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Written By Joslyn

Jan. 22, 2017, 12:34 p.m.(9/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Calista

What is there I can say about Calista that the whole world doesn't already know? She's been my closest friend since childhood, and is like a sister to me. I would do anything for her, and I would die for her if I must. I work as her handmaiden, and I act as her protector. If anybody is going to touch her, they're going to have to go through me first.

Written By Joslyn

Jan. 22, 2017, 12:31 p.m.(9/24/1005 AR)

Relationship Note on Juliet

I was relieved to see that Juliet still cared for me after all the time that we spent apart. Connected in Tor through her family, we grew up together and became close. I care for her as something more than a friend, and I'm glad we still connect like we used to back home.

Written By Joslyn

Jan. 22, 2017, 12:15 p.m.(9/23/1005 AR)

The last year of my life has been just the absolute worst. Well... I should probably be more specific. This is my first entry since arriving here in Arx, and I guess I have a lot to say about what life had been like ever since Calista and Juliet left Tor to go to this strange place. I guess I need to gather my thoughts on what I've been up to, for the sake of posterity.

I was raised alongside Juliet and Calista both as a young girl. We shared a home, even. Even if I was sequestered off to the servant quarters for much of it. Calista and I became best friends as children. We became inseparable after a time, and so it was only natural that I would be hired on to act as her handmaiden. I began those duties rather young, but I never thought of it as work. I was just helping my friend pick out clothes and applying makeup, which is what I would probably have been doing otherwise. It was great, and I got to work with my best friend, doing what I'd been doing since I was little. It wasn't really work at all.

About a year ago, Calista left for Arx on some business. Since the trip was supposed to be short, it was suggested that I remain behind and keep working with my weapons trainer, so I agreed, expecting her to arrive home after just a few months. Those months passed, and I grew anxious. Juliet soon followed, and at that moment I had nobody back home to keep me company. Sure there were the people I knew, and I had some company, but there was an awful apprehension waiting for my two favorite people to come back into my life. It was lonely, and after a while, even my training began to just feel empty and hollow.

Eventually, I got the letter requesting that I come join them in Arx. That the circumstances of their visit had changed and that they would be permanently remaining in Arx. I didn't even have to think about it, I knew that I had to be with the closest sister I'd ever known, and I packed my bags to make the trip. It was a long journey, but I eventually made it.

Upon my arrival... everything is so different up here. The weather is strange, and the air even tastes different. Modesty is far more commonplace here than I'm used to, and it's made me worry about presenting the right side of things... but my worries all seemed to be rather insignificant. I've been trying to catch up as much as I can while also getting to know the movers and shakers in Arx.

Calista has changed considerably in the time we've been apart, but not so much that we didn't instantly reconnect as I knew we would. The weight of so much lies on her that, she can't help but be affected. Juliet is the same as she ever was, and as it is, we too reconnected quickly, catching up and making up for lost time all in the space of an evening.

I find it curious that this is far more brief than I had really intended, but I guess that's all there really is to say about the last year. It was unbearable to be separated from the most important people in my life. Now that I'm here in Arx, I feel like I'm home for the first time in a long time.

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