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Written By Kima

Oct. 1, 2016, 7:15 p.m.(9/22/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Prospero

Lord Prospero.


Well, we cannot all of us be perfect. But for a Fidante he really is quite charming. Dare I say, even a bit handsome, in that distinguished gent sort of way.

Oh, who am I kidding? I don't much care what House he belongs to. It was my great pleasure to have finally made his acquaintance. He brandishes words nearly as well as I brandish a sword. Clever, witty, and a gracious host. I hope that Perry and I can grow to become friends.

A girl can never have too many friends.

Written By Kima

Sept. 25, 2016, 5:04 p.m.(9/4/1004 AR)

I know that this is a service to the gods, the Compact, and history itself, but sometimes I cannot help but cringe at the sheer banality of it. 'Dear Journal, today I ate porridge.' 'Lady Felatia's shoes were pretty. I am jealous.' B A N A L.

Yet what am I doing? Engaging in the same process, dulling the mind of the hapless reader of these entries. If my scholar has grey hair, it is not for the more exciting entries, it is because sheer boredom is draining the life out of the man. Is it wrong to want my every word to drip as though the ink were instead gold? When you are your center - and everyone is their own center, never doubt - no, this is not unusual, or even indicative of serious narcissism.

I sparred with my brother today, to the viewing pleasure of Duke Niccolo, Lady Aislin, and even Hammar. Of course he lost. His talent lies elsewhere, though this is not to say Eos is not an accomplished swordsman. Also, there is something peaceful in having your own brother as a sparring partner. There may be those who claim that it won't do much to improve ones skills if you can fall into a predictable rhythm, but they can- well, I digress. The importance of sparring, of practice, is to become intimately familiar with forms and routine.

Why else do I find myself employed again and again as an instructor for those youths wishing to learn the sword?

To conclude today's uninspired ramble: I know that actual battle is not predictable, or routine. It's piss-your-pants-fear and the wild rush of adrenaline. It's stupid luck, so that even the peasant with a well-placed pitch fork might unseat an armed and armored knight. I wonder why there isn't a goddess amongst the pantheon that is a flec?

Maybe that's one of Tehom's aspects. I shall have to ask one more learned than I.

Written By Kima

Sept. 22, 2016, 9:34 p.m.(8/23/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Abbas

I hope Mangata is pleased with herself, because I have come across several noteworthy men recently that feel more at home in her realm than upon land. This particular entry is dedicated to a one Abbas Thrax, Lion of the Seas. You can surely see why I am partial, but animal allusions and animalistic tendencies aside, I genuinely like the man, and look forward to getting to know him better.

Perhaps what pleases me most is his talent for conversation. Okay, maybe I am not being entirely forthright, allow me to explain: One cousin is the perfect listener, while Abbas is marvelous to engage in deep, often more thoughtful discord. Between the pair of them, I have the best of both worlds.

What? Oh, well of course he's good looking as well. I don't care a whit about ugly people.

Though I do wonder how he wound up with those grey streaks within his hair...

Written By Kima

Sept. 18, 2016, 2:57 a.m.(8/9/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Darren

Though this entry is late in coming, I should like it noted that it is only because I required adequate time to truly refine my appreciation for that glorious man, Prince Darren Redrain.

We first met, if only informally, upon the field of the melee hosted by Lady Dawn. I became so enchanted with him that I did the only thing I could: I mercilessly whacked the shit out of him with my sword.

What? Are you never overcome with urges so strong that you can do naught but revert to childish antics? Ah, but I suppose not. To continue:

Darren Redrain is the refined version of his younger brother, sporting a magnificent coif of red locks and excellent good looks.

What do you mean is that all I care about?

What else is there to care about, that's what I'd like to know. Well, actually, I can think of a few things, but I'll save those for the other journal. No need to have you whinging on about a new grey hair. Which I've yet to find, mind you. Yes, write that down, too. I've no fear and neither should you!


I drank with him, and do you know, I believe he came away knowing more of me than I of him. I really should remedy that.

Written By Kima

Sept. 18, 2016, 2:35 a.m.(8/9/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Orazio

Archlector Orazio was once more commonly known as Orazio Saik. He was my uncle until he took his vows. As a young girl, I confess that I felt some slight resentment for the perceived abandonment of the family. In my childhood, he was a man that always had time for myself and my brother, was as quick with a joke as he was a sword. He was, I won't deny it, like a hero to me.

I understand it now, of course. Now better than ever. The courage and conviction he displayed when trading his blade for the amulet of Sentinel; the honor and dedication to a cause all should strive to uphold.

What I am saying is that the Archlector Orazio is still a hero to me.

Written By Kima

Sept. 7, 2016, 11:40 p.m.(7/7/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Joscelin

Little did I imagine that I would find a friend in Joscelin Arterius. Of her skill and talent as a jeweler, what more need be said? I met her by chance during the Market Day Lady Dawn put on, where the Lady gifted me with the most wonderful silver combs crafted by Joscelin. Again, I received a gift, this time from the jeweler herself, in the form of a masterfully carved pewter bangle depicting lion heads. All because Joscelin claimed to have loved watching me in the melee! On a whim, I chose to visit her shop. We took to talking, and quickly fond kindred spirits in one another.

Written By Kima

Sept. 7, 2016, 11:28 p.m.(7/7/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Niccolo

If you bother to read through entries that speak of the current Voice of Velenosa, I would hazard a guess and say nearly all of them are vapid praises of his honor and dignity. We, all of us, do so love to make ourselves sound ever so polite and courteous. Especially on paper.

The man fought Shavs. He's fathered some of the most influential women in Arvum. He knows how to act decisively and without restraint. So too does he know when to speak - even better - he knows what to say.

Written By Kima

Sept. 7, 2016, 11:23 p.m.(7/7/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Larissa

I do not know her well enough yet to determine if the woman I see is the cultured Whisper or the girl from the Mourning Isles. At a guess, I would venture to say the former, with precious few glimpses of the latter.

Written By Kima

Sept. 3, 2016, 7:59 p.m.(6/23/1004 AR)

Is that sympathy I see lurking behind your eyes, scholar, or just indigestion? Spicy food will do that to you. Ah, but I note the crease that begins to form that predicts a frown. No, friend, I do not mock you today, but I would ask that you not pity me. My face, after all, remains remarkably unscathed!

I did so look forward to the melee, and was more than happy to participate even if - and I confess this with the utmost chagrin - my showing was rather poor. Nobody likes to lose, and never let anyone tell you otherwise. They're either a liar or a deviant (or both). More than that, though, I had truly astounding team mates and do not regret for a second having either of them at my side. I think we put on a good showing for what the might of combined Houses can do, and I hope that others saw it as well.

All of the competitors were worthy, though, and should be the pride of Arx. I'd fight beside any of them against a horde of screaming Shavs, and be happy to do it.

Prince Darren Redrain
Princess Deva Redrain
Lady Brianna Halfshav

Duke Niccolo
Prince Luca
The Sword of Lenosia, Talen Artiglio

Prince Edain
Duke Leo

Sir Silas Mercier
Crown Investigator Laric Grayson

And finally,
Lord Victus Thrax
Captain Marcas Aodh

I salute you, in pride and humility.

Written By Kima

Sept. 1, 2016, 11:01 p.m.(6/17/1004 AR)

Today I pen this myself, as I sit here within the Menagerie and attempt (with the utmost futility, I might add), to get the creature in the pen below to pay me the attention I am due. Typical! We beautiful animals can never really look beyond ourselves.

Instead, what we long for, what we continually search for, are our reflections. Call it blasphemous, but I dare you to muster the courage and take a good look around. Look at yon lords and ladies in their finery, so much like some of the rare and exotic birds housed here. Are they not as proud of their plumage?

Now you might say, Kima, scholars say those feathers are for attracting mates! And that may be so. It may also be so for the birds. I posit that it is more than that. Whether in rivals or in mates, they're searching for reflections of themselves. They want to see the love, or the envy, that they engender in another. Is it for affirmation? That I do not know.

I found my reflection, once. So I know, know that you can stare into it until you fall inward, and are devoured. I wonder, when all things struggle so mightily to live, what authored this perverse affliction that so plagues some of us to seek out annihilation?

To end on a lighter note, I am told my a most serious-looking young man that the big fuzzy creature with the long canines and bare arse is called a baboon.

Written By Kima

Aug. 28, 2016, 11:14 p.m.(6/5/1004 AR)

I learned a valuable lesson while attending the little fracas the Cullers put together. Who would have thought that in the midst of fast flowing whiskey, showers of silver coins, and the spray of blood one might walk away enlightened?

Anyway, you'll surely hear about the winners and the losers and what I may or may not have attempted to do, so why should I waste my breath repeating it here? For Vellichor's sake?

Well even fucking Vellichor gets tired of hearing the same shit, day in, day out. Your grey hair is testament to that, far more than the conversations you have with me. Don't even give me that look, either. You're not my father, and even if you were that's a look far more suited to Mother.

Written By Kima

Aug. 28, 2016, 2:06 a.m.(6/2/1004 AR)

While enjoying the Market Day put on by the Lady Dawn of House Grayson, I had the good pleasure of watching my brother nearly have his eyebrows singed off by a a man blowing fire. If I am perfectly honest with myself, I'd venture to guess that particular individual had imbibed more alcohol than was entirely necessary for his chosen profession. However, no eyebrows were lost, and more importantly, no faces were melted away.

There were also jugglers, tumblers, and troubadours. Of the three, I found the tumblers to be the most impressive, if only because the city center was incredibly crowded that day - Eos and I had a hard enough time shouldering our way through - I can't imagine actually trying to tumble through it. Somehow they managed.

Perhaps those rumors I'd once heard about the removal of certain bones from within the body bear some truth.

As for the featured craftsman, I confess to finding myself most envious the lot of them. Denon Whisper sculpted a bust of the former king, and while I have always appreciated art in all its forms, the sheer talent and skill that radiated from his work is worthy of the highest praise. Were I an art critic, I am most certain those words would hold more weight. Alas, I am only a knight.

Sir Silas produces fine, fine work. Were I not staying within a rented room, I would have just cause to make purchases from the man. As it stands, the room comes furnished and I can't imagine stuffing another armoire in here no matter how much I might like another. One day.

Ida, someone I am certain needs no introduction, has been someone I've kept an eye on. While I am not in the market for a new weapon, she assured me that honing my current one would be easily done. My schedule hasn't allowed for making it over to that side of town recently, but I do hope to have that done soon.

Now we come to the jeweller. Ah yes, the jeweller. Lady Dawn's own. Sort of. Joscelin is her name. Before I go further, I must say that while I was at first dubious of the claim that the item matches my skin tone, as I stand here now with the comb in my hair and the gloves on my hands and admire myself in the mirror...yes, yes I see it. The blush of pink silk contrasted by polished coral, combined with the pearl-encrusted silver comb. It brings out my eyes, of course, where else are you looking?

Yes, yes, one day, I'll actually have something to wear with these gloves, but the good thing is that I'll never tire of staring at myself in the mirror - clothed or otherwise.

Right. Red isn't quite your color.

Lady Dawn purchased this comb for me! My profuse thanks! I hope she doesn't hold the supposed virtue of humility in high esteem, as it is one I studiously eschew in favor of pride and vanity.

Maybe that is what I should name the next pair of swords I purchase?

Written By Kima

Aug. 21, 2016, 10:19 p.m.(5/12/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Eos

Like the tragedy surrounding my friends, I somehow find it...hard to put words down about my brother. There is the boy that I remember and the man that he has become, and it is no small thing to build a bridge between the two. With so many years that lie empty, I have very little with which to work.

But he is my brother, and for the sake of blood and the memories we do share, I will strive to mend that gap. And he has to know - he doesn't have to be alone.

Written By Kima

Aug. 21, 2016, 3:54 p.m.(5/11/1004 AR)

Relationship Note on Dawn

It was a chance meeting, coming across Lady Dawn in the Hall of Heroes that day. I hadn't known it was her, of course. Not that, I don't believe, the opposite would have changed my mind when it came to engaging in that candid discourse.

What strikes me most about her, now that I've had the time to digest our conversation, is how genuine she appears to be. Even if it's all and only statecraft, I suppose I would rather believe someone's smile to be born of true feelings, rather than false.

...Or maybe I wouldn't. Actually, I most certainly wouldn't. Someone with that kind of potential in the art of manipulation is frightening.

Right. Lady Dawn Grayson. Our first meeting was a pleasure, and I greatly look forward to the next.

Written By Kima

Aug. 19, 2016, 2:31 a.m.(5/4/1004 AR)

Does life hold for us any lessons, friend? With respect to you, I am sure that there are many. Here is one I have learned today: serious people will never stop waging their war on joy and pleasure, since they are both relentless and tireless.

Pen down, and think on that.

Written By Kima

Aug. 14, 2016, 7:48 p.m.(4/19/1004 AR)

Victus and I went hunting today. We left in the early morning and only just managed to back it back by nightfall. My skill with the bow is by no means noteworthy, and it is true that I didn't score the best shot - but I didn't exactly miss, either! What's more, I find the deep woods most...intimidating. They are most unlike the gently rolling plains of the Lyceum. Beautiful, yes, but when you can no longer determine what direction home is, something is wrong. I must rectify this at some point.

Now, what I am about to tell you is entirely true, and it must be so because it is a sin to lie in ones journal: the reason we returned to the city empty handed is because the deer was found by a pack of wolves first. Stepping into a clearing, Victus and I were confronted by this fact to the sound of snarls and bloody muzzles. As Sentinel as my witness, I cannot tell you how I stopped the lead wolf from leaping at the throat of Victus. Aside from Death and cats, I've never really displayed much of a talent when it comes to animals. And yet...the wolf and I? We shared something. Rather than attack it simply...went back to eating.

As I sit here now, there's more than one reason tonight why I count myself blessed.

Written By Kima

Aug. 11, 2016, 2:46 a.m.(4/8/1004 AR)

The little soiree hosted jointly by Archduchess Esera Velenosa and Lady Calista Fidante was a fine chance to do several things: enjoy good wine, show off, people watch, and swim. The Bay of Thrax is by no means comparable to the waters off of Southport it must be said, but the night was balmy and the sea refreshing.

Even if I, through nefarious means, may have gotten a bit more of a taste of it than I might have preferred.

Now, if I were to be pressed, I sincerely doubt I could choose a single person that stood out amongst the rest. Divided between men and women, the ladies stole the show - as is most often the case. Whispers abounded, and the sisters Velenosa were lovely as always. The Sword of Lenosia, along with two of the Inquisition, stood out as being 'wrongly' attired, but I am hardly one to judge.

So I enjoyed myself, flitting about and playing the idle socialite. It was not such a bad way to spend the evening. And yet I cannot help but wonder if the intense stare of a certain man had little, if anything, to do with my vaunted beauty.

What a shame.

P.S. I received the most darling little seashell, simply for attending! What a quaint notion.

Written By Kima

Aug. 5, 2016, 8:52 p.m.(3/20/1004 AR)

A bit disappointed I wasn't able to attend the Valardin stable showing today. It's not that I had a burning need to buy a horse, but I should have liked to see the little foals all the same. Oh well! It is not as if there won't be any more of these to happen.

Written By Kima

Aug. 4, 2016, 8:18 p.m.(3/17/1004 AR)

I think that perhaps I have fallen victim to the lures of summer. More and more, my time is spent on idle pursuits - yet is that such a bad thing? Soon enough, I'll likely find myself without a moment to spare, and will undoubtedly long for days like these.

Still, it is really too easy to drink more wine or ale than one ought.

Written By Kima

July 29, 2016, 10:22 p.m.(2/27/1004 AR)

Truth be told, I would have preferred to stay in bed on the Decathlon's first day - I knew I'd not be attending any of the other event's due to prior engagements. Yet how could I not stand and show support for my friends? I am most sure Victus in particular would have been crushed had I not been there.

While he couldn't overtake the Marquis Searam in the first event, Victus won handily the second two - as well he should. Sailing is, after all, something he should know a thing or two about.

The Sword of Lenosia...

Masterfully done, mister Artiglio, masterfully done.

One other item of note: Marcas. Yes, yes, the man came dead last in the swimming competition, but I don't think many people there could appreciate that he was swimming at all. They didn't see him knock back those drinks and cheese like I had!

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