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Written By Esoka

Feb. 10, 2018, 12:11 p.m.(2/25/1008 AR)

When I became a sworn warrior of the Twainfort, as a girl of still not twenty years old, I was placed in the ranks of men and women born Rivens, folk slow to trust the new Greenwood prodigal swords and spears who'd joined their armies. We trained together and fought together, and in time we learned to be one in battle. We defended the borders of the Riven lands together from hostile tribes and bandits, and fought in the ranks of the Compact forces when the Silent Army came to the gates of Arx not two years gone.

As the Countess and Chief Thesarin call the banners for war again, I see many new peoples who were not even with us a year gone by. Our ranks have grown with the 10,000 that bent the knee to Countess Mia from the Gray Forest, and those former thralls from the Isles who sought a better life with Riven after they were freed. Now, I am part of the effort to integrate these new troops into our ranks. Some unblooded, some still unproven. They have answered the Countess' call to arms, though, which shows their loyalty well enough for me. My own work shall be to make certain they are properly trained and equipped to meet the enemy, and that we who are veterans watch their backs in the clash to come.

I am proud of how we've rallied and proud to be a knight that wears the herons of my adopted people, even if the faces I shall fight beside are new ones. Ki in honor.

Written By Esoka

Feb. 4, 2018, 8:52 p.m.(2/13/1008 AR)

The Laurent's Tournament of Gloria has concluded and I'll be feeling the bruises of it for days. All to the good. I have had the great honor to cross blades with many of the finest warriors in this city in the past few days, and I only feel myself stronger for it.

All honors to my teammates: Princess Marian, Lady Jael, Sir Preston, Dame Felicia, Lady Veronica, Count Kael, and Sir Norwood. Though one of the Blue Team was not the victor, I'm proud of how we fought and feel we did Gloria good honors.

My hearty congratulations to Sir Thorley, who came out on top. I've helped the man practice some, and there's no knight who I feel would've deserted it more.

And, of course, good thanks to Duke Cristoph for putting this exhibition on. It was a fine way to pay homage to the goddess of war and practice together in friendship, on the eve of harsher battles.

Gloria guide our blades and shield us all, wherever we fight next.

Written By Esoka

Feb. 3, 2018, 6:36 p.m.(2/11/1008 AR)

I'm still nursing my bruises, so I'm inclined to think the Grayson Free-for-All was a good one. I particularly enjoyed fleeing pies. Some of the pies. I got hit by a few of them, but it was all in good fun and my armor is none the worse for it now that it's gotten a deep cleaning.

It is well to clash with so many fine warriors and friends and allies, with true war on the horizon. I look forward to meeting the many fine blades of this city again in the upcoming Tournament of Gloria. May all our blades be guided in honor and good sportsmanship.

Written By Esoka

Jan. 29, 2018, 8:52 p.m.(1/22/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Khanne

I've been trying to think of the right good memory. I have lots that I want to hold onto and I should write about them all, really. I could go for many pages on the day I was knighted, the festivals at the Twainfort with the Rivens during the high-water season, or merry nights with my friends and my love over the past two years in this city. I've been thinking a lot about family of late, though, so I'll go back farther than all that to what seems like the beginning. This memory isn't as sharp as some. I was so young, it's one of those times that lives in the mind like a dream I can sort of half-recall and half-touch. But the feeling of it is strong with me.

My father died when I was very young, so my impressions of all of us together are few. There are some that still live in my heart, though, and this is one such. We were on the shores of the river where my tribe, the Greenwoods, lived and hunted that summer. My parents had taken my sister, Evona, and I to the water to start teaching us to swim. I remember being frightened at first. It was cold and my kicking feet could not feel the bottom, and I coughed and sputtered as I fumbled in the shallows. My father's hands never let me sink, though. They were strong and showed me how to keep myself afloat in the water. I remember my sister cackling and splashing me. She was a brat. And I remember being scolded by my mother after Evona and I got in a fight (about her being a brat) and tried to dunk each other under. We ended up laughing, for all that, and drying in the warm sun by the shore while my mother sang the old songs, and my father fished for our dinner.

It was a good day and a good memory, and I thank Lady Khanne for prompting me to share it with Vellichor for all time.

Written By Esoka

Jan. 28, 2018, 12:09 p.m.(1/19/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

I am apparently also a sunflower. I've deemed this acceptable. I know little about flowers, but they're pretty and this way we match, so I believe it works.

Written By Esoka

Jan. 26, 2018, 7:18 p.m.(1/16/1008 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

This flower game looks fun.

I've decided we're going to play. And that you're a sunflower.

What do you think I am?

Written By Esoka

Jan. 25, 2018, 12:05 a.m.(1/12/1008 AR)

I have little to say on what is spoiled and what is not when it comes to Compact highborns. I was raised very differently and the ways of nobility remain strange to me even after fifteen years serving a House, so I'll leave it at that. I also have little to say on when is the proper time for a highborn to start arguments about how spoiled another highborn is. It seemed a personal matter about more than was on the field and is not my place. I've a good deal of respect for Prince Ainsley Grayson and Princess Reese Grayson as warriors and people, and I hope they sort whatever this is out so we can all get on to more important things in the difficult times to come.

I will say that I never step into a sparring ring without expecting to come out with new hurts, new lessons, and new humility. Even when such contests bruise my ego, I try to come to them with a heart that respects my opponent and holds the encounter in good fellowship. I crossed blades with many fine warriors during Champion Caspian Wild's free-for-all melee match, including some I've never fought before. For that I thank Gloria. I hope I conducted myself in a way that was true to Her virtues that evening.

For me, the part of the melee that stands out is my meeting of swords with Lord Valdemar Grimhall. It might have been the first time I ever met the man. We fought for round after round, and I thought he would yield from exhaustion alone, but he persevered. I finally managed to get past his guard and was the better in that moment, but it easily could have gone the other way, and I'd have been honored to yield to a man of such skill and fortitude. I was finally taken out of the melee by a hard blow from Sparte Fatchforth which made my ears ring. His staff is, indeed, a formidable blunt object.

The event was a challenge and stretched my skills in a way that will be most useful when I clash with the armies of the Pirate King, so I thank Caspian Wild and all I fought with for that. That is the part I shall remember.

Written By Esoka

Jan. 20, 2018, 12:59 a.m.(1/2/1008 AR)

I was raised to be a warrior. It is not that every Greenblood born was required to carry a sword or spear but, as far back as any remembered, our line bore protectors of our tribe. It was in the blood, in the tales my grandfather told me, and I was strong and tough and not afraid of getting hit. And so I set myself on a path to join the blood warriors when I was just a girl. Later, when I bent the knee, I turned from a Greenwood blood warrior to a Riven soldier. And then a Riven knight. I've done things I'm proud of, that defended those I loved. And ugly things as well. I serve Gloria as well as I know how, and it's the only life I've known.

I never really imagined another. But I do sometimes think, now, about what might become of me if the wars end. If the fight against the darkness ends. I think of having time for children. Teaching them to swim and fish, while the man who is to be their father teaches them to shoot. I think of going on adventures that don't involve killing anyone, and seeing the warm shores of Lyceum or the proud shrines of the Oathlands in times of peace. I think I would dance and swim and climb trees more, instead of practice hitting things. Well, I'd probably still hit them for fun, but I'd do the other things more often, and not feel like I had to practice hitting ALL the time.

I don't know that a world without war can ever exist, but I find I can imagine what my life would be without it better than I could a year or two ago. And I've decided I rather like it. It's what I am fighting for, along with the other things I've always fought for.

Written By Esoka

Jan. 14, 2018, 11:02 p.m.(12/20/1007 AR)

The Riven table was merry tonight. Good food and good company and much talk of weddings and children and whether or not corgis can fly.

There will be much to be done in the coming days. Many dooms to fight. Nights like these remind me what I fight for, though, and I shall hold onto this as the muster begins.

Written By Esoka

Jan. 6, 2018, 2:14 p.m.(12/1/1007 AR)

Being hit with pastries is not an exercise routine I've tried before. Surprisingly enjoyable. Though I think I might have put any weight I sweated off back on in the eating of them afterward. I came in second in the race, just ahead of Sir Daemon of the Knights of Solace, who put in a very fine showing. If I have to place behind anyone, I've no shame that it's Princess Reese, with her hare-like speed in armor. A fun time, and I hope it raised funds that will do some good in the Lowers.

Written By Esoka

Dec. 30, 2017, 11:34 p.m.(11/14/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Aislin

When I think on Aislin Ashford, it is of the few times I was privileged to venture into the field with her. She seemed happier there than as a highborn in the city. In mastery of the trails and ruins. She was a woman of sharp wit and a brave heart and, wherever she is, I pray that Gloria guides her blade and shields her spirit. And that I pray to Gild that the road home is laid open before her, when this adventure is at an end.

Written By Esoka

Dec. 30, 2017, 1:09 a.m.(11/12/1007 AR)

The Archlector of Mangata bid readers of the white reflections to reflect upon what they saw in the clouds and on the winds. I will try this.

The autumn skies are still piercing blue, not yet clouded with winter snows. It reminds me I wish to hunt and fish in the forests again, before the weather gets cold. It puts me in mind of the Son and the Daughter, the rivers of my home back in the Twainfort. It has been long since I've seen them, and my heart is always with them when I pray to Mangata.

I think often of late, of my blood and people in the Greenwood. Those long gone from me, perhaps always. Those who I simply have not seen in a year or so since coming to the city. You are not forgotten.

My thoughts wander as I watch the skies. Am I doing this right? I'm unsure. Whatever the case, I pray the winds be strong and true, and perhaps bring me the tidings I've prayed to many gods for long this past week. Sustain us, whatever comes.

Written By Esoka

Dec. 23, 2017, 12:49 a.m.(10/26/1007 AR)

Calaudrin Estardes asked me to marry him and I told him of course I would.

I have many feelings I want to dedicate to Vellichor but I don't know how to sort them all out. All I know clearly is that I love this man, I have for a long time, and I want to carve that into my soul with vows to Limerance.

None of us know how much life we have. If there is any lesson I take from Gloria outside the battlefield, it is to live boldly and never shrink from doing something with a full heart, even if it's terrifying. Love is terrifying, but also amazing. I am thankful for the journey I've had with it, and eager for the rest of the adventure.

Written By Esoka

Dec. 22, 2017, 8:58 p.m.(10/26/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Killian

I wasn't close to Lord Killian Ashford. I stood in awe and respect of his courage and faith as the Paladin of Ideals, and fought beside him a few times in our duties under the Graysons. It is the latter part I wish to commemorate to Vellichor. For when I fought with Lord Killian, and was injured by our foe, he came to my shoulder and protected me from more hurts. That was a fight we both walked away from, Gloria be praised, and I know for me that is in part to him. That is how I shall remember him. Not only brave in facing his enemies, but as stalwart and true a companion and ally in battle as one could ask for.

Written By Esoka

Dec. 20, 2017, 10:08 p.m.(10/22/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Zhayla

Of all the things that grieve me right now, the most is that I did not know Dame Zhayla as well as I wanted to. We were allies as warriors, sworn to the Deepwoods as she was, and I think we were beginning to be friends. Now I shall never have a chance to know and love her as well as so many did, and the Compact has lost one of its strongest blades. I pray that her soul find rest, or a new life on the Wheel as bold and joyful as the one she lived in this one. And I pray to Gloria and the Sentinel that those who felled her will be found and dealt with, swiftly and with all deliberate vengeance.

Written By Esoka

Dec. 19, 2017, 5 p.m.(10/20/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Magpie

You are an artist and weaver of words for our time. I shall look for more of your fine tales!

Written By Esoka

Dec. 17, 2017, 10:22 p.m.(10/16/1007 AR)

There are more serious things to write about to Vellichor, but I will also write about my dress.

Princess Reese prepared gifts for all of us involved in the Gray Forest campaign, and mine was a silk dress made by the tailor Caprice. It's not the sort of thing I normally wear (I think Calaudrin Estardes will laugh at me because I yelled a lot at him about silk once), but, as I look at it, it suits me very well. The azure blues shift and flow like the waters of the rivers of my home, and the fit is perfect. I don't think I could fight in it. Unlike Lady Joslyn, I trip when I try to hit things in skirts. But it will be beautiful for non-hitting occasions. This was a kind gift and nothing I expected, and I shall treasure it as a reminder of both the hard-fought campaign and the beauties at the end of it.

Written By Esoka

Dec. 8, 2017, 1:05 p.m.(9/24/1007 AR)

Relationship Note on Calaudrin

I have heard the banjo and can state it does not appear evil or in consort with the Abyss. As for First Officer Estardes' skill with it...he has many other fine talents!

Written By Esoka

Dec. 3, 2017, 10:19 p.m.(9/15/1007 AR)

My work as a Disciple of Gloria has been mostly of the mundane. I help keep the shrine clean and aid the templars in maintaining their equipment, and take the odd shift on watch where it is needed. Mundane, but of the good sort. It feels well to do work and labor each week for Gloria, and I hope I make a good show on her behalf in those I meet while doing Her work.

This week, I have stood a few shifts around the cordons around the statue of Mangata on the beach. The sight of the slime on it fills me with an unease, especially when the light hits it just right. There is a foulness to it. My prayers go as often to Mangata as well, that this strangeness may be cleansed, and that I may return to more pleasantly mundane tasks for the templars.

Written By Esoka

Nov. 26, 2017, 1:13 a.m.(8/27/1007 AR)

The Twainfort must be very changed since I saw it last. I wonder if I will recognize it when I see it again. With the 10,000 shav'arvani who bent the knee to Countess Mia after our efforts in the Gray Forest, and now those refugees of clans Bloodsnake, Tyrfall, Brokeblade that come to Riven's borders in the wake of the emancipation of the thralls in the Kennex lands. We will not just be Greenwoods and Rivens anymore. We will be many peoples, bound together within those rivers.mI pledge to help my new countrymen and women as well as I can. Perhaps I shall learn a little of the tongue of tribes of the isles.

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