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Written By Haakon

July 26, 2021, 2:29 p.m.(11/27/1015 AR)

I wonder how many days it will be afore some lackwit gets enough other lackwits roused enough to try and burn out the prodigals.

Or mayhap it will be some daft fucker roughing up a prodigal that turns bloody.

Won't take much to spark another riot.

Written By Haakon

June 27, 2021, 12:13 p.m.(9/25/1015 AR)

Adept as we are at the raid, the swift blow that falls and carries off what's needed or wanted before any blow can be mustered and given back, there is something so bloody satisfying about a real fight. Feeling the clash, seeing blood and sweat spot the deck like rain, and knowing the strongest and fiercest will prevail. Matching strength against weakness is well and good- it's how my people have survived these many centuries, but every now and again, a warrior feels the need to try strength against strength and break a foeman's will with the sight of his most trusted defense failing him.

Written By Haakon

June 19, 2021, 11:20 a.m.(9/8/1015 AR)

I gather ships and spears for another reaving into Abandoned waters. Let those with the taste for such send me word.

Written By Haakon

June 12, 2021, 8:03 p.m.(8/23/1015 AR)

Culling shipping in and about a chain of Abandoned isles in the northern Mourning Sea. Will be at sea more over the next few weeks, hunting.

Since it's against Law to treat with the Abandoned, I don't expect any good Arvani folk will be caught in the process. Still, if folk have smugglers they're fond of, best bid them steer well clear of the Lang Drager.

Written By Haakon

June 1, 2021, 11:49 p.m.(8/2/1015 AR)

There are many languages that all folk can speak.

Battle is one. Shared words help, but aren't needed, both object and discourse are very bloody clear, whatever tongues a body can speak.

Written By Haakon

May 31, 2021, 7:58 p.m.(7/27/1015 AR)

Why the fuck are so many folk saying nice shit about me?

Is this some bloody jape?

Written By Haakon

May 26, 2021, 4:55 p.m.(7/17/1015 AR)

It's been said that after Pieros Bay, the Ivanites in the Mourning Isles will need act with more cunning than brute force, if they wish to strike at the folk they hate. For most, I expect that's true.

For the rest, there's always another course for brute force.

Had word that some number of Arvani renegades had gone into Abandoned waters and treated with Shavs under the banner of a red sun on a white cloth. Turns out they're less treating with Shavs and more building palisades and seeking to conquer, with an aim toward raising their own new kingdom. They're delusional, but none can accuse them of wanting for ambition. Raids back and forth, ambush, torture, mass execution. Same as it ever was.

I admit a measure of bloody amusement at the notion of a lot of Ivanites expecting to land and just.. wipe out whole tribes of Abandoned in their own lands, just by arriving and wanting the Shavs to die. Most tribes are very fucking good at surviving, else they'd be dead or conquered, already.

Unsure whether the renegades can cut them down at the root with better discipline and arms, or if the Abandoned will whittle the Arvani down inside their walls. Time will tell.

Either way, I mean to kill some Ivanites and take what of theirs is worth taking.

Written By Haakon

May 19, 2021, 5:44 p.m.(7/3/1015 AR)

I'll soon be calling ships and spears for a reaving into the waters of the Lang Drager.

Scouts have found a knot of Arvani renegades and Abandoned tribes stirring up shit. Best cut the lot out now, ere their trouble grows.

Written By Haakon

May 7, 2021, 9:39 p.m.(6/7/1015 AR)

Few folk understand fireships and their best use. Not just pots of fire shot from catapults or belched out of a ship's dragon, but common ships set aflame and shoved toward a foe.

They're a risky and expensive gambit even under the best of circumstances.

Firstly, they require great preparation to have ships packed with enough shit to burn long and hot enough to spread to whatever it's lucky enough to plow into, without burning out so fierce that it sinks afore reaching the foe. Then, the sails must be set, the tiller tied in place, the fire lit and the crew bails over the rails while underway. Get the timing just a bit off and you've wasted ships for nothing.

Which is the next challenge: you need know in advance which way the foe is coming from, you must have a fortunate wind (as you can hardly row a burning fireship with a hundred oarsmen aboard) and you need have a large enough number of fireships that the few that get lucky and collide will do damage enough to have an effect on an enemy fleet. Get the gauge just a bit wrong and you'll have burning ships plowing into the rest of your own fleet.

I've seen fireships used to threaten a harbor blockade, but never before in battle.

That the Crimson Crosses at Pieros Bay managed to attempt a viable delaying action with fireships was at once a piece of fucking luck and bloody brilliance. They were badly outnumbered and were prepared to take a bloody gamble that they'd break our formation or ruin enough of our forward lines that the mouth of the bay would be blocked long enough for the main Skal fleet to recover soldiers, raise anchor, and meet us in an ordered battle line. They were prepared, they read the wind right, and they were ready to sacrifice.

And they nearly managed it.
Bloody brilliant.

Written By Haakon

May 4, 2021, 2:09 a.m.(5/28/1015 AR)

If I go another day without word from my kith and kin who defended the walls in the far south, I'm getting back on my bloody ship and heading right back into the fucking Saffron Isles to find some news.

Written By Haakon

April 27, 2021, 4:47 p.m.(5/15/1015 AR)

The storm that builds the longest will off break the hardest.

Ere I ever came to this wretched city, the Eurusi storm were gathering. Fucking years later, at last it looks to break in a great clamor of sundered spears and cracking oars. In letters of blood and salt water the next chapter will be writ; In the voice of howling winds and cries of the dying its chorus will be sung.

Right or wrong, folk will claim credit and glory, each convinced of their own righteous genius.

But for such things, the Wind cares not.

Written By Haakon

April 16, 2021, 10:13 a.m.(4/20/1015 AR)

We need start this fucking war.
Folk have too bloody much free time.

Written By Haakon

April 14, 2021, 7:14 p.m.(4/17/1015 AR)

Ivan, who was the Helianthus.
I'd hoped to face the fucker in battle with all his strength. Not many Serpents remain alive with so many battles survived as he had. It would have been quite the fucking fight.

But the Wind cares not for the hopes of men.

Written By Haakon

April 11, 2021, 12:33 p.m.(4/11/1015 AR)

The white isles grow green, again.
Winter storms give way to spring thaw, and the winds of war will blow anew.

Waiting is a tiresome occupation, but the Wind cares not.

Written By Haakon

April 2, 2021, 4:03 p.m.(3/21/1015 AR)

My uncle has a notion that all the Abandoned tribes that perished in the Marin's madness ought be remembered, afore they fade from living memory and are lost forever.

I'm not much given to such sentiment, but for his sake, I'll add Horderacht to the rolls of dead tribes. A goodly number of their childer and mothers survived, but their warriors and their king perished to a man. Shark folk, raveners and reavers until the last. Some of their blood will endure, but their name will be gone inside a generation and the Wind cares not.

Written By Haakon

March 29, 2021, 10:56 p.m.(3/14/1015 AR)

Deia's name day came and went.

Revel were fair enough. Decent company, a bit of blood shed, and a song from Savio.

Two out of three isn't bad.

Written By Haakon

March 22, 2021, 7:46 p.m.(2/27/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Neilda

"Don't tell me what to do, Haakon! I'm a peacock, you have to let me fly."

"Peacocks are the male birds, and NONE OF THEM FLY, NELL."

An actual exchange of words shouted during a life and death fight. Even if the living were all ours and the dying were all theirs.

Written By Haakon

March 22, 2021, 11:18 a.m.(2/27/1015 AR)

This year has been good for battles at sea.

Led a number of our longships alongside Redreef, Blackshore, and Bloodstorm in a merry little skirmish against Abandoned at Horderacht Isle.

A word to the wise: seeking to surround your foes does you little good unless you have an advantage in numbers. Just ends up spreading out your force, and gets you punched in the teeth in detail.

No one tell the Shavs, though.

Written By Haakon

March 22, 2021, 11:17 a.m.(2/27/1015 AR)

This year has been good for battles at sea.

Led a number of our longships alongside Redreef, Blackshore, and Bloodstorm in a merry little skirmish against Abandoned at Horderacht Isle.

A word to the wise: seeking to surround your foes does you little good unless you have an advantage in numbers. Just ends up spreading out your force, and gets you punched in the teeth in detail.

No one tell the Shavs, though.

Written By Haakon

March 20, 2021, 5:38 p.m.(2/23/1015 AR)

Relationship Note on Kenjay

Good fucking match with this one.
Bloody fine way to pass an afternoon, before heading back to sea for battle.

Highly recommended.

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