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Written By Mattheu

May 31, 2022, 1:50 p.m.(9/28/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Bridget

Whatever do you mean that my bells are a distraction?

Written By Mattheu

May 7, 2022, 10:30 p.m.(8/9/1017 AR)


A proper study of the build of hammocks within the city might be needed, they don't swing just right. Some even don't have enough space within them, and when you're trying to lock your foot around edge of silk to give a proper cocooning spin... You're only met with giggles.

Written By Mattheu

April 29, 2022, 8:34 p.m.(7/21/1017 AR)

A dance within the ring and flowers were won. Turning to a carried travel upon back to a space of air and night where stars twinkled bright. Drinks and conversation with friends new and old.

A new flower found as well.

Written By Mattheu

April 23, 2022, 9:19 p.m.(7/9/1017 AR)

Beaches, bonfires, dancing, running along sands to roll within a surf. The summer party is the best to meet people at and release away from thoughts holding us back.

Written By Mattheu

April 7, 2022, 6:58 p.m.(6/5/1017 AR)

there's something about the air when flowers are in bloom, when slips of a hammock can be let free to fly within a breeze carrying through the yurt. Noise which is nothing more than something in the background, and yet someone else notes the sound of bells that are long outside of your own set of listening for.

A smile is brought to lips stuck in rest as the world seeks to take away what once brought joy.

The only solution is more training.

Written By Mattheu

March 30, 2022, 3:49 p.m.(5/16/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Raja

A good spar with even better stakes. The sails will be prepped.

Written By Mattheu

March 24, 2022, 5:51 p.m.(5/5/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Eirene

Lady Eirene held an intensive lecture on foods and how they affect the body. It was a lovely lecture, not at all boring as some might have suggested I was going to end up staring at a wall or something.

The meal was amazing, and I believe I achieved what I have forever thought to be a myth. I was full.

Written By Mattheu

March 15, 2022, 2:09 p.m.(4/14/1017 AR)

It is rare that I am able to find a conversation in this city where people are able to look past who I am, was, how I hold myself and just have an honest sharing of wit. To be wandering the streets and have so many staring at me though, I was pointed towards the slip from Valencia

This is also a great turn for me to learn more about the city and what the faith wishes of us within the Compact, whether by birth or taking a knee. I still hold to my words shared in conversation with Valencia, neither drink nor exhaustion from a rousing set of spars were contributors to my words.

While I am not voice for my brother, it is important for all to know the Rivenshari do not sell people.

The discussion at hand was about love and how a heart can easily hold more love than what one might believe a container to hold. It will always find room without overflowing, as the heart is an amazing thing. Not only does it hold us to our truest feelings, and some could say that it will lead us to our demise as well - However, I would argue if you believe your heart has lead you to a demise, then you were not listening to it closely enough.

Love will be your best release of stress. It will guide you when contemplating which direction to take. It will mend your body faster. And love will allow you to see the best the world has to offer.

The Lovers constellation look over Riva - And we seek to share our ever filling hearts with those that will allow us.

It is also extremely important that the people of the Compact understand that the Rivenshari of the Ravashari hold choice as the highest of all forms of love. I call our choice, love as it takes a lot of love to make any choice for where were to follow. If we are to follow where the wind leads us, it is done because of our love for the sea, wind, ultimately Mangata. Though our love doesn't end there, Jayus for the colors of the wind which we wear. Limerance for our ability to share love with those that are more to us than all others. Skald for our freedom, and continuing fight to stand for choice.

Without choice we are nothing less than mindless drones.
We protect choice.
We have been on guard through three choices.
We stand to prevent a fourth choice from having to be made.

As I will stand to protect the love I share with my Ima. Lady Thesbe Seryn. I will shout this from the highest point in the city, upon the seas, and if I must from within range of a horse. No one is being sold or traded into something that don't wish to share freely with the other.

Written By Mattheu

March 4, 2022, 7:58 p.m.(3/21/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Thesbe

Olives can be slippery buggers, though the pears and cream cheese appears to have been the winner at the feast.
At least only three glasses were broken this time.

Written By Mattheu

Feb. 26, 2022, 11:46 a.m.(3/8/1017 AR)

There's something special in seeing another's eyes light up when they are having fun. That little glimmer of a shine, the moment when they are no longer screaming, frothing, raging about whatever it was that had them upset prior.

A sudden flicker of a candle, as if the sparklegas lamps have turned on. That first spark of a glow when it is realized they no longer need, no longer must seek out what it is which had them upset. To readjust and see. Not just open their eyes and see, there's something new in front of them.

But truly, to blink and readjust to the new lighting. To open their eyes as if its the first time they are using them. To reach out and grab to the beauty in front of them.

This is my why.
what is yours?

Written By Mattheu

Feb. 22, 2022, 11:38 p.m.(3/1/1017 AR)

Note to self. When stripping down for a brawl be sure that Violeta doesn't have some crazy idea to dash off with the collected pieces leading me to chase half dressed through a snow bank and into a shop.

Written By Mattheu

Feb. 1, 2022, 8:17 p.m.(1/15/1017 AR)

Relationship Note on Keely

If you haven't seen her, she might be trying to hide in plain sight. To find herself along the wall away from many prying eyes.
Though, she'll be the light of the party. The burst of sunshine in which one can easily be lost to.
Will look to the world with a wonder that I can only ever hope to fully inspire someday.

Never asking of which is not already offered freely.
A dance upon mirror ground, tea at a height that few might ever see from land.

And did I mention that she's the best Patron?
well. she is.

Written By Mattheu

Jan. 27, 2022, 2:55 p.m.(1/4/1017 AR)


Have you ever found yourself looking to the sky and smiling to such an extent that the falling bits of cold simply melt as they touch the warmth from your face? No amount of cold could possibly find a way to cut through the warmth you feel?

Written By Mattheu

Dec. 16, 2021, 10:49 a.m.(10/4/1016 AR)

I heard them... My brothers, father, mother... they were laughing, singing and having a grand time. Though I couldn't find them. Walked right into the river to try to find them. The air was so thick of fog, I couldn't see further than my own nose at times. The soft jingling of bells long lost. Her laugh...

Oh, how I miss that laugh. The soft voice calling to me to share a song with her.

Then gone. Just as I felt that I had walked far enough to find her.

Written By Mattheu

Dec. 8, 2021, 9:37 p.m.(9/17/1016 AR)

Before every performance there is always a moment where the world feels too large, too much for me to hold within my heart. Then the strings are played and the notes that sing out...

Even that blasted C that will never tune /just right/ it all fits together perfectly.

Or so I'm told.

I'm also told that it is haunting, beautiful, and can be rather sad. When I'm playing what comes from my heart directly.

Written By Mattheu

Dec. 4, 2021, 3:54 p.m.(9/8/1016 AR)

It's always a lovely day to be able to dance upon the waters and have the wind lead us upon adventure.

A teamed event where racing with ships, then firing upon each other, and seeking to board the others. All ending with last one standing upon the decks.
While all sails were equally matched and the point to it being to have fun with others while seeking a joined love for sailing and a bit of fight, the Yellow Sail was left standing.

Whisper Cesare and Baron Aedric made for a wonderful team.

Written By Mattheu

Nov. 13, 2021, 7:14 p.m.(7/23/1016 AR)

I might finally be getting the hang of the stage in this city. There's still plenty of work to be done, and it's nothing akin to setting upon a port and finding a corner to dance and play upon while waiting for the next shipment to make its way to the hull.

Though it is easier to find horse hairs in the city, when all one needs to do is find an unattended carriage. If those reading this can identify the horse I speak of, I'll happily find a way to repay for the sight you came back to.

Written By Mattheu

Nov. 1, 2021, 11:41 p.m.(6/27/1016 AR)

It was an lovely evening. Many friends were found! (incoherent nonsense - Something about a minnow and flowers, possible a carriage ride?)

{The scholar tries their best to write down everything that the slightly bruised, jingling, young Ravashari lord babbles about while spinning in a small dance with bells singing out in each turn. }

Written By Mattheu

Sept. 30, 2021, 8:56 a.m.(4/18/1016 AR)

A whirlwind of momentum heading into spring, spinning, dancing, learning of old traits, and finding new friends along with being able to share a playful dance with those that I've already begun to know. So many good things are occurring within the city, while the whole declares that my family and those like us are to be kept under the watchful eye. I can only hope that this means that they will hold true to the promises of being helpful and kind. Though only time will tell there.
Individuals are amazing, and for each that I am able to talk and be with, they allow me to be myself, and not some version of a shell that stands before them.
Though I am always watchful, and do know there are times in which I must keep my head down and my bells silent.

Written By Mattheu

Sept. 23, 2021, 9:35 a.m.(4/4/1016 AR)

The weather has changed and warmth is coming back. If I was back in Riva, I would have been thinking about packing up the slip and heading back along the coast in a slow fashion of odd deliveries and adventures until the snows were in a full melt, after a long winter's worth of adventure in the Southern seas - far away from the cold weather.

I came to the city in the fall, and have stayed put throughout the cold. Those in my family might have been waiting for me to snap, or get into some altercation and up and leave... Nothing wrong with this, and I myself am amused that for one that has been nearly always on the move that I've found reasons to stay here in the city and am seeking more interest to pursue within it.

With a change of season a change of color might be needed.

While the rest prepare for war, possibly more devastation and a celebration of treaties, life will continue on with the wind finding its way to connect those that are in need of finding something more.

Hopefully we as a people are able to do so by coming together to be stronger together, instead of the severe wedge of differing viewpoints within life that we're facing now.

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