to grow up around the nobility as commoners.

For some, it's as siblings by blood, in which case they often are treated as family, though without some of the expectations and with many of the advantages. There are certainly drawbacks to being baseborn, though, and I have met very few who were happy about being a bastard, though I know some who have moved on to do fantastic things entirely on their own merit.

Others are wards, like you. I can't really speak to that experience, but I imagine it had to be very othering. As you grew older and realized how different you were.

Then there are those like me, the children of the House's staff. I spent plenty of time around them but there was never any point where I thought I was a Fidante. I didn't eat with them, didn't sleep with them, didn't follow when they went off to their etiquette lessons. I picked some up just by being around them as much as I was of course, but they lived in their world and I lived in mine.

Was always fun bruising the shit out of them in the practice yard, though. My father would laugh and laugh and laugh, then egg them on to be better.

Written By Bliss

Nov. 2, 2018, 8:56 p.m.(12/3/1009 AR)

Relationship Note on Alrec

I had to see who the Archlector was writing about, and then once I read your White, I had to ask around about your story.

Oh, what a pathetic creature you are. You know, even the Lyceum has little tolerance for people who don't show a shred of cleverness in their utter lack of scruples.

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