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Written By Valencia

Jan. 24, 2021, 8:36 p.m.(10/23/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

Lady Eirene was kind enough to credit me with suggesting we bring home the pretty little luminous fish discovered upon a recent trip we enjoyed together.

While I can say the thought to collect samples of the fascinating things we discovered along the way for further study was indeed mine among others, the idea to take some of the delightful creatures home as a personal treasure was that of Dame Felicia.

I thought it was a lovely way to remember the journey, but I must admit my role in this was simply to see that the fish collected were given a comfortable home for them to enjoy before distributing them among our party.

They are indeed wonderous and beautiful things to see. I had no idea how lovely fish could be.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 17, 2021, 9:59 p.m.(10/9/1014 AR)

The Princess Lustry of Thrax’s event was a triumph. What a joy to see some many beautiful faces and the talents of so many artists. I was thrilled to see Prince Patrizio’s spirits raised even higher with his taking first place. A well-deserved honour and one well won. There were so many beautiful and excellent entries. I can’t imagine the decision was an easy one.

Moreover, at the end of the evening after enjoy some amazing spirits sampled from many houses and distilleries from across Arx, I was delighted and very honoured to accept on behalf of my Hart the place of second.

I know some take credit for their staff’s work, but I believe in sharing credit when it is do. To be true, like everything at the Hart, we work together. It takes many hands to make such things blossom. To see such endeavours appreciated and bringing such pleasure to others is something my staff and I treasure so much. And, in warm celebration, in the coming days, we will be closing my Hart for an evening so that we may all celebrate in style and raise glasses to our hard work and good fortune.

But that is not all that delights and excites me. For the Princess Lustry wishes to host her next excellent contest in my Hart. This time it will be the sweet temptations of mead that will be hailed and showcased. I’m thrilled and honoured, and very glad to join her in this.

In dark times it is important that we take moments to remember the light and the good things we stand for. Gathering of good friends, sharing good spirit and excellent talents, what a beautiful reminder. I hope one and all will be there.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 17, 2021, 9:01 p.m.(10/9/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Patrizio

Prince Patrizio, ever the gallant and noble gentleman and champion of my Hart.

It is fortunate his nature is so good else I might do things I should not rather than should this evening.

Thank you, highness, for reminding me of who I am and how things are.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 10, 2021, 9:28 p.m.(9/23/1014 AR)

It appears I still do not take well to being threatened. Fortunately, it was just badly chosen words.

I am relieved this was so. I do not have time for such things and I would hate to have to become sharp unnecessarily.

I am grateful that sometimes even I take my own advice. It is nice to know when one might be right.

Better to listen and find mutual understanding than to unnecessarily start a fight.


Written By Valencia

Jan. 3, 2021, 4:21 p.m.(9/8/1014 AR)

It is strange to fret about people before war with whom I have a closer connection. I adore it that I should care so much and hate it for the worry it brings to heart.

I think I must set mind to other things for even here there is much to do to see our people through. Spirits to rise, resolve cemented and support to build, we must all help in our way to prepare for anything that may come.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 27, 2020, 9:36 p.m.(8/23/1014 AR)

Relationship Note on Kastelon

A talk with Lord Kastelon today got me thinking. Are we simply a fraction of the facets others see or are we more than this? What is authenticity? And does it serve us?

I think we are more than what others see, or what we allow them to glimpse. At least, that is my hope. Though, I suppose it depends on who is penning the tale.

In truth, there are not many as honest about himself as Lord Kastelon. I believe him to be a clever and kind man and genuinely a good person. Quietly observant and understated. Never boastful. Loyal and distinctly honorable.

I think people miss much when they are distracted by personalities which are all flash and promises of fire and little substance. He is certainly not the man some seem to think he is. What a shame that they miss out on such a blessing in our midst.

Though I suppose the same brush could be painted upon me. People assuming I am what I am not.

I hope, however, that I offer authenticity in all that I do and touch. And if not, well, that is just a chance for some brave and intelligent soul to discover more than just ashes, ill-made assumptions and broken promises.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 22, 2020, 3:32 p.m.(8/12/1014 AR)

I dreamed of rain last night. So much that the sound thundered in my ears like the angry ocean or avalanche. So loud that I could not hear my thoughts.

It fell relentlessly in sheets that filled and rushed down the streets like savage rivers. Above the sickly hue of the angry skies roared and rumbled with devastating force. Mercilessly, the wind wailed as if in agony and sorrow causing my dripping hair to whip sharply against my face with razorlike licks that bit like ice. It was as if the gods themselves were lost in such a torment that the world had been torn open with the force of their lamenting.

I tried to find shelter for fear I might find my end in the center of this tempest, but it was not to be found. And, though every step became harder and harder, I could not stand down, and so I wandered drenched and lost as the storm railed on.

The harder I tried to keep on, the harder it seemed to fall, and as I looked out the world about me began to dissolve.

I watched in horror as all that was familiar, all that I loved, all that I knew, started to be washed and blown away by rain, wind, sleet and snow.

I reached out to try to fight it, to offer something, anything, to turn the course of what had started, though in my heart I knew I could not stop it. And, as I wet my lips and tried to call out, I suddenly noticed the strange taste of salt.

Then I woke.

My breath fast. My heart aching. The faintest taste of salt still upon my lips.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 20, 2020, 6:03 p.m.(8/9/1014 AR)

There are times when I am finally alone with my thoughts after an event.

No distractions. No sharing warm welcomes or smiles. No seeing to others pleasures or care. All have left with their spouses, friends or lovers. The staff have finished their work and found their beds or time to gather and celebrate another successful event in their quarters or the kitchens. Save for those who remain in other parts of the place, my Hart is quiet again.

It is in these moment I realize just how often I am alone in this world when all is said and done.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 19, 2020, 1:41 a.m.(8/5/1014 AR)

Sometimes all you can do is simply let things go and smile.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 12, 2020, 12:37 a.m.(7/19/1014 AR)

There is a special joy that comes when you see someone so deserving be given a chance to get all that they have hoped for and deserve. Especially one who is so kind and selfless. It is even better when that person is someone I am very fond of.

Nothing makes me smile more today. Not my own happiness. Not even a kiss long desired. Thought, if pressed, I would have to admit that this is most certainly a close second, if I had to commit.

It is my greatest wish that such happiness and success be gifted to all those who sow such good seeds into this world.

So delighted.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 6, 2020, 9:04 p.m.(7/9/1014 AR)

It is true that the world can be cold, hard and cruel.

I suppose that is why I will always endeavor to try treasure the times that it is not, and offer in-kind a warmer, softer and more pleasing touch where and when I can. With light, love and luck, it my hope to be able to offer others something that touches heart and fortifies them during times when things are at their darkest.

I do not pretend that warm words or bright moments or memories can do much in a time of crisis, but I hope that when the chips are down and all seems lost that they offer at least a little comfort and little more reason to keep fighting on when it feels like it is all too much.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 3, 2020, 11:16 p.m.(7/3/1014 AR)

I wish I could convey how elated and grateful I am. Our Sip n' Spar fundraiser to help with the reconstruction of our Great Cathedral was successful beyond my wildest dreams.

Thanks to the generous donations of Duchess Lisebet Ashford, Sir Merek Black, Lady Brianna Halfshav, Lord Kastelon Keaton, Lady Kaia Malvici, Lady General Thea Malvici, Prince Patrizio Pravus, Lady Rosalind Ravenseye on behalf of House Ravenseye, Wolf Scout Rowenova, Missere Tarik and Sir Floppington, Baroness Lucita Saik, Marquis Malesh Stonewood, Lady General Piccola Tessere, and Dame Irisa Wainryte as well as to a generous donor who wishes to remain anonymous at this time, we were able to raise more than 2.45 million in silver and writs to help with the cause.

In this time of uncertainty and war, our Great Cathedral is an important symbol of who we are and what we fight for in addition to being a place that offers solace, grace and protection for our most vulnerable citizens.

Such caring and generosity touches my heart so very deeply. I cannot say enough how grateful I am to all our supporters who joined us in taking a firm stand against the evil plaguing our land.

I adore that so many have offered assistance and hosted events to help. It makes me so proud to be Arvani.

I know that more needs will come, but, as ever, the Golden Hart stands ready to do all that we can to help our realm and our people.

I look very much forward to hosting our next event and helping another worthy cause.


Written By Valencia

Dec. 1, 2020, 7:38 p.m.(6/27/1014 AR)

In the face of evil or injustice, we all fight back in our own way.

Some with weapon and others with words. Some with acts of public defiance, while others quietly work for the cause in ways we will never see or hear about.

All of this, this heart, this unshrinking strength, this resiliency, is essential as we face and defeat our foes.

Together, we shall rise. Together, we shall prevail.

After all, we are Arvani.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 28, 2020, 7:23 p.m.(6/21/1014 AR)

I am heartened by way people across the realm are coming together to face those who would destroy us.

The attack against the Great Cathedral was more than the burning of a building. It was a brazen act of violence against the heart and fabric of our nation and its people. But what our enemies may not realize, is that we are Arvani and we do not give up so easily.

As always, the Hart will rise as well and do its part to fight back against this evil. We will not let our realm fall. We will do what we do best -- raise spirits, hope and generous donations for the cause with the help of our guests and friends at our upcoming Sip n’ Spar.

We can never let terrorism and the tyranny of others destroy us.

Together, let us show them that we cannot be so easily defeated.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 15, 2020, 5:31 p.m.(5/22/1014 AR)

When speaking with passion or when one’s emotions are uncontrolled, sometimes we find that our tongues often run away with us and do not actually reflect how we feel or what we wish.

I am sure all of us can remember a time when our emotions got the better of us. We spoke out of turn or said something flippant or outrageous in frustration or grief, especially in the company of someone we think we can trust to help us work through the distress and find calm and reason again.

More often than not, these things are not seriously meant and we deeply regret and find what was said to be embarrassing or even abhorrent when clear heads prevail and we are more ourselves again.

I was not privy to the conversation recently being gossiped about and can only speak from my observations thus far, but it seems very out of character for the person in question to be someone who would cause deadly harm to anyone. As Professor Orick articulately put it, “Foolish, maybe. Dangerous, no.”

Do people wish others ill or take evil action? Yes, of course. However, I am grateful that for the most part this is not something that happens very often. Most who wish ill or to commit crimes are private about plans and do not confess their intentions.

It hurts my heart to see such horrible rifts form over rash moments, especially when we must all try our best to be there for each other. It is my greatest wish that misunderstandings like this be quickly and compassionately addressed, differences set to rest, lessons learned, and families made whole again.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 8, 2020, 3:48 p.m.(5/8/1014 AR)

I see it as a triumph that there always seems to be more magical and wonder in the world that one realizes. I hope I never stop learning of such things, no matter how terrible or achingly beautiful it is in it's majesty.

We are blessed to live in such times, I think. Living upon the cusp of something whispered on the edges of our memory. But whether it is born out of childhood tales, flights of whimsy and fantasy, or a darker more ancient knowledge long lost in history, who can tell.

But all the same it is there calling and tempting us closer to things we never dared to dream, I think.

I cannot wait to see the page turn in this story.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 1, 2020, 8:12 p.m.(4/22/1014 AR)

Another blood moon come and gone.

So much different. So much the same. So much more to do.

And yet, at times, one gets a feeling that there is so much more happening or in store for us than one realizes.

Despite the rising worries and war, I am cautiously optimistic we shall again prevail.


Written By Valencia

Nov. 1, 2020, 7:37 p.m.(4/22/1014 AR)

I sang and danced for the moon last night.

I smiled upon her beautiful, blushing face and made my little wishes in hope of hope and a deep desire for better things for myself and others.

I know she cannot hear me. I know she cannot see.

But even so, I sang and danced for the moon last night, and found my spirit free.


Written By Valencia

Oct. 23, 2020, 5:42 p.m.(4/4/1014 AR)

Winter hangs heavy for some. The ice and snow brings spirits low. For those who suffer with the cold, it can be a difficult thing.

But the beauty of Arx, if you are distracted enough, is that you can blink and all at once it's spring.


Written By Valencia

Oct. 15, 2020, 2:16 p.m.(3/16/1014 AR)

There are so many beautiful poets and bards in this city right now. Their creativity bringing a colourful curl to all that they share. Remarkable visions and talents breathing life into works that touch hearts, inspire dreams, provoke minds and encourage us to experience the world through different eyes, ears and feelings.

How lovely it is to see such creativity flourishing in a place I love so well. How I hope it will continue.

I am an inspired observer of the magic all of our artists create. Happy to be party to and experience their immense creativity, though never to partake.


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